/*ident "@(#) @(#)basic_string.c" */ /****************************************************************************** * * C++ Standard Library * * Copyright (c) 1996 Lucent Technologies. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF Lucent Technologies. * The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or * intended publication of such source code. * ******************************************************************************/ // Addition: #ifdef NAMESPACES_LUCENT namespace std { #endif template basic_string operator+(const basic_string& s, const basic_string& r) { register int slen = s.d->len; register int rlen = r.d->len; if(rlen == 0) return basic_string(s); if(slen == 0) return basic_string(r); register int newln = rlen + slen; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* rd = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); traits::copy(rd->str, s.d->str, slen); traits::copy(rd->str+slen, r.d->str, rlen); return basic_string(rd); } template basic_string operator+(const basic_string& s, const charT *st) { register int slen = s.d->len; register int ln = st ? traits::length(st) : 0; if(ln==0) return basic_string(s); register int newln = ln + slen; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* rd = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); traits::copy(rd->str, s.d->str, slen); traits::copy(rd->str+slen, st, ln); return basic_string(rd); } template basic_string operator+(const charT *st, const basic_string& s) { register int ln = st ? traits::length(st) : 0; register int slen = s.d->len; if(ln==0) return basic_string(s); register int newln = ln + slen; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* rd = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); traits::copy(rd->str, st, ln); traits::copy(rd->str+ln, s.d->str, slen); return basic_string(rd); } template basic_string operator+(const basic_string& s, charT c) { register int slen = s.d->len; register int newln = 1 + slen; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* rd = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); traits::copy(rd->str, s.d->str, slen); rd->str[slen] = c; return basic_string(rd); } template basic_string operator+(charT c, const basic_string& s) { register int slen = s.d->len; register int newln = 1 + slen; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* rd = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); traits::copy(rd->str+1, s.d->str, slen); rd->str[0] = c; return basic_string(rd); } // Appending: template basic_string& basic_string::newcopy(charT c) { register int oldlen = d->len; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep((oldlen+1)); if (oldlen > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, oldlen); x->str[oldlen] = c; d->rcdec(); d = x; return *this; } template basic_string& basic_string::append(const basic_string &s, size_t pos, size_t n) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) if (pos >= s.d->len) throw out_of_range(string("in append")); #endif if (n == 0) return (*this); if (n == npos) n = s.d->len; register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (oldlen > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, oldlen); traits::copy(x->str+oldlen, s.d->str+pos, n); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } traits::copy(d->str+oldlen, s.d->str+pos, n); d->len += n; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::append(const charT *s, size_t ln) { if (ln == 0) return (*this); if (ln == 1) { // optimization *this += *s; return (*this); } if (d->max_size == 0) { assign(s, ln); return (*this); } register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = ln + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (oldlen > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, oldlen); if (ln > 0) traits::copy(x->str+oldlen, s, ln); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } if (ln > 0) traits::copy(d->str+oldlen, s, ln); d->len += ln; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::append(const charT *s) { return (append(s, traits::length(s))); } template basic_string& basic_string::append(size_t n, charT c) { if (n == 0) return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (oldlen > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, oldlen); memset(x->str+oldlen, c, n); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } memset(d->str+oldlen, c, n); d->len += n; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::operator+=(const charT * s) { register int ln = s ? traits::length(s) : 0; append(s, ln); return *this; } template basic_string& basic_string::operator+=(const basic_string& s) { append(s.d->str, s.d->len); return *this; } // STRING OPERATORS: // Assignment: template basic_string& basic_string::assign(const basic_string &s, size_t pos, size_t n) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) if (pos >= s.d->len) throw out_of_range(string("in assign")); #endif if (n == npos) n = s.d->len - pos; else { int maxlen = s.d->len - pos; if (n > maxlen) n = maxlen; } if (d->refc > 1 || n >= d->max_size) { d->rcdec(); d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(n); } d->len = n; if (n != 0) traits::copy(d->str, s.d->str + pos, n); return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::assign(const charT *s, size_t ln) { if (ln == 1) { // optimization *this = *s; return (*this); } if (d->refc > 1 || ln >= d->max_size) { d->rcdec(); d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(ln); } d->len = ln; if (ln > 0) traits::copy(d->str,s,ln); return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::assign(const charT *s) { return (assign(s, traits::length(s))); } template basic_string& basic_string::assign(size_t n, charT c) { if (d->refc > 1 || n >= d->max_size) { d->rcdec(); d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(n); } d->len = n; if (n != 0) memset(d->str,c,n); return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::operator=(const charT *s) { register int ln = s ? traits::length(s) : 0; assign(s, ln); return *this; } /* position of first occurrence of charT */ template size_t basic_string::find(charT c, size_t pos) const { register charT *p = d->str - 1 + pos; register charT *q = d->str + d->len; while (++p < q) if (traits::eq(*p, c)) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find(const basic_string& pattern, size_t pos) const { if (pos == npos) pos = d->len; register int plen = pattern.d->len; register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = pattern.d->str; register const charT *sbp = d->str + pos; register const charT *sep = d->str + slen; int i; for (i=pos; sbp size_t basic_string::find(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register int plen = n; register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = s; register const charT *sbp = d->str + pos; register const charT *sep = d->str + slen; int i; for (i=pos; sbp size_t basic_string::find(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register int plen = traits::length(s); register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = s; register const charT *sbp = d->str + pos; register const charT *sep = d->str + slen; int i; for (i=pos; sbp size_t basic_string::rfind(charT c, size_t pos) const { register charT *p; if (pos == npos) p = d->str + d->len; else p = d->str + pos; register charT *q = d->str; while (--p >= q) if (traits::eq(*p, c)) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::rfind(const basic_string& pattern, size_t pos) const { if (pos == npos) pos = d->len; register int plen = pattern.d->len; register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = pattern.d->str; register const charT *sep = d->str + pos; register const charT *sbp = d->str + slen - plen; int i; for(i=slen-plen; sbp>=sep; i--) { if (traits::compare(sbp--, pp, plen) == 0) return i; } return npos; } template size_t basic_string::rfind(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register int plen = n; register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = s; register const charT *sep = d->str + pos; register const charT *sbp = d->str + slen - plen; int i; for (i=slen-plen; sbp>=sep; i--) { if(traits::compare(sbp--, pp, plen) == 0) return i; } return npos; } template size_t basic_string::rfind(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register int plen = traits::length(s); register int slen = d->len; register const charT *pp = s; register const charT *sep = d->str + pos; register const charT *sbp = d->str + slen - plen; int i; for (i=slen-plen; sbp>=sep; i--) { if (traits::compare(sbp--, pp, plen) == 0) return i; } return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_of(const basic_string &s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_of(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s, n); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_of(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_of(charT c, size_t pos) const { return (find(c, pos)); } template size_t basic_string::find_last_of(const basic_string &s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str+d->len+1, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_of(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s, n); for (p = d->str+d->len+1, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_of(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str+d->len+1, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_of(charT c, size_t pos) const { return (rfind(c, pos)); } template size_t basic_string::find_first_not_of(const basic_string &s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_not_of(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s, n); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_not_of(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_first_not_of(charT c, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; for (p = d->str-1+pos, q=d->str+d->len; ++p < q; ) if (!traits::eq(*p, c)) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_not_of(const basic_string &s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str+d->len, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_not_of(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s, n); for (p = d->str+d->len, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_not_of(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register const charT *p, *q; const basic_string tmpstring(s); for (p = d->str+d->len, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (!tmpstring.find(*p) != npos) return p - d->str; return npos; } template size_t basic_string::find_last_not_of(charT c, size_t pos) const { register charT *p, *q; for (p = d->str+d->len, q=d->str+pos; --p >= q; ) if (!traits::eq(*p, c)) return p - d->str; return