File contents
/* @(#) cfront.h 1.4 1/27/86 17:48:33 */
/*ident "@(#)cfront:src/cfront.h 1.4" */
C++ source for cfront, the C++ compiler front-end
written in the computer science research center of Bell Labs
Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T, Inc. All Rights Reserved
When reading cfront code please remember that C++ was not available
when it was originally written. Out of necessity cfront is written
in a style that takes advantage of only few of C++'s more advanced
Here is all the class definitions for cfront, and most of the externs
This program relies on non-initialized class members being ZERO.
This will be true as long as they are allocated using the "new" operator
#include "token.h"
#include "typedef.h"
extern char* prog_name; /* compiler name and version */
extern bit old_fct_accepted; /* if set:
old style function definitions are legal,
implicit declarations are legal
extern bit fct_void; /* if set:
int f(); ... f(1); gives a warning per file
undeclared(); gives a warning per file
if not:
int f(); ... f(1); is an error
undeclared(); is an error (currently only a warning)
extern int inline_restr; /* inline expansion restrictions */
/* free lists */
extern Pname name_free;
extern Pexpr expr_free;
extern Pstmt stmt_free;
extern int Nspy, Nn, Nbt, Nt, Ne, Ns, Nstr, Nc, Nl;
extern TOK lex();
extern Pname syn();
extern bit print_mode;
/* stage initializers: */
extern void init_print();
extern void init_lex();
extern void int_syn();
extern void ext(int);
extern char* make_name(TOK);
class loc /* a source file location */
short file; /* index into file_name[], or zero */
short line;
void put(FILE*);
void putline();
extern Loc curloc;
extern int curr_file;
overload error;
extern int error(int, loc*, char* ...);
extern int error(int, char* ...);
extern int error(loc*, char* ...);
extern int error(char* ...);
extern int error_count;
extern bit debug;
extern Ptype outlined;
extern FILE* in_file;
extern FILE* out_file;
extern char scan_started;
extern bit warn;
extern int br_level;
extern int bl_level;
extern Ptable ktbl; /* keywords and typedef names */
extern char* oper_name(TOK);
extern Ptable gtbl; /* global names */
extern Pclass ccl;
extern Pbase defa_type;
extern Pbase moe_type;
extern Pstmt Cstmt; /* current statement, or 0 */
extern Pname Cdcl; /* name currently being declared, or 0 */
extern void put_dcl_context();
extern Ptable any_tbl; /* table of undefined struct members */
extern Pbase any_type;
extern Pbase int_type;
extern Pbase char_type;
extern Pbase short_type;
extern Pbase long_type;
extern Pbase uchar_type;
extern Pbase ushort_type;
extern Pbase uint_type;
extern Pbase ulong_type;
extern Ptype Pchar_type;
extern Ptype Pint_type;
extern Ptype Pfctvec_type;
extern Pbase float_type;
extern Pbase double_type;
extern Pbase void_type;
extern Ptype Pvoid_type;
extern Pbase zero_type;
extern int byte_offset;
extern int bit_offset;
extern int max_align;
extern int stack_size;
extern int enum_count;
extern int const_save;
extern Pname class_name(Ptable,char*,bit);
extern Pname gen_find(Pname,Pfct);
extern char* gen_name(char*,char);
extern Pexpr dummy; /* the empty expression */
extern Pexpr zero;
extern Pexpr one;
extern Pname sta_name; /* qualifier for unary :: */
#define DEL(p) if (p && (p->permanent==0)) p->del()
#define PERM(p) p->permanent=1
#define UNPERM(p) p->permanent=0
struct node {
TOK base;
TOK n_key; /* for names in table: class */
bit permanent;
extern Pclass Ebase, Epriv; /* lookc return values */
class table : public node {
/* a table is a node only to give it a "base" for debugging */
short size;
short hashsize;
Pname* entries;
short* hashtbl;
short free_slot; /* next free slot in entries */
short init_stat; /* ==0 if block(s) of table not simplified,
==1 if simplified but had no initializers,
==2 if simplified and had initializers.
