/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/print2.c 1.36" */ /******************************************************************************* C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved. THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. print2.c: print names and declarations ****************************************************************************/ #include "cfront.h" #include "template.h" bit TCast; bit Cast; int last_ll = 1; Pin curr_icall; char emode; int ntok; bit mk_zero_init_flag=0; static int MAIN; // fudge to get _main() called by main() #define eprint(e) if (e) Eprint(e) #ifdef DENSE void chop(char*); #endif static Ptable mem_table; static Ptable perm_table; static int mem_depth; extern int dem_opt_mem; extern int dem_opt_local; int ispt_data(Pname n) { if (!n->tp || !n->n_table || !n->n_table->t_name || !n->n_table->t_name->tp) return 0; char* s = Pclass(n->n_table->t_name->tp)->string; while (*s) { if (!strncmp(s, "__pt__", 6)) return 1; s++; } return 0; } static void begin_mem() { if (!dem_opt_mem) return; if (!mem_depth++) mem_table = new table(16, 0, 0); } static void end_mem() { if (!dem_opt_mem) return; if (!--mem_depth) { delete mem_table; mem_table = 0; } } static int dem_mem(char* cn, char* mn) { char buf[1024]; Pname n; if (!cn || !mn || !*cn || !*mn) error('i', "invalidA to dem_mem()"); sprintf(buf, "%s__%s", cn, mn); if (mem_table) { if (mem_table->look(mn, 0)) { if (!perm_table) perm_table = new table(16, 0, 0); n = new name(buf); perm_table->insert(n, 0); delete n; return 0; } else { n = new name(mn); mem_table->insert(n, 0); delete n; return 1; } } else { return !perm_table || !perm_table->look(buf, 0); } } void puttok(TOK t) /* print the output representation of "t" */ { putstring(keys[t]); if (12 *CONST CONST_RPTR => &CONST PTR => * RPTR => & LP => ( right contains RP => ) VEC => [ rnode ] FCT => ( rnode ) FIELD => : rnode */ Pbase b; Pname n; TOK left[MX], right[MX]; Pnode rnode[MX]; Pclass lnode[MX]; int li, ri; bit cf; public: void init(Pname nn) { b=0; n=nn; cf=li=ri=0; } void base(Pbase bb, bit const_flag = 0) { b = bb; cf = const_flag;} void front(TOK t) { left[++li] = t; } void front(Pclass c) { left[++li] = MEMPTR; lnode[li] = c; } void back(TOK t, Pnode nod) { right[++ri] = t; rnode[ri] = nod; } void paran() { front(LP); back(RP,0); } void put(); } *tbufvec[NTBUF] = {0}, *tbuf = 0; static int freetbuf = 0; void dcl_buf::put() { int i; Pfct ff = 0; if (MX<=li || MX<=ri) error('i',"T buffer overflow"); if (n && n->n_sto && n->n_sto!=REGISTER && n->n_sto!=AUTO) puttok(n->n_sto); if (b == 0) #ifdef DBG if ( emode ) { fprintf(out_file,"?b==0?"); return; } else #endif error('i',"noBT%s",Cast?" in cast":""); else { bit ac_save; if (cf) { ac_save = b->ansi_const; b->ansi_const = 1; } b->dcl_print(); if (cf) b->ansi_const = ac_save; } for( ; li; li--) { switch (left[li]) { case LP: putch('('); break; case PTR: putch('*'); break; case RPTR: if (emode) putch('&'); else putch('*'); break; case CONST_PTR: if (emode||ansi_opt && Cast==0) putstring("*const "); else putch('*'); break; case CONST_RPTR: if (emode) putstring("&const "); else if (ansi_opt && Cast==0) putstring("*const "); else putch('*'); break; case MEMPTR: if (lnode[li]) fprintf(out_file,"%s::",lnode[li]->string); } } if (n) n->print(); for(i=1; i<=ri; i++) { switch (right[i]) { case RP: putch(')'); break; case VEC: putch('['); { Pvec v = (Pvec) rnode[i]; Pexpr d = v->dim; int s = v->size; if (d) d->print(); if (s) fprintf(out_file,"%d",s); } putch(']'); break; case FCT: // beware of function returning pointer to // function expressed witout typedef { Pfct f = Pfct(rnode[i]); if (f->body) ff = f; f->dcl_print(); break; } case FIELD: { Pbase f = (Pbase) rnode[i]; Pexpr d = (Pexpr)f->b_name; int s = f->b_bits; putch(':'); if (d) d->print(); else if (s) fprintf(out_file,"%d",s); else puttok(ZERO); break; } } } void print_body(Pfct); if (ff && emode==0) print_body(ff); } Pexpr mk_zero_init( Ptype tt, Pname obname, Pname currname ) /* creates 0 initializer for defined objects side effect: generates right nesting level for {} */ { if (dtpt_opt && mk_zero_init_flag) return 0; tt = tt->skiptypedefs(); switch (tt->base) { case VEC: // type a[size]; => type a[size] = {0}; { if ( obname == currname && !ispt_data(obname)) { //xxx initializing vectors blows up the size of some programs return 0; } else { Pexpr i = mk_zero_init(Pvec(tt)->typ,obname,currname); if ( i == 0 ) return 0; return new expr( ILIST, i, 0 ); } } case COBJ: // "X a;" == "X a = {0};" { Pclass cl = Pclass(Pbase(tt)->b_name->tp); if ( !ansi_opt && (cl->csu == ANON || cl->csu == UNION) ) { if ( warning_opt ) { // ridiculous handstands to avoid printing // compiler generated names in warning Ptype tn = obname->tp; for(;;) if(tn->base==VEC) tn=Pvec(tn)->typ; else break; if ( obname == currname && tt == tn ) { if ( cl->string[0]=='_' && cl->string[1]=='_' ) error('w',&obname->where,"cannot generate zeroIr for%n ofT union; toI, compile with +a1 or insert non-union object as first member",obname); else error('w',&obname->where,"cannot generate zeroIr for%n ofT%t; toI, compile with +a1 or insert non-union object as first member",obname,obname->tp); } else { Pclass cx; if ( tn->base == COBJ && (cx=(Pclass)Pbase(tn)->b_name->tp) && cx->string[0]=='_' && cx->string[1]=='_' ) error('w',&obname->where,"cannot generate zeroIr for%n (union or aggregate with union as first element); toI, compile with +a1 or insert non-union object as first member",obname); else error('w',&obname->where,"cannot generate zeroIr for%n ofT%t (union or aggregate with union as first element); toI, compile with +a1 or insert non-union object as first member",obname,obname->tp); } } // if warning_opt return 0; } Pbcl l = cl->baselist; while ( l ) { if ( l->base == NAME ) cl = l->bclass; else return new expr(ILIST,zero,0); l = cl->baselist; } int i = 1; Pname nn = cl->memtbl->get_mem(i); for ( ; nn; NEXT_NAME(cl->memtbl,nn,i) ) { if ( nn->base == TNAME || nn->tp==0 ) continue; Ptype tx = nn->tp->skiptypedefs(); if (nn->base==NAME && nn->n_anon==0 && tx->base!