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/* @(#) dial.h 1.3 1/27/86 17:46:38 */
/*ident "@(#)cfront:incl/dial.h 1.3"*/
#ifndef IUCLC
#include <sys/termio.h>
#define LDEVS "/usr/lib/uucp/L-devices"
#define SYSFILE "/usr/lib/uucp/L.sys"
#define DIALFILE "/usr/lib/uucp/L-dialcodes"
#define DEVDIR "/dev/" /* device path */
#define LOCK "/usr/spool/uucp/LCK.." /* lock file semaphore */
#define DVC_LEN 30 /* max NO of chars in TTY-device path name */
/* error mnemonics */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define INTRPT (-1) /* interrupt occured */
#define D_HUNG (-2) /* dialer hung (no return from write) */
#define NO_ANS (-3) /* no answer within 10 seconds */
#define ILL_BD (-4) /* illegal baud-rate */
#define A_PROB (-5) /* acu problem (open() failure) */
#define L_PROB (-6) /* line problem (open() failure) */
#define NO_Ldv (-7) /* can't open LDEVS file */
#define DV_NT_A (-8) /* requested device not available */
#define DV_NT_K (-9) /* requested device not known */
#define NO_BD_A (-10) /* no device available at requested baud */
#define NO_BD_K (-11) /* no device known at requested baud */
#define DV_NT_E (-12) /* requested speed does not match */
typedef struct {
struct termio *attr; /* ptr to termio attribute struct */
int baud; /* transmission baud-rate */
int speed; /* 212A modem: low=300, high=1200 */
char *line; /* device name for out-going line */
char *telno; /* ptr to tel-no digits string */
int modem; /* allow modem control on direct lines */
char *device; /* Will hold the name of the device used */
/* to make a connection. */
int dev_len; /* The length of the device used to make */
/* a connection. */
extern int dial(CALL);
extern void undial(int);