/*ident "@(#) @(#)strmap.c" */ /****************************************************************************** * * C++ Standard Library * * Copyright (c) 1996 Lucent Technologies. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF Lucent Technologies. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or * intended publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "compiler_type.h" //#if !defined(__edg_lucent_40) && !defined(__edg_lucent_41) #ifdef CFRONT_COMPATIBLE_LUCENT #include #else #include #endif #ifdef NAMESPACES_LUCENT using namespace std; #endif #ifdef CFRONT_COMPATIBLE_LUCENT typedef Map mapss; //typedef Map twodmap; #else typedef map > mapss; //typedef map > twodmap; #endif main() { mapss m1; m1["Adams"] = "Abagail"; m1["Madison"] = "Dolly"; m1["Reagan"] = "Nancy"; m1["Carter"] = "Rosalyn"; m1["Ford"] = "Betty"; m1["Bush"] = "Barbara"; m1["Clinton"] = "Hillary"; #ifdef CFRONT_COMPATIBLE_LUCENT Mapiter m_iter(m1); m_iter = m1.element("Madison"); cout << "key=" << m_iter.curr()->key << ", value=" << m_iter.curr()->value << "\n"; Mapiter m_iter1(m1); while (m_iter1.next()) { cout << "key=" << m_iter1.curr()->key << ", value=" << m_iter1.curr()->value << "\n"; } #else mapss::iterator m_iter; m_iter = m1.find("Madison"); cout << "key=" << (*m_iter).first << ", value=" << (*m_iter).second << "\n"; m_iter = m1.begin(); while (m_iter != m1.end()) { cout << "key=" << (*m_iter).first << ", value=" << (*m_iter).second << "\n"; m_iter++; } #endif #if 0 twodmap pres_info; pres_info["Reagan"]["spouse"] = "Nancy"; pres_info["Reagan"]["VP"] = "Bush"; pres_info["Reagan"]["term"] = "1981-1989"; pres_info["Bush"]["spouse"] = "Barbara"; pres_info["Bush"]["VP"] = "Quayle"; pres_info["Bush"]["term"] = "1989-1993"; #ifdef CFRONT_COMPATIBLE_LUCENT Mapiter mx(m1); mx = pres_info[(pres_info["Reagan"]["VP"])].element("term"); cout << "Return value of " << "pres_info[(pres_info[\"Reagan\"][\"VP\"])].find(\"term\")\n"; cout << "key=" << mx.curr()->key << ", value=" << mx.curr()->value << "\n"; #else mapss::iterator mx; mx = pres_info[(pres_info["Reagan"]["VP"])].find("term"); cout << "Return value of " << "pres_info[(pres_info[\"Reagan\"][\"VP\"])].find(\"term\")\n"; cout << "key=" << (*mx).first << ", value=" << (*mx).second << "\n"; #endif #endif return (0); }