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Files created by Martin Richards and his colleagues at the University of Cambridge.

M. Richards. Bootstrapping the BCPL Compiler using INTCODE. August 1973. by Paul McJones — last modified 2023-12-26 17:12
M. Richards. Bootstrapping the BCPL Compiler using INTCODE. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, August 1973.
M. Richards. The BCPL Programming Manual. November 1974. by Paul McJones — last modified 2023-12-26 17:14
M. Richards. The BCPL Programming Manual. The Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, November 1974, 43 pages.
M. Richards. INTCODE - An Interpretive Machine Code for BCPL. December 1972 (revised August 1975. by Paul McJones — last modified 2023-12-26 17:12
M. Richards. INTCODE - An Interpretive Machine Code for BCPL. Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. December 1972 (revised August 1975.
M.D. Middleton in collaboration with R. Firth, M. Richards, and I. Willers. A Proposed Definition of the Language BCPL. 1 October 1979. by Paul McJones — last modified 2023-12-26 17:13
M.D. Middleton in collaboration with R. Firth, M. Richards, and I. Willers. A Proposed Definition of the Language BCPL. 1 October 1979.
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