Pstmt real_block; /* the last block the user wrote,
not one of the ones cfront created
table(short, Ptable, Pname);
Ptable next; /* table for enclosing scope */
Pname t_name; /* name of the table */
Pname look(char*, TOK);
Pname insert(Pname, TOK);
void grow(int);
void set_scope(Ptable t) { next = t; };
void set_name(Pname n) { t_name = n; };
Pname get_mem(int);
int max() { return free_slot-1; };
void dcl_print(TOK,TOK);
Pname lookc(char*, TOK);
Pexpr find_name(Pname, bit, Pexpr);
void del();
extern bit Nold;
extern bit vec_const;
extern void restore();
extern void set_scope(Pname);
extern Plist modified_tn;
extern Pbase start_cl(TOK, Pname, Pname);
extern void end_cl();
extern Pbase end_enum(Pname, Pname);
/************ types : basic types, aggregates, declarators ************/
extern bit new_type;
extern Pname cl_obj_vec;
extern Pname eobj;
#define DEFINED 01 /* definition fed through .dcl() */
#define SIMPLIFIED 02 /* in .simpl() */
#define DEF_SEEN 04 /* definition seen, but not processed */
/* used for class members in norm.c */
#define IN_ERROR 010
struct type : public node {
not used systematically yet
void print();
void dcl_print(Pname);
void base_print();
void del();
Pname is_cl_obj(); /* sets cl_obj_vec */
int is_ref();
void dcl(Ptable);
int tsizeof();
bit tconst();
TOK set_const(bit);
int align();
TOK kind(TOK,TOK);
TOK integral(TOK oo) { return kind(oo,I); };
TOK numeric(TOK oo) { return kind(oo,N); };
TOK num_ptr(TOK oo) { return kind(oo,P); };
bit fct_type();
bit vec_type();
bit check(Ptype, TOK);
Ptype deref();
inline Pptr addrof();
char* signature(char*);
extern bit vrp_equiv;
class enumdef : public type { /* ENUM */
Pname mem;
bit e_body;
int no_of_enumerators;
enumdef(Pname n) { base=ENUM; mem=n; };
void print();
void dcl_print(Pname);
void dcl(Pname, Ptable);
void simpl();
class classdef : public type { /* CLASS */
Pname clbase;
bit pubbase;
bit c_body; /* print definition only once */
char* string; /* name of class */
Pname privmem;
Pname pubmem;
Ptable memtbl;
short obj_size;
short real_size; /* obj_size - alignment waste */
char obj_align;
char bit_ass; // 1 if no member has operator=()
classdef(TOK, Pname);
void print();
void dcl_print(Pname);
void simpl();
Plist friend_list;
Pname pubdef;
Plist tn_list; // list of member names hiding type names
Pclass in_class; /* enclosing class, or 0 */
Ptype this_type;
char virt_count; /* number of virtual functions
incl. virtuals in base classes
Pname* virt_init; /* vector of jump table initializers */
Pname itor; /* constructor X(X&) */
Pname conv; /* operator T() chain */
void print_members();
void dcl(Pname, Ptable);
bit has_friend(Pname);
TOK is_simple() { return (csu==CLASS)?0:csu; };
Pname has_oper(TOK);
Pname has_ctor() { return memtbl->look("_ctor",0); }
Pname has_dtor() { return memtbl->look("_dtor",0); }
Pname has_itor() { return itor; }
Pname has_ictor();
class basetype : public type
/* used for gathering all the attributes
for a list of declarators
ZTYPE is the (generic) type of ZERO