=FCT && tx->base!=OVERLOAD && tx->base!=CLASS && tx->base!=ENUM && nn->n_stclass != STATIC && nn->n_stclass != ENUM) { Pexpr i = mk_zero_init(tx,obname,nn); if ( i == 0 ) return 0; return new expr(ILIST,i,0); } } return 0; } case PTR: if (tt->memptr()) { Pexpr i = new expr(ELIST,zero,zero); return new expr(ILIST,i,zero); } // no break case RPTR: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case EOBJ: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case LDOUBLE: // "int a;" == "int a = 0;" case FIELD: case ANY: return zero; } return 0; } void fct::arg_print() /* print function arguments and type of function */ { putch('('); for (Pname nn=argtype; nn;) { nn->tp->dcl_print(0); if (nn=nn->n_list) puttok(CM); else break; } switch (nargs_known) { case 0: // putst("?"); break; case ELLIPSIS: puttok(ELLIPSIS); break; } putch(')'); if (f_const) puttok(CONST); if (f_static) puttok(STATIC); // wrong place for ``static'' } void name::dcl_print(TOK list) /* Print the declaration for a name (list==0) or a name list (list!=0): For each name (1) print storage class (2) print base type (3) print the name with its declarators Avoid (illegal) repetition of basetypes which are class or enum declarations (A name list may contain names with different base types) list == SM : terminator SM list == 0: single declaration with terminator SM list == CM : separator CM */ { if (error_count) return; //error('d',"name::dcl_print this is %n",this); if (n_stclass==STATIC) tp->ansi_const=1; for (Pname n=this; n; n=n->n_list) { Ptype t = n->tp; int sm = 0; if (t == 0) error('i',"N::dcl_print(%n)T missing",n); if (n->n_stclass==ENUM) if (list) continue; else return; if (n->where.line!=last_line.line || n->where.file!=last_line.file) if (last_ll = n->where.line) n->where.putline(); else last_line.putline(); bit tc = 0; Ptype tt = t->skiptypedefs(tc); switch (t->base) { case CLASS: if (n->base != TNAME) { Pclass(t)->dcl_print(n); } sm = 1; break; case ENUM: Penum(t)->dcl_print(0); sm = 1; break; case FCT: { Pfct f = Pfct(t); if ( dtpt_opt && all_flag==0 && curloc.file!=first_file && f->f_inline==0 && f->f_is_inline==0 && !(n->n_sto==STATIC && !n->n_stclass) && none_flag==0) f->body=0; if (t->is_templ_instance() && current_fct_instantiation != f) { if (n->n_addr_taken == 1 && current_fct_instantiation == 0 && (f->f_inline || f->last_expanded)) // special case of inline needing to printed // permit it to continue ... ; else return; } if (n->base == TNAME) puttok(TYPEDEF); if ( n->n_dcl_printed==2 // definition already printed || n->n_dcl_printed==1 && f->body==0 // declaration already printed ) { // don't print again sm = 1; // no SM break; } if (f->f_result == 0) make_res(f); if (f->body && n->n_sto==EXTERN) n->n_sto = 0; if ( f->f_inline && (n->n_table!=gtbl || strcmp(n->string,"main")) ) { if (debug_opt) { if ( f->defined & DEFINED && f->defined & SIMPLIFIED && f->f_inline != ITOR ) goto prnt_def; else if (n->n_dcl_printed == 0) goto prnt_dcl; else { sm = 1; break; } } if (f->f_virtual || n->n_addr_taken) { prnt_dcl: TOK st = n->n_sto; Pblock b = f->body; f->body = 0; t->dcl_print(n); n->n_dcl_printed = 1; n->n_sto = st; f->body = b; break; } else sm = 1; // no SM } else if ( (f->defined&DEFINED)==0 || (f->defined&SIMPLIFIED)==0 ) goto prnt_dcl; else if ( n->n_table==gtbl && strcmp(n->string,"main")==0 ) { if (f->f_inline) { error(&n->where,"main() cannot be declared inline"); f->f_inline=0; n->n_sto=0; } if (n->n_sto==STATIC) { error(&n->where,"main() cannot be declared static"); n->n_sto=0; } MAIN = 1; gtbl->look("main",0)->use(); f->f_signature = 0; t->dcl_print(n); n->n_dcl_printed = f->body?2:1; MAIN = 0; } else { prnt_def: if (n->n_oper==CTOR || n->n_oper==DTOR) { Pclass cl = Pclass(n->n_table->t_name->tp); if (cl->c_body == 3) cl->print_all_vtbls(cl); } if ( n->n_sto == STATIC && pdef_name == 0 && def_name == 0 ) { pdef_name = n; if (last_ll = n->where.line) n->where.putline(); else last_line.putline(); } t->dcl_print(n); n->n_dcl_printed = f->body?2:1; } if (f->body) sm = 1; break; } case OVERLOAD: { for (Plist gl=Pgen(t)->fct_list; gl; gl=gl->l) { Pname nn = gl->f; Pfct f=(Pfct) nn->tp; if (f->defined) nn->dcl_print(0); sm = 1; } break; } case ASM: fprintf(out_file,"asm(\"%s\")\n",(char*)Pbase(t)->b_name); break; case INT: case EOBJ: case CHAR: case LONG: case SHORT: tcx: // do not allocate space for constants unless necessary if ( tc && n->n_sto!=EXTERN // extern const one; // const one = 1; // allocates storage && ( n->n_scope==EXTERN // FUDGE const one = 1; // is treated as static // need loader support || n->n_scope==STATIC || n->n_scope==FCT ) ) { if (n->n_evaluated && n->n_addr_taken==0) { sm = 1; /* no ; */ break; } } tc = 0; // no break; default: { Pexpr saveinit=n->n_initializer; TOK savesto=n->n_sto; Pexpr i = n->n_initializer; if (n->base == TNAME && n->tpdef ) i = 0; if ( dtpt_opt && all_flag==0 && n->n_scope!