D. Aliffi, D. Montanari, E. G. Omodeo, and M. Pellegrini. Meta-interpreting SETL. Angelo Marcello Anile and Alfredo Ferro, editors. Proceedings of the 1st Catania Workshop on: "Artificial Intelligence" Catania, May 15-19, 1989.
D. Aliffi, D. Montanari, E. G. Omodeo, and M. Pellegrini. Meta-interpreting SETL. Angelo Marcello Anile and Alfredo Ferro, editors. Proceedings of the 1st Catania Workshop on: "Artificial Intelligence" Catania, May 15-19, 1989. Published in Le Matematiche, Volume XLIII (1988), Fascicle I, pages 79-98.
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