/*ident "@(#)cls4:demo/lang/thisPtr.C 1.1" */ /*######################################################################### # Copyright (c) 1989 AT&T # All Rights Reserved # # THIS IS PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T # # This code has been published in # C++ Primer by Stanley Lippman # Addison_Wesley Publishing Company # #########################################################################*/ #include "Screen.h" #include main() { cout << "Demo :: use of ``this'' pointer\n\n"; Screen x(3,3); Screen y(3,3); // if equal, return 1 cout << "isEqual( x, y ): (>1<) " << x.isEqual(y) << "\n"; y.reSize( 6, 6 ); // double it // let's see results cout << "isEqual( x, y ): (>0<) " << x.isEqual(y) << "\n"; // draw a line on the Y axis y.lineY(1,1,6,'*').lineY(1,6,6,'*'); // draw a line on the X axix y.lineX(1,2,4,'*').lineX(6,2,4,'*').move(3,3); // write to screen and display y.set("hi").lineX(4,3,2,'^').display(); // x and y equal in size, but not content x.reSize( 6, 6 ); cout << "\n\nisEqual( x, y ): (>0<) " << x.isEqual(y) << "\n"; // now, both are equal x.copy( y ); cout << "isEqual( x, y ): (>1<) " << x.isEqual(y) << "\n"; return 0; }