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NUMAL, A Library of Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60, Mathematisch Centrum.

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Jan Kok. README for NUMAL.tar. June 5, 2010.

Jan Kok. README for NUMAL.tar. June 5, 2010.

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numalinx.txt. May 13, 1992.

numalinx.txt only contains a new, trimmed introduction and the systematic index -- for the history of the NUMAL development, and the KWIC index, see: P.W. Hemker (ed.)[1981]: NUMAL. Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60. 7 volumes. MC Syllabus 47, Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam.

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newnumal5p1.txt. May 13, 1992

The set of plaintext ASCII files numalinx.txt newnumal5p1.txt newnumal5p2.txt newnumal5p3.txt together contains an update of the index and manual of the library NUMAL of Algol 60 procedures in numerical mathematics as published in the Mathematical Centre publication: P.W. Hemker (ed.)[1981]: NUMAL. Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60. 7 volumes. MC Syllabus 47, Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam.

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newnumal5p2.txt. May 13, 1992.

The set of plaintext ASCII files numalinx.txt newnumal5p1.txt newnumal5p2.txt newnumal5p3.txt together contains an update of the index and manual of the library NUMAL of Algol 60 procedures in numerical mathematics as published in the Mathematical Centre publication: P.W. Hemker (ed.)[1981]: NUMAL. Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60. 7 volumes. MC Syllabus 47, Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam.

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newnumal5p3.txt. May 13, 1992.

The set of plaintext ASCII files numalinx.txt newnumal5p1.txt newnumal5p2.txt newnumal5p3.txt together contains an update of the index and manual of the library NUMAL of Algol 60 procedures in numerical mathematics as published in the Mathematical Centre publication: P.W. Hemker (ed.)[1981]: NUMAL. Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60. 7 volumes. MC Syllabus 47, Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam.

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