ANY is the generic type of an undeclared name
bit b_unsigned;
bit b_const;
bit b_typedef;
bit b_inline;
bit b_virtual;
bit b_short;
bit b_long;
char b_offset;
Pname b_name; /* name of non-basic type */
Pexpr b_field; /* field size expression for a field */
char b_bits; /* number of bits in field */
Ptable b_table; /* memtbl for b_name, or 0 */
union {
Pname b_xname; /* extra name */
Ptype b_fieldtype;
basetype(TOK, Pname);
Pbase type_adj(TOK);
Pbase base_adj(Pbase);
Pbase name_adj(Pname);
Pbase check(Pname);
Pname aggr();
void normalize();
void dcl_print();
Pbase arit_conv(Pbase);
struct fct : public type /* FCT */
Ptype returns;
Pname argtype;
Ptype s_returns;
Pname f_this;
Pblock body;
Pname f_init; /* base/member initializers
null name => base class init;
ids => member classes (with ctors)
Pexpr b_init; /* base class initializer
ctor call after fct.dcl()
short frame_size;
TOK nargs;
TOK nargs_known; /* KNOWN, ELLIPSIS, or 0 */
char f_virtual; /* 1+index in virtual table, or 0 */
char f_inline; /* 1 if inline, 2 if being expanded, else 0 */
Pexpr f_expr; /* body expanded into an expression */
Pexpr last_expanded;
fct(Ptype, Pname, TOK);
void argdcl(Pname,Pname);
Ptype normalize(Ptype);
void dcl_print();
void dcl(Pname);
Pexpr base_init(Pname, Pexpr, Ptable);
Pexpr mem_init(Pname, Pexpr, Ptable);
bit declared() { return nargs_known; };
void simpl();
Pexpr expand(Pname,Ptable,Pexpr);
struct name_list {
Pname f;
Plist l;
name_list(Pname ff, Plist ll) { f=ff; l=ll; };
struct gen: public type /* OVERLOAD */
Plist fct_list;
char* string;
Pname add(Pname, int);
Pname find(Pfct);
struct vec : public type /* VEC */
/* typ [ dim ] */
Ptype typ;
Pexpr dim;
int size;
vec(Ptype t, Pexpr e) { Nt++; base=VEC; typ=t; dim=e; };
Ptype normalize(Ptype);
void print();
struct ptr : public type /* PTR RPTR*/
Ptype typ;
bit rdo; // for "*const"
ptr(TOK b, Ptype t, bit r = 0) { Nt++; base=b; typ=t; rdo=r; };
Ptype normalize(Ptype);
inline Pptr type.addrof() { return new ptr(PTR,this,0); }
/****************************** constants ********************************/
/***************************** expressions ********************************/
extern Pexpr next_elem();
extern void new_list(Pexpr);
extern void list_check(Pname, Ptype, Pexpr);
extern Pexpr ref_init(Pptr,Pexpr,Ptable);
extern Pexpr class_init(Pexpr,Ptype,Pexpr,Ptable);
extern Pexpr check_cond(Pexpr, TOK, Ptable);
class expr : public node /* PLUS, MINUS, etc. */
/* IMPORTANT: all expressions are of sizeof(expr) */
/* DEREF => *e1 (e2==0) OR e1[e2]
UMINUS => -e2
INCR (e1==0) => ++e2
INCR (e2==0) => e1++
CM => e1 , e2
ILIST => LC e1 RC (an initializer list)
a Pexpr may denote a name
union {
Ptype tp;
int syn_class;
union {
Pexpr e1;
char* string;
union {
Pexpr e2;
Pexpr n_initializer;
char* string2;
union { /* used by the derived classes */
Ptype tp2;
Pname fct_name;
Pexpr cond;
Pname mem;
Ptype as_type;
Ptable n_table;
Pin il;
expr(TOK, Pexpr, Pexpr);
void del();
void print();
Pexpr typ(Ptable);
int eval();
int lval(TOK);
Ptype fct_call(Ptable);
