/*ident "@(#)cls4:incl-master/proto-headers/stdio.h 1.1" */ #usedby all /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1991 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __STDIO_H #define __STDIO_H #ifndef __ERRNO_H #include #endif #os svr3 sgi #hide putspent #hide fgetspent #endos #hide ctermid #hide cuserid #hide fdopen #hide fopen #hide freopen #hide fgets #hide ftell #hide gets #hide popen #hide rewind #hide setbuf #hide setlinebuf #hide tempnam #hide tmpfile #hide tmpnam #hide sprintf #hide fclose #hide fflush #hide fgetc #hide fprintf #hide fputc #hide fputs #hide fread #hide fscanf #hide fseek #hide fwrite #hide getw #hide pclose #hide printf #hide puts #hide putw #hide scanf #hide setvbuf #hide sscanf #hide system #hide ungetc #hide utmpname #hide vfprintf #hide vprintf #hide vsprintf #os sgi svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #hide perror #hide remove #hide rename #endos #os hpux hpux8.0 svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #hide __flsbuf #hide __filbuf #endos #os svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #hide fgetpos #hide fsetpos #hide _flsbuf #endos #os sgi-svr4 #hide _filbuf #hide mktemp #hide exit #hide atof #endos #os sgi #hide _flsbuf #hide _filbuf #hide mktemp #hide mkstemp #endos #os solaris #hide getopt #hide getsubopt #endos #os sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 svr2 svr3 sgi uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris /* need stddef.h for size_t */ #ifndef __STDDEF_H #include #endif #endos #ifdef NULL #undef NULL #endif #expand stdio.h extern "C" { int _filbuf(FILE *); int fclose(FILE *); FILE *fdopen(int, const char *); int fflush(FILE *); int fgetc(FILE *); char *fgets(char *, int, FILE *); FILE *fopen(const char *, const char *); int fprintf(FILE *, const char * ...); int fputc(int, FILE *); int fputs(const char *, FILE *); FILE *freopen(const char *, const char *, FILE *); int fscanf(FILE *, const char * ...); int fseek(FILE *, long, int); char *gets(char *); int getw(FILE *); int pclose(FILE *); FILE *popen(const char *, const char *); int printf(const char * ...); int puts(const char *); int putw(int, FILE *); void rewind(FILE *); int scanf(const char * ...); void setbuf(FILE *, char *); int sscanf(const char *, const char * ...); int ungetc(int, FILE *); #os svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris int remove(const char *); int rename(const char *, const char *); long ftell(FILE *); FILE *tmpfile(void); #ifndef getc int getc(FILE *); #endif #ifndef getchar int getchar(void); #endif #ifndef putc int putc(int, FILE *); #endif #ifndef putchar int putchar(int); #endif int fgetpos(FILE *, fpos_t *); int fsetpos(FILE *, const fpos_t *); size_t fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *); size_t fwrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *); void perror(const char *); #ifndef ferror int ferror(FILE *); #endif #ifndef feof int feof(FILE *); #endif #ifndef fileno int fileno(FILE *); #endif #ifndef clearerr void clearerr(FILE *); #endif char *ctermid(char *); char *cuserid(char *); char *tempnam(const char *, const char *); #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 hpux hpux8.0 hpux2.1 svr2 svr3 alliant sgi uts pyramid long ftell(const FILE *); #endos #os sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 svr2 svr3 sgi uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris int setvbuf(FILE *, char *, int, size_t); #endos #os sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 svr2 svr3 sgi uts FILE *tmpfile(); #endos #os svr3 sgi int putspent(struct spwd *, FILE*); struct spwd *fgetspent(FILE *); #endos #os svr2 svr3 sgi uts int _flsbuf(unsigned, FILE *); #endos #os bsd2 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant svr2 svr3 sgi int fread(void *, int, int, FILE *); int fwrite(const void *, int, int, FILE *); #endos #os hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 uts int fread(void *, unsigned, int, FILE *); int fwrite(const void *, unsigned, int, FILE *); #endos #os bsd3 int fread(void *, unsigned, unsigned, FILE *); int fwrite(const void *, unsigned, unsigned, FILE *); #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 alliant int _flsbuf(unsigned char, FILE *); #ifndef ferror int ferror(FILE *); #endif #ifndef feof int feof(FILE *); #endif #ifndef fileno int fileno(FILE *); #endif #ifndef clearerr void clearerr(FILE *); #endif #endos #os hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 svr2 svr3 sgi uts svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris int sprintf(char *, const char * ...); #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 sunos4.1 alliant char *sprintf(char *, const char * ...); int setbuffer(FILE *, char *, int); int setlinebuf(FILE *); #endos #os hpux2.0 hpux hpux8.0 int nl_fprintf(FILE *, const char * ...); int nl_fscanf(FILE *, const char * ...); int nl_printf(const char * ...); int nl_scanf(const char * ...); int nl_sprintf(char *, const char * ...); int nl_sscanf(const char *, const char * ...); #endos #os hpux hpux8.0 svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris int __filbuf(FILE *); #endos #os hpux hpux8.0 int __flsbuf(unsigned, FILE *); #endos #os svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris int __flsbuf(int, FILE *); int _flsbuf(unsigned, FILE *); #endos #os alliant void _doprnt(const char * fmt, /* va_list */ char *args, FILE * stream); #endos #os sgi sgi-svr4 int _semgetc(FILE *); int _semputc(int, FILE *); int setlinebuf(FILE *); #endos #os solaris int getsubopt(char **, char *const *, char **); int getopt(int, char *const *, const char *); #endos } /* ANSI C says tmpnam belongs in stdio.h. It is also declared in stdlib.h */ extern "C" { char *tmpnam(char*); } #endif