/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/error.c 1.6" */ /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. error.c : write error messages Until scan_started != 0 no context can be assumed ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef __cplusplus #include #endif #include "cfront.h" #include "size.h" #include "template.h" int error_count; //static int no_of_warnings; char scan_started; #define ERRTRACE 20 static char* abbrev_tbl[] = { " argument", " base", " class", " declaration", " expression", " function", " global", "H", " initialize", #if EBCDIC "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // fill out hole in ebcdic character set #endif "J", " constructor", // 'K' ! " list", " member", " name", " object", " pointer", " qualifie", " reference", #if EBCDIC "", "", "", "", "", "", "", // fill out hole in ebcdic character set #endif " statement", " type", " undefined", " variable", " with", " expected", // 'X' " template", // 'Y'??? " parameter", // 'Z'??? }; ea* ea0; //ea::ea(const void* pp) { // p=pp; //} void error_init() { static char errbuf[BUFSIZ]; setbuf(stderr,errbuf); ea0 = new ea; } #define INTERNAL 127 #ifdef TEST_SUITE #define INTERNAL2 126 #define SORRY 125 #endif void ext(int n) { int useit=n; // to avoid n not used warning during build // for testing only // if (n == INTERNAL) // abort(); #ifdef TEST_SUITE if (n == INTERNAL) error_count = 99; else if (n == SORRY) error_count = 100; #endif fflush(out_file); fflush(stderr); exit(error_count?error_count:1); } /* static */ void print_loc() { loc* sl = (Cstmt) ? &Cstmt->where : 0; loc* dl = (Cdcl && (Cdcl->base==NAME || Cdcl->base==TNAME)) ? &Cdcl->where : 0; if (sl && dl && sl->file==dl->file) { // Cstmt and Cdcl in same file if (sl->line<=dl->line) { if (curloc.file==dl->file && curloc.lineline) // hack to compensate for YACC's // bad manners in the use of line numbers sl->put(out_file); else dl->put(out_file); } else sl->put(out_file); } else if (sl && sl->file==curr_file) // Cstmt in current file sl->put(out_file); else if (dl && dl->file==curr_file) // Cdcl in current file dl->put(out_file); else curloc.put(out_file); } static void print_context() { putc('\n',out_file); } static char in_error = 0; static loc dummy_loc; void yyerror(const char* s) { if(s && *s) { #ifdef SVR42 // Convert any upper-case chars to lower-case. The yyerror() // calls in SVR4.2 contain upper-case chars which would get // translated in error() otherwise. char* s2 = new char[(strlen(s)+1)]; const char* beg; for(beg = strcpy(s2,s); *s2; ++s2){ if(*s2 >= 'A' && *s2 <= 'Z') *s2 += ' '; } error(beg); delete (char*)beg; #else error(s); #endif } else { error("yyerror() called with null argument"); } } int error(const char* s) { return error(0,s); } int error(int t, const char* s) { return error(t,&dummy_loc,s,*ea0,*ea0,*ea0,*ea0); } int error(const char* s, const ea& a0, const ea& a1, const ea& a2, const ea& a3) { return error(0,&dummy_loc,s,a0,a1,a2,a3); } int error(loc* lc, const char* s, const ea& a0, const ea& a1, const ea& a2, const ea& a3) { return error(0,lc,s,a0,a1,a2,a3); } int error(int t, const char* s, const ea& a0, const ea& a1, const ea& a2, const ea& a3) { return error(t,&dummy_loc,s,a0,a1,a2,a3); } int suppress_error; int error(int t, loc* lc, const char* s, const ea& a0, const ea& a1, const ea& a2, const ea& a3) /* "int" not "void" because of "pch" in lex.c legal error types are: not counted in error count: 'w' warning 'd' debug 'D' debug -- no prefix 'C' text -- line no. and no newline 'c' text -- no line no. and no newline counted in error count: 's' "not implemented" message 'l' "compiler limit exceeded" message 0 error 'e' error -- no newline 'i' internal error (causes abort) 't' error while printing error message */ { if (suppress_error && t!='i' && t!