/*ident "@(#)cls4:incl-master/proto-headers/values.h 1.1" */ #usedby bsd2 bsd3 sunos3 sunos4 alliant pyramid svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1991 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __VALUES_H #define __VALUES_H #os sunos3 sunos4 pyramid svr4 sgi-svr4 solaris #undef BITSPERBYTE #expand values.h #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 alliant #define BITSPERBYTE 8 #define BITS(type) (BITSPERBYTE * (int)sizeof(type)) /* short, regular and long ints with only the high-order bit turned on */ #define HIBITS ((short)(1 << BITS(short) - 1)) #define HIBITI (1 << BITS(int) - 1) #define HIBITL (1L << BITS(long) - 1) /* largest short, regular and long int */ #define MAXSHORT ((short)~HIBITS) #define MAXINT (~HIBITI) #define MAXLONG (~HIBITL) #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 #if pdp11 || vax || tahoe #define MAXDOUBLE 1.701411834604692293e+38 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)1.701411733192644299e+38) /* The following is kludged because the PDP-11 compilers botch the simple form. The kludge causes the constant to be computed at run-time on the PDP-11, even though it is still "folded" at compile-time on the VAX. */ #define MINDOUBLE (0.01 * 2.938735877055718770e-37) #define MINFLOAT ((float)MINDOUBLE) #define _IEEE 0 #define _DEXPLEN 8 #define _HIDDENBIT 1 #define DMINEXP (-DMAXEXP) #define FMINEXP (-FMAXEXP) #endif #endos #os alliant #define MAXDOUBLE 1.79769313486231470e+308 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #define MINDOUBLE 4.94065645841246544e-324 #define MINFLOAT ((float)1.40129846432481707e-45) #define _IEEE 1 #define _DEXPLEN 11 #define _HIDDENBIT 1 #define DMINEXP (-(DMAXEXP + DSIGNIF - _HIDDENBIT - 3)) #define FMINEXP (-(FMAXEXP + FSIGNIF - _HIDDENBIT - 3)) #endos #os bsd2 bsd3 alliant #define _LENBASE 1 #define _EXPBASE (1 << _LENBASE) #define _FEXPLEN 8 #define DSIGNIF (BITS(double) - _DEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1) #define FSIGNIF (BITS(float) - _FEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1) #define DMAXPOWTWO ((double)(1L << BITS(long) - 2) * \ (1L << DSIGNIF - BITS(long) + 1)) #define FMAXPOWTWO ((float)(1L << FSIGNIF - 1)) #define DMAXEXP ((1 << _DEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE) #define FMAXEXP ((1 << _FEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE) #define LN_MAXDOUBLE (M_LN2 * DMAXEXP) #define LN_MINDOUBLE (M_LN2 * (DMINEXP - 1)) #define H_PREC (DSIGNIF % 2 ? (1L << DSIGNIF/2) * M_SQRT2 : 1L << DSIGNIF/2) #define X_EPS (1.0/H_PREC) #define X_PLOSS ((double)(long)(M_PI * H_PREC)) #define X_TLOSS (M_PI * DMAXPOWTWO) #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #endos #os pyramid #if pyr /* The values of the following constants are defined in the values.h header file with the "0d" format -- which isn't acceptable to cfront */ #undef MAXDOUBLE #undef MAXFLOAT #undef MINDOUBLE #undef MINFLOAT #define MAXDOUBLE 1.79769313486231470e+308 #define MAXFLOAT ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38) #define MINDOUBLE 4.94065645841246544e-324 #define MINFLOAT ((float)1.40129846432481707e-45) #endif #endos #endif