=STATIC && none_flag==0 && curloc.file != first_file ) { if (n->base==TNAME && n->tpdef) ; // do nothing else { n->n_initializer=i=0; mk_zero_init_flag=1; if (n->n_scope==EXTERN && Pbase(t)->b_const==0) n->n_sto=EXTERN; } } if (tc) { switch (tt->base) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case EOBJ: goto tcx; } } if (n->base == TNAME) { // error('d',"%s->dcl_print %k lex_level: %d", n->string, n->base, n->lex_level ); /* Always print template formals, even when they have the same * formal name, since the instantiation name is different. This * fix should not be required when the copy mechanism is in place. */ if (! n_template_arg) { // Pname tn=k_find_name(n->string,Ctbl,HIDDEN); // if (tn && tn->lex_level && t==tn->tp) // return; if ( n->lex_level ) return; } puttok(TYPEDEF); } if (n->n_stclass == REGISTER) { // (imperfect) check against member functions // register s a; a.f() illegal Pname cln = n->tp->is_cl_obj(); if (cln) { Pclass cl = Pclass(cln->tp); if ( cl->csu!=CLASS && cl->baselist==0 && cl->has_itor()==0 && cl->virt_count==0 && !n->n_addr_taken ) puttok(REGISTER); } else if (!n->n_addr_taken) puttok(REGISTER); } if (i) { if (n->n_sto==EXTERN && n->n_stclass==STATIC) { n->n_initializer = 0; t->dcl_print(n); puttok(SM); n->n_initializer = i; n->n_sto = 0; t->dcl_print(n); n->n_sto = EXTERN; } else t->dcl_print(n); if(n->n_table) { Pname nn = n->n_table->look(n->string,0); if(nn) nn->n_dcl_printed = 1; else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } else if (n->n_evaluated && Pbase(t)->b_const) { if (n->n_sto==EXTERN && n->n_stclass==STATIC) { int v = n->n_evaluated; n->n_evaluated = 0; t->dcl_print(n); puttok(SM); if (n->where.line!=last_line.line || n->where.file!=last_line.file) if (last_ll = n->where.line) n->where.putline(); else last_line.putline(); n->n_evaluated = v; n->n_sto = 0; t->dcl_print(n); n->n_sto = EXTERN; } else t->dcl_print(n); if(n->n_table) { Pname nn = n->n_table->look(n->string,0); if(nn) nn->n_dcl_printed = 1; else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } else { Ptype tempt=t->skiptypedefs(); if (tempt->base==COBJ) { Pname cln=n->tp->is_cl_obj(); if (cln) { Pclass cl= (Pclass) cln->tp; Pname ctor= cl->has_ctor(); if ( n->n_table!=gtbl && n->n_sto!=EXTERN && n->n_evaluated==0 && n_stclass==STATIC && ctor ) n->n_initializer = i =mk_zero_init(t,n,n); } } if ( ( n->n_sto==0 || n->n_val && n->n_evaluated==0 ) && n_stclass==STATIC && n->n_sto!=STATIC && (n->n_table==gtbl || ispt_data(n)) ) { if (n->n_val && n->n_evaluated==0) { // extern x = f(); // generate int x = 0; // plus dynamic initialization n->n_sto = 0; } n->n_initializer = i = mk_zero_init(t,n,n); } t->dcl_print(n); if(n->n_table) { Pname nn = n->n_table->look(n->string,0); if(nn) nn->n_dcl_printed = 1; else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } else n->n_dcl_printed = 1; } if (n->n_scope!=ARG) { if (i) { puttok(ASSIGN); Pexpr i2 = i; while (i2->base == CAST || i2->base == G_CAST) i2 = i2->e1; if (i2->base == ILIST) i = i2; if ( t != i->tp && i->base != ZERO && i->base != ILIST ) { Ptype t1 = n->tp->skiptypedefs(); switch (t1->base) { default: i->print(); break; case VEC: if (Pvec(t1)->typ->base==CHAR) { i->print(); break; } // no break case PTR: case RPTR: if (i->tp==0 || (!ansi_opt && Pptr(t)->typ && Pptr(t)->typ->skiptypedefs()->base==VEC && i->base != G_CAST && i->base != CAST ) || n->tp->check(i->tp,0)) { putch('('); bit oc = Cast; Cast = 1; t->print(); Cast = oc; putch(')'); } eprint(i); } } else { if (i==zero) { while (t->base == TYPE) t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp; } eprint(i); } } else if (n->n_evaluated) { puttok(ASSIGN); if (n->tp->base!=INT || n->tp->is_unsigned()) { putstring("(("); bit oc = Cast; Cast = 1; n->tp->print(); Cast = oc; fprintf(out_file,")%d)",n->n_val); } else fprintf(out_file,"%d",n->n_val); } } n->n_initializer=saveinit; n->n_sto=savesto; } } switch (list) { case SM: if (sm==0) puttok(SM); break; case 0: if (sm==0) puttok(SM); return; case CM: if (n->n_list) puttok(CM); break; } } } char *local_sign( Ptype pt ) { // get function signature for local class char buf[1024]; char* bb = pt->signature(buf); int ll = bb-buf; if (1023 < ll) error('i',"local class N buffer overflow"); char *p = new char[ll+1]; strcpy(p,buf); return p; } void enumdef::dcl_print(Pname cln) { // note: ***** modify to handle local enums char* s = nested_sig?nested_sig:(cln ? cln->string:0); if ( nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"enum __%s { ",nested_sig); else fprintf(out_file,"enum %s { ",local_sig?local_sig:string); for (Pname px, p=mem; p; p=px) { px = p->n_list; if (s) { if (p->n_evaluated) fprintf(out_file,"%s__%s = %d",p->string,s,p->n_val); else fprintf(out_file,"%s__%s",p->string,s); } else { if (p->n_evaluated) fprintf(out_file,"%s = %d",p->string,p->n_val); else fprintf(out_file,"%s",p->string); } if (px) puttok(CM); p->n_initializer = 0; // nested enum within a class template if (in_class == 0 || in_class->class_base != INSTANTIATED ) delete p; } if (in_class == 0 || in_class->class_base != INSTANTIATED ) mem = 0; else e_body = 3; // already printed puttok(RC); puttok(SM); } void name::print(bit fullprint) { // print just the name itself if (this == 0) error('i',"0->N::print()"); if (string == 0) { if (emode) putch('?'); return; } switch (base) { case TNAME: //SYM -- NESTED stuff removed if ( tpdef == 0 ) { switch ( tp->base ) { default: error('i',"missing tpdef forTdefN %s",string); case COBJ: case EOBJ: Pbase(tp)->b_name->print(); } } else if (tpdef->nested_sig) { if ( emode == 0 ) { putstring( " __" ); putst(tpdef->nested_sig); } else { Pbase(tpdef->in_class->k_tbl->k_name->tp)->b_name->print(); putstring( "::" ); putstring(string); } } else if ( emode ) putstring(string); else putst(n_template_arg_string ? n_template_arg_string : string); return; case MDOT: Pexpr(this)->print(); return; } if (emode) { Ptable tbl = 0; bit f = 0; if (tp) { switch (tp->base) { case OVERLOAD: case FCT:{ f = 1; Pfct ft; if (tp->base==FCT) ft=fct_type(); else ft=Pfct(Pgen(tp)->fct_list->f->tp); if (fullprint && ft->returns && ft->returns->base!