='d') return 0; if (in_error++) if (t == 't') t = 'i'; else if (4 < in_error) { fprintf(stderr,"\nOops!, error while handling error\n"); ext(13); } FILE * of = out_file; out_file = stderr; if (!scan_started || t=='t') putch('\n'); else if (lc != &dummy_loc) { if(t != 'D' && t != 'c') lc->put(out_file); } else { if(t != 'D' && t != 'c') print_loc(); } int user_error = 0; switch (t) { case 'C': case 'c': break; case 'e': user_error = 1; // no break case 0: putstring("error: "); user_error += 1; break; case 'd': putstring("DEBUG: "); case 'D': break; case 'w': // no_of_warnings++; putstring("warning: "); break; case 'l': putstring("compiler limit exceeded: "); break; case 's': putstring("sorry, not implemented: "); user_error = 1; break; case 'i': if (error_count++) { fprintf(out_file,"sorry, cannot recover from earlier errors\n"); out_file = of; // restore for fflush() #ifdef TEST_SUITE ext(INTERNAL2); #else ext(INTERNAL); #endif } else fprintf(out_file,"internal %s error: ",prog_name); } ea argv[4]; ea* a = argv; argv[0] = a0; argv[1] = a1; argv[2] = a2; argv[3] = a3; int c; while (c = *s++) { if ('A'<=c && c<='Z') putstring(abbrev_tbl[c-'A']); else if (c == '%') { switch (c = *s++) { case 'k': // TOK assumed passed as an int { TOK x = TOK(a->i); if (0p); if (tt == 0) break; putch(' '); int nt = ntok; emode = 1; tt->dcl_print(0); emode = 0; ntok = nt; break; } case 'n': // Pname { Pname nn = Pname(a->p); if (nn && nn->string) { // suppress generated class names: if (nn->string[0]=='_' && nn->string[1]=='_' && nn->string[2]=='C') break; emode = 1; putch(' '); nn->print(); emode = 0; } else putstring(" ?"); break; } case 'p': // pointer { char* f = sizeof(char*)==sizeof(int)?" %d":" %ld"; fprintf(out_file,f,a->p); break; } case 'a': // fully qualified function { Pname nn = Pname(a->p); if (nn->tp->base!=FCT && nn->tp->base!=OVERLOAD) error('i',"%n not function",nn); if (nn && nn->string) { // suppress generated class names: if (nn->string[0]=='_' && nn->string[1]=='_' && nn->string[2]=='C') break; emode = 1; putch(' '); nn->print(1); emode = 0; } else putstring(" ?"); break; } case 'c': // char assumed passed as an int putch((int)a->i); break; case 'd': // int fprintf(out_file," %d",a->i); break; case 'o': // int fprintf(out_file," 0%o",a->i); break; case 's': // char* { char *s = ((char *)a->p); if ( s ) putst((char*)a->p); break; } } a++; } else putch(c); } /* switch (t) { case 'd': case 't': case 'w': putch('\n'); break; default: */ if (t != 'c' && t != 'e' && t != 'C') print_context(); /* } */ if (user_error) basic_inst::head->print_error_loc(user_error==2); out_file = of; // restore before ext() for fflush() if (!scan_started && t!='d' && t!='w') ext(4); // now we may want to carry on switch (t) { case 't': if (--in_error) { fflush(stderr); //fflush(out_file); return 0; } case 'i': ext(INTERNAL); case 0: case 'e': case 'l': case 's': #ifdef TEST_SUITE if (t == 's') ext(SORRY); #endif if (MAXERR<++error_count) { fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, too many errors\n"); ext(7); } } in_error = 0; fflush(stderr); //fflush(out_file); return 0; } #ifdef DBG #define OPEREP(v) ((v)>MAXTOK || (v)<=0 ? 0 : keys[v]) void display_type( Ptype t ) { if ( t ) { putc(' ',stderr); FILE * of = out_file; out_file = stderr; extern int ntok; int nt = ntok; emode=1; (t)->dcl_print(0); emode=0; if(!t->allocated)fprintf(stderr," UNALLOCATED!"); ntok = nt; out_file = of; } else fprintf(stderr," "); fflush(stderr); } #define INDENT(in) { for ( int i = in; i > 0; --i ) fprintf(stderr," "); } static indent = 0; void display_context( dcl_context* p, char* label, int oneline ) { int nt = ntok; if ( label && *label ) fprintf(stderr,"%s: ",label); fprintf(stderr,"dcl_context %d {\n",p); ++indent; INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr,"cot:"); display_type(p->cot); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); display_expr(p->not,"not",oneline); INDENT(indent); putstring("tot:"); display_type(p->tot); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); display_expr(p->nof,"nof",oneline); display_expr(p->c_this,"c_this",oneline); INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr,"ftbl %d\n",p->ftbl); --indent; fprintf(stderr,"}\n"); fflush(stderr); } void display_expr( Pexpr ptr, char* label, int oneline ) { INDENT(indent); if ( label ) fprintf(stderr, "%s:", label); if ( ptr == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "NULL EXPR\n" ); fflush(stderr); return; } fprintf(stderr,"%d",ptr->node::id); if(!ptr->allocated)fprintf(stderr," UNALLOCATED!"); putc(':',stderr); char* s = OPEREP(ptr->base); if ( s == 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "token(%d)", ptr->base ); else fprintf(stderr,"%s",s); if ( ptr->displayed ) { // recursion!!! switch ( ptr->base ) { case NAME: case TNAME: case DTOR: case STRING: case ICON: case FCON: case CCON: fprintf(stderr," '%s'",(ptr->string)?ptr->string:"<0>"); break; case IVAL: fprintf(stderr, " i1==%d", ptr->i1); break; } fprintf(stderr," RECURSION!!!\n"); ptr->displayed = 0; fflush(stderr); return; } ptr->displayed = 1; switch ( ptr->base ) { case QUEST: display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline ) { ++indent; display_expr( ptr->cond, "cond" ); display_expr( ptr->e1, "e1" ); display_expr( ptr->e2, "e2" ); --indent; } break; case REF: case DOT: display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline ) { ++indent; display_expr( ptr->e1, "e1" ); display_expr( ptr->mem, "mem" ); display_expr( ptr->n_initializer, "n_initializer" ); --indent; } break; case MDOT: display_type(ptr->tp); fprintf(stderr," string2:'%s'\n",ptr->string2?ptr->string2:""); if ( !oneline ) { ++indent; display_expr( ptr->mem, "mem" ); --indent; } break; case ICALL: fprintf(stderr," fn=='%s'",ptr->il->fct_name->string); display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline ) { ++indent; for ( int i = 0; i < ptr->il->i_slots; ++i ) { ia *aa = &ptr->il->i_args[i]; INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr,"arg:'%s'",aa->local&&aa->local->string?aa->local->string:""); display_type(aa->tp); putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_expr( aa->arg, "actual" ); --indent; } display_expr( ptr->e1, "e1" ); display_expr( ptr->e2, "e2" ); --indent; } break; case SIZEOF: if ( ptr->tp2 ) { putc('(',stderr); display_type(ptr->tp2); putc(')',stderr); } display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline ) { if ( ptr->e1 ) { ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e1,"e1"); --indent; } if ( ptr->e2 ) { ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e2,"e2"); --indent; } } break; case ZERO: display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); break; case DTOR: fprintf(stderr," '%s'",(ptr->string)?ptr->string:"<0>"); display_type(ptr->tp); if ( ptr->permanent ) fprintf(stderr, " (permanent)"); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline ) { Pname n = Pname(ptr); ++indent; INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr,"tp2"); display_type(ptr->tp2); fprintf(stderr,"tpdef"); display_type(ptr->tpdef); putc('\n',stderr); INDENT(indent); display_expr(n->n_qualifier,"n_qualifier" ); display_expr(n->n_dtag,"n_dtag" ); --indent; } break; case NAME: case TNAME: case STRING: case ICON: case FCON: case CCON: case IVAL: if ( ptr->base == IVAL ) fprintf(stderr, " i1==%d", ptr->i1); else fprintf(stderr," '%s'",(ptr->string)?ptr->string:"<0>"); display_type(ptr->tp); if(ptr->string2)fprintf(stderr," string2=='%s'",ptr->string2); if ( ptr->permanent ) fprintf(stderr, " (permanent)"); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline && (ptr->base == NAME || ptr->base == TNAME) ) { Pname n = Pname(ptr); ++indent; INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr, "n_key==%d", n->n_key ); fprintf(stderr, " n_sto==%d", n->n_sto ); fprintf(stderr, " n_stclass==%d",n->n_stclass); fprintf(stderr, " n_scope==%d",n->n_scope); fprintf(stderr, " n_protected==%d\n", n->n_protect ); INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr, "n_oper=='%s'", (s=OPEREP(n->base))?s:"0"); fprintf(stderr, " n_val==%d", n->n_val ); fprintf(stderr, " n_xref==%d",n->n_xref); fprintf(stderr, " lex_level==%d\n", n->lex_level ); INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr, " table==%d%d",n->n_table,n->n_table?n->n_table->t_name:0); fprintf(stderr, " ktable==%d%d\n",n->n_ktable,n->n_ktable?n->n_ktable->k_name:0); INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr, "n_used==%d",n->n_used); fprintf(stderr, " n_assigned_to==%d",n->n_assigned_to); fprintf(stderr, " n_addr_taken==%d\n",n->n_addr_taken ); INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr, "n_anon==%s", n->n_anon); fprintf(stderr, " n_list=='%s'", n->n_list?n->n_list->string:"<0>" ); fprintf(stderr, " n_qualifier=='%s'", n->n_qualifier?n->n_qualifier->string:"<0>" ); if ( n->n_initializer ) { fprintf(stderr, " n_initializer:\n" ); ++indent; display_expr( n->n_initializer ); --indent; } else fprintf(stderr, " n_initializer==<0>\n"); --indent; } break; case BLOCK: ((Pstmt)ptr)->where.put(stderr); putc(' ',stderr); putc('\n',stderr); break; default: display_type(ptr->tp); putc('\n',stderr); if ( !oneline && ptr->base > 0 && (ptr->base<165 || ptr->base==MEMPTR) ) { ++indent; display_expr( ptr->e1, "e1" ); display_expr( ptr->e2, "e2" ); --indent; } break; } ptr->displayed = 0; fflush(stderr); return; } void display_stmt( Pstmt ptr, char* label, int oneline ) { INDENT(indent); if ( label ) fprintf(stderr, "%s:", label); if ( ptr == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "NULL STMT\n" ); fflush(stderr); return; } fprintf(stderr,"%d",ptr->node::id); if(!ptr->allocated)fprintf(stderr," UNALLOCATED!"); putc(':',stderr); char* s = OPEREP(ptr->base); if ( s == 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "token(%d)", ptr->base ); else fprintf(stderr,"%s",s); if ( ptr->displayed ) { // recursion!!! if ( ptr->base == NAME ) fprintf(stderr," '%s'",Pname(ptr)->string); fprintf(stderr," RECURSION!!!\n"); ptr->displayed = 0; fflush(stderr); return; } putc(' ',stderr); ptr->where.put(stderr); if ( oneline ) { putc('\n',stderr); fflush(stderr); return; } ptr->displayed = 1; switch ( ptr->base ) { case BLOCK: fprintf(stderr," .. "); ptr->where2.put(stderr); putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; { for( Pstmt st = ptr->s; st; st = st->s_list ) display_stmt( ptr->s, "s" ); } --indent; break; case IF: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e,"cond"); display_stmt(ptr->s,"if-clause"); --indent; if ( ptr->else_stmt ) { INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr,"else\n"); ++indent; display_stmt(ptr->else_stmt,"else-clause"); --indent; } break; case DO: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_stmt(ptr->s,"do-stmt"); display_expr(ptr->e,"cond"); --indent; break; case WHILE: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e,"cond"); display_stmt(ptr->s,"while-stmt"); --indent; break; case FOR: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_stmt(ptr->for_init,"init"); display_expr(ptr->e,"cond"); display_expr(ptr->e2,"incr"); display_stmt(ptr->s,"stmt"); --indent; break; case RETURN: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e,"e"); --indent; break; case SM: putc('\n',stderr); ++indent; display_expr(ptr->e,"e"); --indent; break; default: putc('\n',stderr); break; } ptr->displayed = 0; fflush(stderr); return; } void display_namelist( Plist nl, char* s, int verbose ) { error('d',"namelist: %s",s?s:""); ++indent; for ( Plist l = nl; l; l = l->l ) { Pname n = l->f; INDENT(indent); fprintf(stderr," %d",n); error('D'," %n %k n_key %d",n,n?n->tp->base:0,n?n->n_key:0); if ( verbose ) { ++indent; display_expr(n); --indent; } } --indent; } #endif