Pexpr address();
Pexpr contents();
void simpl();
Pexpr expand();
bit not_simple();
extern char* Neval;
struct typed_obj : expr {
typed_obj(TOK t, char* s) : (t,(Pexpr)s,0) { this=0; }
struct texpr : expr // NEW CAST VALUE
texpr(TOK bb, Ptype tt, Pexpr ee) : (bb,ee,0) {this=0; tp2=tt;}
struct call : expr // CALL
call(Pexpr aa, Pexpr bb) : (CALL,aa,bb) { this=0; }
void simpl();
Pexpr expand(Ptable);
struct qexpr : expr // QUEST
/* cond ? e1 : e2 */
qexpr(Pexpr ee, Pexpr ee1, Pexpr ee2) : (QUEST,ee1,ee2) { this=0; cond=ee; }
struct ref : expr // REF DOT
/* e1->mem OR e1.mem */
ref(TOK ba, Pexpr a, Pname b) : (ba,a,0) { this=0; mem=b; }
struct text_expr : expr // TEXT
text_expr(char* a, char* b) : (TEXT,0,0) { string=a; string2=b; }
/************************* names (are expressions) ****************************/
class name : public expr {
/* NAME TNAME and the keywords in the ktbl */
/* Pexpr n_initializer; */
int n_val; /* the value of n_initializer */
TOK n_oper; /* name of operator or 0 */
TOK n_stclass; /* STATIC AUTO REGISTER 0 */
short n_offset; /* byte offset in frame or struct */
Pname n_list;
Pname n_tbl_list;
/* Ptable n_table; */
short n_used;
short n_addr_taken;
short n_assigned_to;
char n_union; /* 0 or union index */
bit n_evaluated; /* 0 or n_val holds the value */
short lex_level;
Loc where;
union {
Pname n_qualifier; /* name of containing class */
Ptable n_realscope; /* for labels (always entered in
function table) the table for the
actual scope in which label occurred.
name(char* =0);
void del();
void print();
void dcl_print(TOK);
Pname normalize(Pbase, Pblock, bit);
Pname tdef();
Pname tname(TOK);
Pname dcl(Ptable,TOK);
int no_of_names();
void hide();
void unhide() { n_key=0; n_list=0; };
void use() { n_used++; };
void assign();
void call() { n_used++; };
void take_addr() { n_addr_taken++; };
void check_oper(Pname);
void simpl();
/******************** statements *********************************/
class stmt : public node { /* BREAK CONTINUE DEFAULT */
/* IMPORTANT: all statement nodes have sizeof(stmt) */
Pstmt s;
Pstmt s_list;
Loc where;
union {
Pname d;
Pexpr e2;
Pstmt has_default;
int case_value;
union {
Pexpr e;
bit own_tbl;
Pstmt s2;
Ptable memtbl;
union {
Pstmt for_init;
Pstmt else_stmt;
Pstmt case_list;
bit empty;
stmt(TOK, loc, Pstmt);
void del();
void print();
void dcl();
void reached();
Pstmt simpl();
Pstmt expand();
Pstmt copy();
extern Pname dcl_temp(Ptable, Pname);
extern char* temp(char*, char*, char*);
extern Ptable scope;
extern Ptable expand_tbl;
extern Pname expand_fn;
struct estmt : public stmt /* SM WHILE DO SWITCH RETURN CASE */
/* SM (e!=0) => e;
in particular assignments and function calls
SM (e==0) => ; (the null statement)
CASE => case e : s ;
estmt(TOK t, loc ll, Pexpr ee, Pstmt ss) : (t,ll,ss) { this=0; e=ee; }
struct ifstmt : public stmt /* IF */
// else_stme==0 => if (e) s
// else_stmt!=0 => if (e) s else else_stmt
ifstmt(loc ll, Pexpr ee, Pstmt ss1, Pstmt ss2)
: (IF,ll,ss1) { this=0; e=ee; else_stmt=ss2; };
struct lstmt : public stmt /* LABEL GOTO */
