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/*#ident "@(#)cfront:lib/complex/log.c 1.4"*/
#include "complex.h"
#include "const.h"
#define LOGDANGER 1e18
#define PERIL(t) (t > LOGDANGER || (t < 1/LOGDANGER && t != 0) )
log(complex z)
The complex natural logarithm of "z".
If z = 0, then the answer LOGWILD + 0*i is returned.
Stu Feldman says that the peril tests for the following function
are "acceptable for now", but certain things like
complex variables outside the over/underflow range
will cause floating exceptions.
complex answer;
double partial;
c_exception ex( "log", z );
int write( int , char *, unsigned int );
if ( z.re == 0 && z.im == 0)
ex.type = SING;
ex.retval.re = HUGE;
if ( !complex_error( ex ))
(void) write( 2, "log: singularity: log((0,0))\n", 29 );
errno = EDOM;
return ex.retval;
Check for (over/under)flow, and fixup if necessary.
double x = ABS(z.re);
double y = ABS(z.im);
if ( x>y && PERIL(x) ) {
z.im /=x;
z.re /= x; /* z.re is replaced by 1 or -1 */
partial = log(x);
else if (PERIL(y)) {
z.im /= y; /* roles of re, im reversed from previous */
z.re /= y;
partial = log(y);
else partial = 0;
z.re*z.re and z.im*z.im should not cause problems now.
answer.im = atan2(z.im,z.re);
answer.re = log(z.re*z.re + z.im*z.im)/2 + partial;
return answer;