=VOID) ft->returns->print(); } default: if (tbl=n_table) { if (tbl == gtbl) { if (f == 0) putstring("::"); } else { if (tbl->t_name) { tbl->t_name->print(); fprintf(out_file,"::") ; } } } if (n_scope==ARG && strcmp(string,"this")==0) { // tell which "this" it is Ptype tt = Pptr(tp)->typ; Pname cn = Pbase(tt)->b_name; fprintf(out_file,"%s::",cn->string); } break; case CLASS: case ENUM: if ( tp->local_sig ) { fprintf(out_file,"%s(local to ",string); tp->in_fct->print(); fprintf(out_file,")"); return; } else { if ( tp->nested_sig ) { Pbase(tp->in_class->k_tbl->k_name->tp)->b_name->print(); fprintf(out_file,"::"); } if ( tp->base == CLASS ) { Ptclass pc = Ptclass(tp); if ( pc->class_base == INSTANTIATED ) pc->inst->print_pretty_name(); else putstring(string); } else putstring(string); return; } } nop: switch (n_oper) { case TYPE: putstring("operator "); if (tp && Pfct(tp)->returns) Pfct(tp)->returns->dcl_print(0); break; case 0: putstring(string); break; case DTOR: if ( tbl && tbl->t_name ) { putch('~'); putstring(tbl->t_name->string); } else { if (string) fprintf(out_file,"%s", n_template_arg_string ? n_template_arg_string : "destructor"); else putstring("destructor"); f = 0; } break; case CTOR: if ( tbl && tbl->t_name ) putstring(tbl->t_name->string); else { if (string) fprintf(out_file,"%s", n_template_arg_string ? n_template_arg_string : "constructor"); else putstring("constructor"); f = 0; } break; case TNAME: putstring(string); break; default: putstring("operator "); putstring(keys[n_oper]); break; } if (f) if (fullprint) Pfct(tp)->arg_print(); else putstring("()"); } else { if (n_oper) goto nop; if (string) putstring(n_template_arg_string ? n_template_arg_string : string); } return; } char* sig = 0; char* templ_fct_name = 0; Pclass cl = 0; char* asig = n_anon; if (tp) { Ptable tbl; switch (tp->base) { default: if (tbl=n_table) { // global or member Pname tn; if (tbl == gtbl) { if ( asig ) { fprintf(out_file,"%s.",asig); } break; } if (tn=tbl->t_name) { cl = Pclass(tn->tp); //error('d',"%n %t cl%t",this,tp,cl); if (asig) { if ( cl->string[0]=='_' && cl->string[1]=='_' && cl->string[2]=='C' ) { fprintf(out_file,"%s.",asig); } else { char* cn; int f; char buf[1024]; if (cl->nested_sig) cn = cl->nested_sig; else if (cl->lex_level) cn = cl->local_sig; else cn = cl->string; f = dem_opt_mem && dem_mem(cn, asig); fprintf(out_file, "%s", asig); if ( cl->nested_sig ) { sprintf(buf, "__%s", cl->nested_sig); } else if ( cl->lex_level ) { sprintf(buf, "__%d%s", cl->c_strlen, cl->local_sig); } else { sprintf(buf, "__%d%s", cl->c_strlen, cl->string); } if (!f) fprintf(out_file, "%s", buf); fprintf(out_file, "."); } cl = 0; } else if ( cl->string[0]=='_' && cl->string[1]=='_' && cl->string[2]=='C' && n_stclass != STATIC ) { //error('d'," inline%d vtbl_opt %d ansi_opt %d n_sto%k",Pfct(tp)->f_inline,vtbl_opt,ansi_opt,n_sto); if ( tp->base == FCT && (Pfct(tp)->f_is_inline && vtbl_opt) || (ansi_opt && n_sto==STATIC) ) ; else cl = 0; } break; } } switch (n_stclass) { // local variable case STATIC: case EXTERN: if (asig) fprintf(out_file,"%s.",asig); else if (n_sto==STATIC && tp->base!=FCT) { if (lex_level == 0) putstring("__S"); else if (!dem_opt_local || gtbl->look(string, 0)) fprintf(out_file,"__%d",lex_level); } break; default: // encode with lexical level UNLESS ``special'' // e.g. __builtin if (string[0]!='_' || string[1]!='_' || string[2] != 'C' ) { if (asig) { if (!dem_opt_local || gtbl->look(asig, 0)) fprintf(out_file, "__%d", lex_level); fprintf(out_file,"%s.", asig); } else if (!dem_opt_local || gtbl->look(string, 0)) { fprintf(out_file,"__%d",lex_level); } } } break; case CLASS: if ( tp->nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"__%s", tp->nested_sig); else if ( tp->local_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"%s", tp->local_sig); else fprintf(out_file,"%s", Pclass(tp)->string); return; case ENUM: if ( tp->nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"__%s", tp->nested_sig); else if ( tp->local_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"%s", tp->local_sig); else fprintf(out_file,"%s", Penum(tp)->string); return; } if (tp->base==FCT) { sig = Pfct(tp)->f_signature; if (sig && sig[0]==0) sig = 0; if (sig && Pfct(tp)->fct_base == INSTANTIATED) templ_fct_name = Ptfct(tp)->unparametrized_tname()->string; } } if (string) { #ifdef DENSE int i = strlen(templ_fct_name?templ_fct_name:string); if (cl) i += cl->c_strlen+4; // __dd if (sig) { if (cl == 0) i += 2; i += strlen(sig); } if (31c_strlen,cl->string,sig); else if (cl) sprintf(buf,"%s__%d%s",string,cl->c_strlen,cl->string); else if (sig) sprintf(buf,"%s__%s",templ_fct_name?templ_fct_name:string,sig); else sprintf(buf,"%s",string); chop(buf); fprintf(out_file,"%s ",buf); return; } #endif char* mn; { char *s = n_template_arg_string ? n_template_arg_string : (templ_fct_name ? templ_fct_name : string); putstring(s); mn = s; } if ( cl ) { int f = 0; if (tp->base != FCT && n_stclass != STATIC && dem_opt_mem) { char* cn; if (cl->nested_sig) cn = cl->nested_sig; else if (cl->lex_level) cn = cl->local_sig; else cn = cl->string; f = dem_mem(cn, mn); } if (!dem_opt_mem || !f) { if ( cl->nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"__%s",cl->nested_sig); else