npos; } // Inserting: template basic_string& basic_string::insert(size_t pos1, const basic_string &str, size_t pos2, size_t n) { if (pos1 > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in insert")); #else pos1 = d->len; #endif if (pos2 > str.d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in insert")); #else pos2 = str.d->len; #endif if (n == npos) n = str.d->len - pos2; else { int maxlen = str.d->len - pos2; if (n > maxlen) n = maxlen; } if (n == 0) return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos1 > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos1); traits::copy(x->str+pos1, str.d->str+pos2, n); traits::copy(x->str+pos1+n, d->str+pos1, oldlen-pos1); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } int diff = oldlen - pos1; charT *tmp; if (diff > 0) { tmp = new charT[diff]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos1, diff); } traits::copy(d->str+pos1, str.d->str+pos2, n); if (diff > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos1+n, tmp, diff); delete tmp; } d->len += n; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::insert(size_t pos, const charT *s, size_t n) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in insert")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n == 0) return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); traits::copy(x->str+pos, s, n); traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, d->str+pos, oldlen-pos); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } int diff = oldlen - pos; charT *tmp; if (diff > 0) { tmp = new charT[diff]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos, diff); } traits::copy(d->str+pos, s, n); if (diff > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n, tmp, diff); delete tmp; } d->len += n; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::insert(size_t pos, const charT *s) { return (insert(pos, s, traits::length(s))); } template basic_string& basic_string::insert(size_t pos, size_t n, charT c) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in insert")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n == 0) return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); memset(x->str+pos, c, n); traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, d->str+pos, oldlen-pos); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } int diff = oldlen - pos; charT *tmp; if (diff > 0) { tmp = new charT[diff]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos, diff); } memset(d->str+pos, c, n); if (diff > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n, tmp, diff); delete tmp; } d->len += n; return (*this); } template basic_string::iterator basic_string::insert(iterator p, charT c) { return (insert(p, 1, c)); } template basic_string::iterator basic_string::insert(iterator p, size_t n, charT c) { if (p < d->str || p > d->str+d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in insert")); #else p = d->str+d->len; #endif iterator retval = p; if (n == 0) return (retval); register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = n + oldlen; int pos = p - d->str; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); memset(x->str+pos, c, n); traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, d->str+pos, oldlen-pos); d->rcdec(); d = x; retval = x->str + pos; return (retval); } int diff = oldlen - pos; charT *tmp; if (diff > 0) { tmp = new charT[diff]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos, diff); } memset(d->str+pos, c, n); if (diff > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n, tmp, diff); delete tmp; } d->len += n; return (retval); } template const size_t basic_string::npos = (size_t) -1; template size_t basic_string::copy(charT *s, size_t n, size_t pos) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in copy")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n == npos) n = d->len - pos; else { int max_len = d->len - pos; if (n > max_len) n = max_len; } traits::copy(s, d->str+pos, n); return (n); } template void basic_string::swap(basic_string &s) { basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *p = s.d; s.d = this->d; this->d = p; } template int basic_string::compare(const basic_string& s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { int retval; if (pos == npos) pos = d->len; register int dlen = d->len - pos; register int slen = s.d->len; if (n == npos || n > dlen || n > slen) n = (dlen < slen) ? dlen : slen; retval = traits::compare(d->str + pos, s.d->str, n); if (retval == 0) retval = dlen - slen; return retval; } template int basic_string::compare(const charT *s, size_t pos, size_t n) const { int retval; if (pos == npos) pos = d->len; register int dlen = d->len - pos; register int slen = n; if (n > dlen) n = dlen; retval = traits::compare(d->str + pos, s, n); if (retval == 0) retval = dlen - slen; return retval; } template int basic_string::compare(const charT *s, size_t pos) const { register int dlen = d->len - pos; register int n = s ? traits::length(s) : 0; register int slen = n; if (n > dlen) n = dlen; int retval = traits::compare(d->str + pos, s, n); if (retval == 0) retval = dlen - slen; return retval; } template void basic_string::resize(size_t n, charT c) { if (n == npos) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw length_error(string("in resize")); #else n = d->len; #endif } if (d->len == n) return; int copycount = d->len; if (copycount > n) copycount = n; if (d->refc > 1 || n >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(n); traits::copy(x->str, d->str, copycount); d->rcdec(); d = x; } if (n > copycount) memset(d->str + copycount, c, n - copycount); d->len = n; } // Removing: template basic_string& basic_string::remove(size_t pos, size_t n) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in remove")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n == npos) n = d->len - pos; else { int max_diff = d->len - pos; if (n > max_diff) n = max_diff; } if (n == 0) // do nothing return (*this); if (pos == 0 && n == d->len) // clear the entire basic_string return (assign(d->str, 0)); register int newln = d->len - n; if (d->refc > 1) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); traits::copy(x->str+pos, d->str+pos+n, newln-pos); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } traits::copy(d->str+pos, d->str+pos+n, newln-pos); d->len -= n; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::remove(iterator p) { return (remove(p - d->str, 1)); } template basic_string& basic_string::remove(iterator first, iterator last) { return (remove(first - d->str, last - first)); } // Removing: template basic_string& basic_string::replace(size_t pos1, size_t n1, const basic_string &str, size_t pos2, size_t n2) { if (pos1 > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in replace")); #else pos1 = d->len; #endif if (pos2 > str.d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in replace")); #else pos2 = str.d->len; #endif if (n1 == npos) n1 = d->len - pos1; else { int max_len = d->len - pos1; if (n1 > max_len) n1 = max_len; } if (n2 == npos) n2 = str.d->len - pos2; else { int max_len = str.d->len - pos2; if (n2 > max_len) n2 = max_len; } register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = oldlen - n1 + n2; int taillen = oldlen - pos1 - n1; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos1 > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos1); if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos1, str.d->str+pos2, n2); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos1+n2, d->str+pos1+n1, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } charT *tmp; if (taillen > 0) { tmp = new charT[taillen]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos1+n1, taillen); } if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(d->str+pos1, str.d->str+pos2, n2); if (taillen > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos1+n2, tmp, taillen); delete tmp; } d->len = newln; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(size_t pos, size_t n1, const charT *s, size_t n2) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in replace")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n1 == npos) n1 = d->len - pos; else { int max_len = d->len - pos; if (n1 > max_len) n1 = max_len; } register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = oldlen - n1 + n2; int taillen = oldlen - pos - n1; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos, s, n2); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos+n2, d->str+pos+n1, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } charT *tmp; if (taillen > 0) { tmp = new charT[taillen]; traits::copy(tmp, d->str+pos+n1, taillen); } if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(d->str+pos, s, n2); if (taillen > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n2, tmp, taillen); delete tmp; } d->len = newln; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(size_t pos, size_t n1, const charT *s) { return (replace(pos, n1, s, traits::length(s))); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(size_t pos, size_t n, charT c) { if (pos > d->len) #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in replace")); #else pos = d->len; #endif if (n == npos) n = d->len - pos; else { int max_len = d->len - pos; if (n > max_len) n = max_len; } if (n == 0) // do nothing return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; int taillen = oldlen - pos - n; if (d->refc > 1) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(oldlen); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); memset(x->str+pos, c, n); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, d->str+pos+n, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } memset(d->str+pos, c, n); return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(iterator first, iterator last, const basic_string &str) { int n2 = str.d->len; register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = oldlen - (last - first) + n2; int taillen = oldlen - (last - d->str); int pos = first - d->str; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos, str.d->str, n2); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos+n2, last, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } charT *tmp; if (taillen > 0) { tmp = new charT[taillen]; traits::copy(tmp, last, taillen); } if (n2 > 0) traits::copy(d->str+pos, str.d->str, n2); if (taillen > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n2, tmp, taillen); delete tmp; } d->len = newln; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(iterator first, iterator last, const charT *s, size_t n) { register int oldlen = d->len; register int newln = oldlen - (last - first) + n; int taillen = oldlen - (last - d->str); int pos = first - d->str; if (d->refc > 1 || newln >= d->max_size) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(newln); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); if (n > 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos, s, n); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, last, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } charT *tmp; if (taillen > 0) { tmp = new charT[taillen]; traits::copy(tmp, last, taillen); } if (n > 0) traits::copy(d->str+pos, s, n); if (taillen > 0) { traits::copy(d->str+pos+n, tmp, taillen); delete tmp; } d->len = newln; return (*this); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(iterator first, iterator last, const charT *s) { return(replace(first, last, s, traits::length(s))); } template basic_string& basic_string::replace(iterator first, iterator last, charT c) { int n = last - first; if (n == 0) // do nothing return (*this); register int oldlen = d->len; int taillen = oldlen - (last - d->str); int pos = first - d->str; if (d->refc > 1) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(oldlen); if (pos > 0) traits::copy(x->str, d->str, pos); memset(x->str+pos, c, n); if (taillen != 0) traits::copy(x->str+pos+n, last, taillen); d->rcdec(); d = x; return (*this); } memset(d->str+pos, c, n); return (*this); } template void basic_string::reserve_grow(int target) { basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(target); x->len = d->len; if (d->len != 0) { traits::copy(x->str, d->str, d->len); } d->rcdec(); d = x; } template basic_string::basic_string(const basic_string& s, size_t pos, size_t n) { if (pos > s.d->len) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) throw out_of_range(string("in constructor")); #else pos = s.d->len; #endif } if (pos == 0 && (n == npos || s.d->len)) { d = s.d; d->rcinc(); } else { if (n == npos) n = s.d->len - pos; d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(n); if (n != 0) traits::copy(d->str, s.d->str + pos, n); } } template basic_string::basic_string(const charT *st, unsigned length) { if (!st) length=0; d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(length); if (length) traits::copy(d->str, st, length); } template basic_string::basic_string(const charT *st) { register int ln = st ? traits::length(st) : 0; d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(ln); if (ln) traits::copy(d->str, st, ln); } template basic_string::basic_string(size_t n, charT c) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) if (n == npos) throw length_error(string("in constructor")); #endif d = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(n); if (n != 0) memset(d->str, c, n); } /* SUBCHAR STUFF */ template basic_string::reference basic_string::operator[](size_t i) { if (d->refc!=1) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* r = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(length()); if (length() > 0) traits::copy(r->str,d->str,length()); if (d->refc > 0) --(d->refc); d = r; } return d->str[i]; } template basic_string::reference basic_string::at(size_t i) { #if defined(EXCEPTION_LUCENT) if (i >= d->len) throw out_of_range(string("in at()")); #endif if (d->refc != 1) { register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* r = basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(length()); if (length() > 0) traits::copy(r->str,d->str,length()); if (d->refc > 0) --(d->refc); d = r; } return d->str[i]; } template basic_string basic_string::substr(size_t pos, size_t n) const { if (n == npos) { n = d->len - pos; } if (n == d->len && pos == 0) { return (*this); // the copy constructor will avoid // making a new string representation } register charT *sp = d->str + pos; return basic_string(sp, n); } template Pool_std* basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::Reelp = 0; template Pool_std* basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::SPoolp = 0; template basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::nullrep_ = 0; template void basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::doinitialize() { Reelp = new Pool_std(sizeof(basic_string::Srep_LUCENT)); SPoolp = new Pool_std(sizeof(basic_string::Srep_LUCENT) + sizeof(wchar_t)*(MAXL - MAXS)); nullrep_ = new basic_string::Srep_LUCENT(); } template basic_string::Srep_LUCENT * basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::new_srep(size_t length) { initialize(); register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT* x; if (length == 0) return nullrep_; if (length >= MAXL) { x = get_long(length); } else { if (length < MAXS) x = (basic_string::Srep_LUCENT*) Reelp->alloc(); else x = (basic_string::Srep_LUCENT*) SPoolp->alloc(); x->len = length; x->refc = 1; x->max_size = length < MAXS ? MAXS : MAXL; } return x; } template basic_string::Srep_LUCENT * basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::get_long(size_t length) { register int m = 128; while (m <= length) m <<= 1; register basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *x = (basic_string::Srep_LUCENT *) new char[sizeof(wchar_t)*m + sizeof(basic_string::Srep_LUCENT) - sizeof(wchar_t)*MAXS]; x->len = length; x->max_size = m; x->refc = 1; return x; } template void basic_string::Srep_LUCENT::delete_srep() { if (max_size==0) ; else if (max_size <= MAXS) Reelp->free((char*) this); else if (max_size <= MAXL) SPoolp->free((char*) this); else delete (char *) this; } #ifdef NAMESPACES_LUCENT } #endif