d : s
goto d
lstmt(TOK bb, loc ll, Pname nn, Pstmt ss) : (bb,ll,ss) { this=0; d=nn; }
struct forstmt : public stmt /* FOR */
forstmt(loc ll, Pstmt fss, Pexpr ee1, Pexpr ee2, Pstmt ss)
: (FOR,ll,ss) { this=0; for_init=fss; e=ee1; e2=ee2; }
struct block : public stmt /* BLOCK */
/* { d s } */
block(loc ll, Pname nn, Pstmt ss) : (BLOCK,ll,ss) { this=0; d=nn; }
void dcl(Ptable);
Pstmt simpl();
struct pair : public stmt /* PAIR */
pair(loc ll, Pstmt a, Pstmt b) : (PAIR,ll,a) { this=0; s2 = b; }
class nlist {
Pname head;
Pname tail;
void add(Pname n) { tail->n_list = n; tail = n; };
void add_list(Pname);
extern Pname name_unlist(nlist*);
class slist {
Pstmt head;
Pstmt tail;
slist(Pstmt s) { Nl++; head = tail = s; };
void add(Pstmt s) { tail->s_list = s; tail = s; };
extern Pstmt stmt_unlist(slist*);
class elist {
Pexpr head;
Pexpr tail;
elist(Pexpr e) { Nl++; head = tail = e; };
void add(Pexpr e) { tail->e2 = e; tail = e; };
extern Pexpr expr_unlist(elist*);
extern class dcl_context * cc;
class dcl_context {
Pname c_this; /* current fct's "this" */
Ptype tot; /* type of "this" or 0 */
Pname not; /* name of "this"'s class or 0 */
Pclass cot; /* the definition of "this"'s class */
Ptable ftbl; /* current fct's symbol table */
Pname nof; /* current fct's name */
void stack() { cc++; *cc = *(cc-1); };
void unstack() { cc--; };
#define MAXCONT 20
extern dcl_context ccvec[MAXCONT];
extern bit can_coerce(Ptype, Ptype);
extern void yyerror(char*);
extern TOK back;
/* "spy" counters: */
extern int Nspy;
extern int Nfile, Nline, Ntoken, Nname, Nfree_store, Nalloc, Nfree;
extern int NFn, NFtn, NFpv, NFbt, NFf, NFs, NFc, NFe, NFl;
extern char* line_format;
extern Plist isf_list;
extern Pstmt st_ilist;
extern Pstmt st_dlist;
extern Ptable sti_tbl;
extern Ptable std_tbl;
extern Ptype np_promote(TOK, TOK, TOK, Ptype, Ptype, TOK);
extern void new_key(char*, TOK, TOK);
extern Pname dcl_list;
extern int over_call(Pname, Pexpr);
extern Pname Nover;
extern Pname Ncoerce;
extern Nover_coerce;
const MIA = 8;
struct iline {
Pname fct_name; /* fct called */
Pin i_next;
Ptable i_table;
Pname local[MIA]; /* local variable for arguments */
Pexpr arg[MIA]; /* actual arguments for call */
Ptype tp[MIA]; /* type of formal arguments */
extern Pexpr curr_expr;
extern Pin curr_icall;
#define FUDGE111 111
extern Pstmt curr_loop;
extern Pblock curr_block;
extern Pstmt curr_switch;
extern bit arg_err_suppress;
extern loc last_line;
extern no_of_undcl;
extern no_of_badcall;
extern Pname undcl, badcall;
extern int strlen(char*);
extern int strcpy(char*,char*);
extern int strcmp(char*,char*);
extern int str_to_int(char*);
extern int c_strlen(char* s);
extern Pname vec_new_fct;
extern Pname vec_del_fct;
#ifdef DEBUG
extern fprintf(FILE*, char* ...);
#define DB(a) fprintf a
#define DB(a) /**/
extern Pname find_hidden(Pname);
extern TOK lalex();
extern int Nstd; // standard coercion used (derived* =>base* or int=>long or ...)
extern int stcount; // number of names generated using make_name()
/* end */