if ( cl->lex_level ) fprintf(out_file,"__%d%s",cl->c_strlen,cl->local_sig); else fprintf(out_file,"__%d%s",cl->c_strlen,cl->string); } } if (sig) { if (cl == 0) putstring("__"); putstring(sig); } putch(' '); } } #ifdef DENSE void chop(char* buf) { static char alpha[] = "_0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; static const asz = sizeof(alpha)-1; int hash = 0; char* p = &buf[29]; if (strlen(buf) <= 30) return; while (*p) { hash <<= 1; if (hash & (1<<12)) { hash &= ~(1<<12); hash++; } hash ^= *p++; } buf[29] = alpha[(int)(hash%asz)]; buf[30] = alpha[(int)((hash/asz)%asz)]; buf[31] = 0; } #endif void type::print() { switch (base) { case PTR: case RPTR: case VEC: Pptr(this)->dcl_print(0); break; case FCT: Pfct(this)->dcl_print(); break; case CLASS: case ENUM: if (emode) if (base==CLASS) putstring("class "); else putstring("enum "); else if (base==CLASS) { if (Pclass(this)->nested_sig) fprintf(out_file,"struct __%s *",Pclass(this)->nested_sig); else fprintf(out_file,"struct %s *",Pclass(this)->local_sig ? Pclass(this)->local_sig : Pclass(this)->string); } else fprintf(out_file,"enum %s *",Penum(this)->string); break; case TYPE: if (Cast || Pbase(this)->b_name->lex_level) { Pbase(this)->b_name->tp->print(); break; } // no break default: Pbase(this)->dcl_print(); } } char* type::signature(register char* p, int ptflag) /* take a signature suitable for argument types for overloaded function names */ { Ptype t = this; int pp = 0; // pointer to xx: //error('d',"xx: (%d) %d %k %t",this,t,t->base,t); // first unroll typedefs and handle derived types: switch (t->base) { case TYPE: if (Pbase(t)->b_const) *p++ = 'C'; t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp; goto xx; case VEC: if ((pp || ptflag) && Pvec(t)->size) { // A_ *p++ = 'A'; sprintf(p,"%d\0",Pvec(t)->size); // don't trust // sprintf return value while (*++p); *p++ = '_'; } else *p++ = 'P'; t = Pvec(t)->typ; pp = 1; goto xx; case PTR: if (Pptr(t)->b_const) *p++ = 'C'; // *const register char* s; int d; s = 0; d = 0; if (!Pptr(t)->memof && Pptr(t)->ptname && Pptr(t)->ptname->tp) { s = Pbase(Pptr(t)->ptname->tp)->b_name->string; d = strlen(s); } if (Pptr(t)->memof || s) { *p++ = 'M'; if (!s) { // M Pclass cl = Pptr(t)->memof; char* ns = cl->nested_sig; char* ls = cl->local_sig; if ( ns ) s = ns; else { if ( ls ) s = ls; else s = cl->string; d = cl->c_strlen; } } if (d >= 100) *p++ = '0' + d/100; if (d >= 10) *p++ = '0' + (d % 100) / 10; if (d) *p++ = '0'+ d%10; while (*p++ = *s++); --p; // not the '\0' } else *p++ = 'P'; t = Pptr(t)->typ; pp = 1; goto xx; case RPTR: *p++ = 'R'; t = Pptr(t)->typ; pp = 1; goto xx; case FCT: { Pfct f = Pfct(t); Pname n = f->argtype; if (f->f_const) *p++ = 'C'; // constant member function if (f->f_static) *p++ = 'S'; // static member function *p++ = 'F'; if (n == 0) *p++ = 'v'; // VOID, that is f() == f(void) else for ( ; n; n=n->n_list) { // print argument encoding // check if argtype is the same // as previously seen argtype int i = 0; for (Pname nn=f->argtype; n!=nn; nn=nn->n_list) { i++; if (nn->tp==n->tp || nn->tp->check(n->tp,0)==0) { // typeof (n) == typeof(arg i) int x = 1; // try for a run after n Pname nnn = n; while ((nnn=nnn->n_list) && x<9) { if ( nnn->tp==n->tp || nnn->tp->check(n->tp,0)==0 ) { x++; n = nnn; } else break; } if (x == 1) // Ti *p++ = 'T'; else { // Nxi *p++ = 'N'; *p++ = '0'+x; } // assume <100 arguments if (9tp->signature(p); zk:; } if (f->nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) *p++ = 'e'; if (pp) { // '_' result type *p++ = '_'; p = f->returns->signature(p); } *p = 0; return p; } } // base type modifiers: if ( Pbase(t)->b_const ) *p++ = 'C'; // if ( Pbase(t)->b_signed ) *p++ = 'S'; if ( Pbase(t)->b_unsigned ) *p++ = 'U'; // if ( Pbase(t)->b_volatile ) *p++ = 'V'; // now base types: register char *s, *ns = 0;; char* ls; int d; Pclass cl; switch (t->base) { case ANY: break; case ZTYPE: break; case VOID: *p++ = 'v'; break; case CHAR: *p++ = 'c'; break; case SHORT: *p++ = 's'; break; case INT: *p++ = 'i'; break; case LONG: *p++ = 'l'; break; case FLOAT: *p++ = 'f'; break; case DOUBLE: *p++ = 'd'; break; case LDOUBLE: *p++ = 'r'; break; case EOBJ: { Penum en = Penum(Pbase(t)->b_name->tp); ls = en->local_sig; ns = en->nested_sig; s = en->string; d = en->e_strlen; goto pppp; } case COBJ: { cl = Pclass(Pbase(t)->b_name->tp); ls = cl->local_sig; ns = cl->nested_sig; s = cl->string; d = cl->c_strlen; pppp: if ( ns ) s = ns; else { if ( ls ) s = ls; if (d >= 100) *p++ = '0' +d/100; if (d >= 10) *p++ = '0' + (d % 100) / 10; *p++ = '0' + d%10; } while (*p++ = *s++); --p; break; } case FIELD: default: error('i',"signature of%k",t->base); } *p = 0; return p; } void basetype::dcl_print() { Pname nn; Pclass cl; if (emode) { if (b_virtual) puttok(VIRTUAL); if (b_inline) puttok(INLINE); } if((ansi_opt && !ansi_const) || emode) if (b_const) puttok(CONST); if (b_unsigned) puttok(UNSIGNED); switch (base) { case ANY: if (emode) putstring("any "); else putstring("int "); break; case ZTYPE: if (emode) putstring("zero "); else putstring("int "); break; case VOID: if (emode==0 && ansi_opt==0) { // silly trick to bypass BSD C compiler bug // void* (*)() dosn't work there // note simpl.c knows that VOID -> CHAR grep for VCVC puttok(CHAR); break; } case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case LDOUBLE: puttok(base); break; case EOBJ: nn = b_name; eob: if (emode == 0 && Penum(nn->tp)->e_type) { Penum(nn->tp)->e_type->dcl_print(); } else { char* s = nn->string; puttok(ENUM); if ( *s!='_' || s[1]!='_' || s[2]!