/*ident "@(#)cls4:incl-master/proto-headers/math.h 1.1" */ #usedby all /*********************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T, Inc. All rights Reserved THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T, INC. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. **************************************************************************/ #ifndef ___MATH_H #define ___MATH_H #os bsd3 #hide infnan #endos #os svr2 svr3 sgi #hide arc #hide line #hide space #endos #os alliant #hide isinfinity #hide isnanf #endos #os sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant #hide isnan #hide iszero #endos #os sunos4 sunos4.1 #hide ilogb #hide irint #hide signbit #hide isinf #hide isnan #hide isnormal #hide issubnormal #hide nextafter #hide remainder #hide significand #hide scalbn #hide min_subnormal #hide max_subnormal #hide min_normal #hide max_normal #hide infinity #hide quiet_nan #hide signaling_nan #hide single #endos #os sunos4.1 #hide acospi #hide aint #hide anint #hide annuity #hide asinpi #hide atan2pi #hide atanpi #hide compound #hide cospi #hide exp10 #hide exp2 #hide log2 #hide nint #hide sincos #hide sincospi #hide sinpi #hide tanpi #endos #hide asinh #hide acosh #hide atanh #hide atof #hide exp #hide expm1 #hide log #hide log10 #hide log1p #hide pow #hide hypot #hide cabs #hide cbrt #hide sqrt #hide lgamma #hide gamma #hide matherr #hide fabs #hide floor #hide ceil #hide rint #hide copysign #hide drem #hide logb #hide scalb #hide finite #hide sinh #hide cosh #hide tanh #hide sin #hide cos #hide tan #hide asin #hide acos #hide atan #hide atan2 #hide frexp #hide ldexp #hide modf #hide strtod #hide erf #hide erfc #hide j0 #hide j1 #hide jn #hide y0 #hide y1 #hide yn #os bsd2 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant svr2 svr3 sgi hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #hide fmod #endos #os svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #hide acosf #hide asinf #hide atanf #hide atan2f #hide cosf #hide sinf #hide tanf #hide coshf #hide sinhf #hide tanhf #hide expf #hide logf #hide log10f #hide powf #hide sqrtf #hide ceilf #hide fabsf #hide floorf #hide fmodf #hide modff #hide unordered #hide nextafter #hide remainder #hide isnan #endos #os sgi-svr4 #hide drand48 #hide erand48 #hide jrand48 #hide lrand48 #hide mrand48 #hide nrand48 #hide srand48 #hide rand #hide srand #hide abs #endos #os hpux8.0 #hide abs #endos #expand math.h #os alliant #include #define M_PI_4 M_PI/4 #define M_PI_2 M_PI/2 #endos extern "C" { double acos(double); double asin(double); double atan(double); double atan2(double, double); double atof(const char*); double ceil(double); double cos(double); double cosh(double); double erf(double); double erfc(double); double exp(double); double fabs(double); double floor(double); double frexp(double, int*); double gamma(double); double hypot(double, double); double j0(double); double j1(double); double jn(int, double); double ldexp(double, int); double log(double); double log10(double); double modf(double, double*); double pow(double, double); double sqrt(double); double sin(double); double sinh(double); double tan(double); double tanh(double); double y0(double); double y1(double); double yn(int, double); #os svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris double asinh(double); double acosh(double); double atanh(double); double logb(double); double scalb(double, int); double nextafter(double,double); double remainder(double,double); double cbrt(double); double lgamma(double); double rint(double); double copysign(double, double); double lgamma(double); int finite(double); int matherr(struct exception*); int unordered(double, double); int isnan(double); float acosf(float); float asinf(float); float atanf(float); float atan2f(float, float); float cosf(float); float sinf(float); float tanf(float); float coshf(float); float sinhf(float); float tanhf(float); float expf(float); float logf(float); float log10f(float); float powf(float, float); float sqrtf(float); float ceilf(float); float fabsf(float); float floorf(float); float fmodf(float, float); float modff(float, float *); #endos #os bsd2 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant svr2 svr3 sgi hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris double fmod(double, double); #endos #os sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 svr2 svr3 sgi hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 uts int matherr(struct exception*); #endos #os alliant sunos4 sunos4.1 int isnan(double); int iszero(double); #endos #os alliant int isinfinity(double); int isnanf(float); #endos #os svr2 svr3 sgi arc(int, int, int, int, int, int); line(int, int, int, int); space(int, int, int, int); #endos #os bsd3 hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 double asinh(double); double acosh(double); double atanh(double); #endos #os sunos4 sunos4.1 int ilogb(double), irint(double), signbit(double); int isinf(double), isnormal(double); int issubnormal(double); double nextafter(double,double), remainder(double,double); double significand(), scalbn(double,int); double min_subnormal(), max_subnormal(); double min_normal(), max_normal(); double infinity(), quiet_nan(long), signaling_nan(long); #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant struct ______complex { double x, y;}; double cabs(______complex); #endos #os bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 double expm1(double); double log1p(double); double cbrt(double); double lgamma(double); double rint(double); double copysign(double, double); double drem(double, double); double logb(double); double scalb(double, int); int finite(double); #endos #os bsd3 double infnan(int); #endos #os sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 double strtod(const char*, char**); #endos #os sunos4.1 double acospi(double); double aint(double); double anint(double); double annuity(double); double asinpi(double); double atan2pi(double, double); double atanpi(double); double compound(double, double); double cospi(double); double exp10(double); double exp2(double); double log2(double); int nint(double); void sincos(double, double *, double *); void sincospi(double, double *, double *); double sinpi(double); double tanpi(double); #endos #os sgi-svr4 int rand(void); void srand(unsigned int); double drand48(void); double erand48(unsigned short *); long jrand48(unsigned short *); long lrand48(void); long mrand48(void); long nrand48(unsigned short *); void srand48(long); int abs(int); #endos } #os bsd2 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant svr2 svr3 sgi hpux2.0 hpux uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris pyramid inline int sqr(int x) {return(x*x);} inline double sqr(double x) {return(x*x);} #endos #os bsd2 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant svr2 svr3 sgi hpux2.0 hpux uts pyramid hpux8.0 inline int abs(int d) { return (d>0)?d:-d; } inline double abs(double d) { return fabs(d); } #endos #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef PI #define PI M_PI #endif #os svr3 #if pyr /* * in the Pyramid /usr/include/math.h header file, these * are defined in hex with the "0d" format, which cfront * doesn't understand. */ #undef HUGE #undef MAXFLOAT #define HUGE 1.79769313486231470e+308 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #endif #endos #endif