='E' ) nn->print(); } break; case COBJ: nn = b_name; cob: cl = Pclass(nn->tp); if ( emode && cl && cl->base == CLASS ) { char* s = nn->string; puttok(cl->csu); if ( *s!='_' || s[1]!='_' || s[2]!='C' ) nn->print(); break; } if (cl && (cl->csu==UNION || cl->csu==ANON)) puttok(UNION); else puttok(STRUCT); if ( cl && cl->nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file," __%s ",cl->nested_sig); else { char* s = 0; if ( cl && cl->lex_level && cl->local_sig ) s = cl->local_sig; putst(s?s:nn->string); } break; case TYPE: if (emode == 0) { switch (b_name->tp->base) { case COBJ: nn = Pbase(b_name->tp)->b_name; goto cob; case EOBJ: nn = Pbase(b_name->tp)->b_name; goto eob; } } b_name->print(); break; default: if (emode) { if (0BT::dcl_print(%d)",this,base); } } void type::dcl_print(Pname n) /* "this" type is the type of "n". Print the declaration */ { Ptype t = this; Pptr p; TOK pre = 0; if (t == 0) error('i',"0->dcl_print()"); if (n && n->tp!=t) error('i',"not %n'sT (%p)",n,t); if (base == OVERLOAD) { for (Plist gl=Pgen(this)->fct_list; gl; gl=gl->l) { Pname nn = gl->f; nn->tp->dcl_print(nn); if (gl->l) puttok(SM); } return; } tbuf = tbufvec[freetbuf]; if (tbuf == 0) { if (freetbuf == NTBUF-1) error('i',"AT nesting overflow"); tbufvec[freetbuf] = tbuf = new class dcl_buf; } freetbuf++; if ( base==FIELD && Pbase(this)->b_bits == 0 ) tbuf->init(0);// some compilers can't handle mangled names here else tbuf->init(n); if (n && n->n_xref) tbuf->front(PTR); bit vec_const_flag = 0; bit prev_const = 0; while (t) { TOK k; switch (t->base) { case PTR: p = Pptr(t); k = (p->b_const&&!p->ansi_const) ? CONST_PTR : PTR; goto ppp; case RPTR: p = Pptr(t); k = (p->b_const&&!p->ansi_const) ? CONST_RPTR : RPTR; ppp: if (p->memof) { if (emode) { tbuf->front(k); tbuf->front(p->memof); } else { t = p->typ->skiptypedefs(); if (t->base == FCT) { tbuf->base(mptr_type); goto zaq; } else tbuf->front(k); } } else tbuf->front(k); pre = PTR; t = p->typ; break; case VEC: { Pvec v = Pvec(t); if (Cast && pre != PTR && pre != VEC) { // for Macintosh: ptr to array uses [] notation tbuf->front(PTR); pre = PTR; } else { if (pre == PTR) tbuf->paran(); tbuf->back(VEC,v); pre = VEC; } if (ansi_opt) { Ptype t = Pvec(v)->typ; while (t && t->skiptypedefs()->base == VEC) t = Pvec(t)->typ; switch (t ? t->skiptypedefs()->base : 0) { case PTR: case RPTR: case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case EOBJ: case LONG: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: case LDOUBLE: case FIELD: case ANY: break; default: vec_const_flag = 1; break; } } t = v->typ; break; } case FCT: { Pfct f = Pfct(t); if (pre == PTR) tbuf->paran(); else if (emode && f->memof && n==0) tbuf->front(f->memof); tbuf->back(FCT,f); pre = FCT; t = (f->s_returns) ? f->s_returns : f->returns; break; } case FIELD: tbuf->back(FIELD,t); tbuf->base( Pbase(Pbase(t)->b_fieldtype) ); t = 0; break; case 0: if(!emode)error('i',"noBT(B=0)"); goto dobase; case TYPE: if ((Cast && TCast)||Pbase(t)->b_name->lex_level) { // unravel type in case it contains vectors Ptype tt = t; bit ok = 0; while (tt && tt->base == TYPE) { if (Pbase(tt)->b_const) ok = 1; if (Pbase(tt)->ansi_const) { ok = 0; break; } tt = tt->bname_type(); } if (ok && tt && tt->is_ptr_or_ref()) ok = 0; t = t->skiptypedefs(); if ( (emode || ansi_opt) && ok && !prev_const ) { putstring("const "); prev_const = 1; } break; } default: // the base has been reached dobase: if (emode) { char* s; Ptype tt = t->skiptypedefs(); switch (tt->base) { case CLASS: s = Pclass(tt)->string; if ( Ptclass(tt)->class_base == INSTANTIATED || Ptclass(tt)->class_base == UNINSTANTIATED || !(s[0]=='_' && s[1]=='_' && s[2]=='C') ) { Pbase(Pclass(tt)->k_tbl->k_name->tp)->b_name->print(); --freetbuf; return; } s="class"; goto fret; case ENUM: s = "enum"; goto fret; case OVERLOAD: s = "overloaded"; fret: putstring(s); freetbuf--; return; } } tbuf->base( Pbase(t), vec_const_flag ); goto zaq; } // switch } // while zaq: tbuf->put(); freetbuf--; } void fct::dcl_print() { Pname nn; if (is_templ() && // insure only print once current_fct_instantiation != this) return; if (emode) { arg_print(); return; } Pname at = f_args; putch('('); if (ansi_opt) { // print typed arguments: at = (f_this) ? f_this : (f_result) ? f_result : argtype; // WNG -- note: at = f_args had 0 value with ansi_opt set // mystery fix added here if (at == 0) { if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) { putch(')'); return; } puttok(VOID); } else if (body && Cast==0) { if (at == argtype) at = f_args; at->dcl_print(CM); // print argument type and name } else { for (Pname a = argtype; a; a=a->n_list) { Pname cln = a->tp->is_cl_obj(); if (cln && Pclass(cln->tp)->has_itor()) a->n_xref=1; } for (nn=at; nn;) { nn->tp->dcl_print(nn); // print argument type // (there may not be a name) if (nn=nn->n_list) puttok(CM); else break; } } if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) putstring(",..."); putch(')'); } else { // print argument names followed by argument type declarations: if (body && Cast==0) { for (nn=at; nn;) { nn->print(); if (nn=nn->n_list) puttok(CM); else break; } #if mips || hp9000s800 if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) if ( at ) putstring(", va_alist"); else putstring(" va_alist"); #endif #ifdef sparc if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) if ( at ) putstring(", __builtin_va_alist"); else putstring(" __builtin_va_alist"); #endif putch(')'); #ifdef hp9000s800 if (nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) putstring("long va_alist;"); #endif } else putch(')'); } } void print_body(Pfct f) { if (Cast==0) { if (ansi_opt==0 && f->f_args) { f->f_args->dcl_print(SM); if ( last_ll==0 && (last_ll = f->body->where.line) ) f->body->where.putline(); } if (MAIN) { putstring("{ _main(); "); // call constructors f->body->print(); puttok(RC); } else f->body->print(); } } void classdef::print_members() { int i; Pbcl l = baselist; if (l) { if (l->base == NAME) { l->bclass->print_members(); // first base only // pad to ensure alignment: int boff = l->bclass->real_size; int ba = l->bclass->align(); int xtra = boff%ba; int waste = (xtra) ? ba-xtra : 0; // padding if (waste) { // waste it to protect against structure // assignments to the base class char* s = make_name('W'); fprintf(out_file,"char %s[%d];\n",s,waste); delete s; } l = l->next; } for (; l; l=l->next) /* for second base etc. one must allocate as an object (rather than a list of members) to ensure proper alignment for shared base allocate a pointer size, alignment, & offset handled in cassdef::dcl() */ if (l->base == NAME) { Pclass bcl = l->bclass; char *str = 0; char *cs = bcl->nested_sig?bcl->nested_sig:bcl->string; if (bcl->lex_level && !bcl->nested_sig) str=bcl->local_sig; puttok(STRUCT); if (bcl->nested_sig) putstring("__"); putst(str?str:cs); putcat('O',bcl->string); // leave as unencoded puttok(SM); } } for (Pname nn=memtbl->get_mem(i=1); nn; NEXT_NAME(memtbl,nn,i)) { if ( nn->base == TNAME ) continue; if ( nn->base==NAME && nn->n_anon==0 && nn->tp->base!=FCT && nn->tp->base!=OVERLOAD && nn->tp->base!=CLASS && nn->tp->base!=ENUM && nn->n_stclass != STATIC ) { Pexpr i = nn->n_initializer; nn->n_initializer = 0; DB(if(Pdebug>=1) error('d',&nn->where," printingM%n base%k tbase%k n_key%k",nn,nn->base,nn->tp->base,nn->n_key);); nn->dcl_print(0); nn->n_initializer = i; } } for (l=baselist; l; l=l->next) if (l->base==VIRTUAL && l->ptr_offset) { Pclass bcl = l->bclass; char* str = 0; char *cs = bcl->nested_sig?bcl->nested_sig:bcl->string; if (bcl->lex_level && !bcl->nested_sig) str=bcl->local_sig; puttok(STRUCT); if (bcl->nested_sig) putstring("__"); putst(str?str:cs); putch('*'); putcat('P',bcl->string); // leave unencoded puttok(SM); } } vl* vlist; void really_really_print(Pclass cl, Pvirt vtab, char* s, char* ss); int p2(Pname nn, Ptype t, Pclass cl, Pvirt vtab, char* s) { int init; if (t->base == FCT) { Pfct f = Pfct(t); if ( nn->n_initializer || nn->n_sto==STATIC || f->f_inline || f->f_imeasure || f->f_virtual==0 ) return 0; init = f->body!=0; } else init = nn->n_initializer!=0; int oo = vtbl_opt; vtbl_opt = 1; // make sure the name is universal char *cs = cl->nested_sig?cl->nested_sig:cl->string; char* sstr = (cl->lex_level&&!cl->nested_sig)? cl->local_sig : 0; char* ss = vtbl_name(vtab->string,sstr?sstr:cs); if (init) { // unique definition here really_really_print(cl,vtab,ss,s); } else { // unique definition elsewhere char *vstr = 0; if ( vtab && vtab->string ) { vstr = new char[strlen(vtab->string)+cl->c_strlen+1]; strcpy( vstr, vtab->string ); strcat( vstr, cl->string ); } Pname nn; if (nn=ptbl->look(vstr?vstr:cl->string,0)) { // use of ptbl in file fprintf(out_file,"extern struct __mptr %s[];\n",ss); s[2] = 'p'; ptbl_add_pair(s, ss); nn->n_key=HIDDEN; } delete vstr; } vtbl_opt = oo; delete ss; return 1; } void classdef::really_print(Pvirt vtab) { int oo = vtbl_opt; // make `simulated static' name vtbl_opt = -1; char *cs = nested_sig?nested_sig:string; char* str = (lex_level&&!nested_sig) ? this->local_sig : 0; char* s = vtbl_name(vtab->string,str?str:cs); vtbl_opt = oo; // see if needed int i; for (Pname nn=memtbl->get_mem(i=1); nn; NEXT_NAME(memtbl,nn,i) ) { if ( nn->base == TNAME || nn->tp==0 ) continue; Ptype t = nn->tp->skiptypedefs(); if (t) switch (t->base) { case FCT: if (p2(nn,t,this,vtab,s)) goto xyzzy; break; case OVERLOAD: { for (Plist gl=Pgen(t)->fct_list; gl; gl=gl->l) if (p2(gl->f,gl->f->tp,this,vtab,s)) goto xyzzy; } } } { // must be initialized var in block to permit goto char* ss = vtbl_name(vtab->string,str?str:cs); if (vtbl_opt) really_really_print(this,vtab,ss,s); else { char *vstr = 0; if ( vtab && vtab->string ) { vstr = new char[::strlen(vtab->string)+c_strlen+1]; strcpy( vstr, vtab->string ); strcat( vstr, string ); } Pname nn; if (nn=ptbl->look(vstr?vstr:string,0)) { // use of ptbl in file fprintf(out_file,"extern struct __mptr %s[];\n",ss); s[2] = 'p'; ptbl_add_pair(s, ss); nn->n_key=HIDDEN; } delete vstr; } delete ss; } xyzzy: delete s; } void really_really_print(Pclass cl, Pvirt vtab, char* s, char* ss) { // make sure function is declared before using // it in vtbl initializer Pname nn; int i; for (i=0; nn = vtab->virt_init[i].n; i++) { if (nn->tp->base == OVERLOAD) { nn = Pgen(nn->tp)->fct_list->f; } Pfct f = Pfct(nn->tp); if (nn->n_initializer) { // pure virtual static int pv; if (pv == 0) { // VCVC void->char assumed fprintf(out_file,"char __pure_virtual_called();\n"); pv = 1; } continue; } if (f->base != FCT) error('i',"vtbl %n",nn); if (nn->n_dcl_printed==0) { if ((f->f_inline && vtbl_opt) || (ansi_opt && nn->n_sto==STATIC)) puttok(STATIC); if (f->f_result == 0) make_res(f); Ptype r = f->s_returns ? f->s_returns : f->returns; r->print(); nn->print(); if (ansi_opt) f->dcl_print(); else putstring("()"); puttok(SM); nn->n_dcl_printed = 1; } } fprintf(out_file,"struct __mptr %s[] = {0,0,0,\n",s); Pname n; for (i=0; n=vtab->virt_init[i].n; i++) { if (n->tp->base == OVERLOAD) { n = Pgen(n->tp)->fct_list->f; } if (n->n_initializer) putstring("0,0,(__vptp)__pure_virtual_called,\n"); else { fprintf(out_file,"%d,0,(__vptp)",-vtab->virt_init[i].offset); n->print(); n->n_addr_taken = 1; putstring(",\n"); } } putstring("0,0,0};\n"); ss[2] = 'p'; s[2] = 'v'; ptbl_add_pair(ss,s); Pname nm; char *cstr = 0; char *vstr = 0; char *cs = cl->nested_sig?cl->nested_sig:cl->string; if (cl->lex_level && !cl->nested_sig) cstr = cl->local_sig; if ( vtab && vtab->string ) { vstr = new char[strlen(vtab->string)+(cstr?strlen(cstr):strlen(cs))+1]; strcpy( vstr, vtab->string ); strcat( vstr, cstr?cstr:cs ); } if ( vstr == 0 ) vstr = cstr?cstr:(cs?cs:cl->string); if ( nm = ptbl->look(vstr,0) ) { nm->n_key = HIDDEN; if ( vstr != cstr && vstr != cs && vstr != cl->string ) delete vstr; } else if ( ptbl->look(vstr,HIDDEN) == 0 ) ptbl->insert(new name(vstr),HIDDEN); else if ( vstr != cstr && vstr != cl->string && vstr != cs ) delete vstr; } #include char* vtbl_name(char* s1, char* s2) { char* s3 = (vtbl_opt == -1 && *src_file_name) ? src_file_name : 0; // if vtbl_opt == -1 fake a static (there are no portable // way of doing a forward declaration of a static in C) int ll = s1 ? strlen(s1) : 0; int ll2 = strlen(s2); int ll3 = s3 ? strlen(s3) : 0; int sz = (ll+ll2+ll3+20)/32+1; // avoid fragmentation sz *= 32; char* buf = new char[sz]; if (s3) { if (s1) sprintf(buf,"__vtbl__%d%s__%d%s__%s",ll,s1,ll2,s2,s3); else sprintf(buf,"__vtbl__%d%s__%s",ll2,s2,s3); } else if (s1) sprintf(buf,"__vtbl__%d%s__%d%s",ll,s1,ll2,s2); else sprintf(buf,"__vtbl__%d%s",ll2,s2); if (vtbl_opt == -1) { for (char* p = buf+ll2+11; *p; p++) if (!isalpha(*p) && !isdigit(*p)) *p = '_'; } #ifdef DENSE chop(buf); #endif return buf; } void classdef::print_all_vtbls(Pclass bcl) { for (Pvirt blist = bcl->virt_list; blist; blist = blist->next) { if (!::same_class(this,blist->vclass)) continue; if (blist->printed) continue; vlist = new vl(this,blist,vlist); blist->printed = 1; } for (Pbcl b = bcl->baselist; b; b = b->next) print_all_vtbls(b->bclass); if (::same_class(this,bcl)) c_body = 0; } void classdef::dcl_print(Pname n) { defined |= REF_SEEN; // ensure template instantiations are printed exactly once. // if (class_base != VANILLA && !::same_class(current_instantiation,this) && // (n==0 || n->n_redefined != 1)) // return; DB(if(Pdebug>=1) error('d',"%t::dcl_print(%n) c_body %d defined%o",this,n,c_body,defined);); if (c_body==0 || c_body==3 || (defined&DEFINED)==0) return; c_body = 3; int i; for (Pname nn=memtbl->get_mem(i=1); nn; NEXT_NAME(memtbl,nn,i) ) { if ( nn->base == TNAME ) continue; if ( nn->base==NAME && nn->n_anon==0 && nn->tp->base==CLASS && Pclass(nn->tp)->c_body==1) Pclass(nn->tp)->dcl_print(nn); else if (nn->base == TNAME && nn->tp->base != COBJ) nn->dcl_print(0); else if (nn->tp && nn->n_anon == 0 && nn->tp->base == ENUM && Penum(nn->tp)->e_body != 3) Penum(nn->tp)->dcl_print(nn); } // note: reusing arg n n = k_find_name(string,Ctbl,HIDDEN);//SYM if (n) { if ( n->where.line!=last_line.line || n->where.file!=last_line.file ) if (last_ll = n->where.line) n->where.putline(); else last_line.putline(); } TOK c = csu==CLASS ? STRUCT : csu; puttok(c); char *str = 0; //error('d',"this:%t nested_sig %s ll %d",this,nested_sig,lex_level); if ( lex_level && !nested_sig) str = this->local_sig; if ( nested_sig ) putstring( " __" ); putst(str?str:(nested_sig?nested_sig:string)); int sz = tsizeof(); int dvirt = 0; if ( nested_sig ) fprintf(out_file,"{\t/* sizeof __%s == %d */\n",nested_sig,obj_size); else fprintf(out_file,"{\t/* sizeof %s == %d */\n",str?str:string,obj_size); if ( last_ll ) last_line.line++; begin_mem(); print_members(); end_mem(); for (Pbcl b = baselist; b; b = b->next) { if (b->base != VIRTUAL) continue; Pclass bcl = b->bclass; dvirt += bcl->virt_count; if (b->allocated==0) continue; char* str = 0; char* cs = bcl->nested_sig?bcl->nested_sig:bcl->string; if (bcl->lex_level && !bcl->nested_sig) str = bcl->local_sig; puttok(STRUCT); // struct bcl Obcl; if (bcl->nested_sig) putstring("__"); putst(str?str:cs); putcat('O',bcl->string); // leave unencoded puttok(SM); } putstring("};\n"); if ( last_ll ) last_line.line++; for (nn=memtbl->get_mem(i=1); nn; NEXT_NAME(memtbl,nn,i) ) { if ( nn->base == TNAME ) continue; if (nn->base==NAME && nn->n_anon==0) { Ptype t = nn->tp; switch (t->base) { case FCT: case OVERLOAD: break; default: if (nn->n_stclass == STATIC) { TOK b = nn->n_sto; nn->n_sto = (nn->n_evaluated) ? STATIC : b; nn->dcl_print(0); nn->n_sto = b; } } } } if (vtbl_opt != -1) print_all_vtbls(this); // force declaration } char * make_local_name( Ptype tt, Pname fn ) { char *buf; int tlen; char* tstring; switch ( tt->base ) { case CLASS: tlen = Pclass(tt)->c_strlen; tstring = Pclass(tt)->string; break; case ENUM: tlen = Penum(tt)->e_strlen; tstring = Penum(tt)->string; break; default: error('i',"make_local_name(%t,%n )",tt,fn); } char* lcl = make_name('L'); if ( fn == 0 || fn->tp == 0 || fn->tp->base != FCT ) error( 'i', "localC %smissing or badFN%n", tstring, fn ); tt->in_fct = fn; char *fsig = Pfct(fn->tp)->f_signature; if ( fsig == 0 ) fsig = local_sign( fn->tp ); char *fs = fn->string; int name_len=tlen+strlen(fsig)+strlen(fs)+strlen(lcl)+4; int sz = (name_len+20)/32+1; // from vtbl_name() if ( Pfct(fn->tp)->memof == 0 ) { sz *= 32; buf = new char[ sz ]; sprintf(buf, "%s__%s__%s%s", tstring, fs, fsig, lcl); } else { char *cs = Pclass(Pfct(fn->tp)->memof)->string; int len = Pclass(Pfct(fn->tp)->memof)->c_strlen; if ( len < 10 ) ++name_len; else if ( len > 99 ) name_len += 3; else name_len += 2; name_len += len; sz = (name_len+20)/32+1; sz *= 32; buf = new char[ sz ]; sprintf(buf, "%s__%s__%d%s%s%s",tstring,fs,len,cs,fsig,lcl); } #ifdef DENSE chop( buf ); #endif if ( tt->base == CLASS ) Pclass(tt)->c_strlen = name_len; else Penum(tt)->e_strlen = name_len; return buf; }