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by Paul McJones last modified 2007-02-02 09:35

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/* @(#) typ.c 1.3 1/27/86 17:49:34 */ 
/*ident	"@(#)cfront:src/typ.c	1.3" */

	C++ source for cfront, the C++ compiler front-end
	written in the computer science research center of Bell Labs

	Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T, Inc. All Rights Reserved


#include "cfront.h"
#include "size.h"

Pbase short_type;
Pbase int_type;
Pbase char_type;
Pbase long_type;

Pbase uchar_type;
Pbase ushort_type;
Pbase uint_type;
Pbase ulong_type;

Pbase zero_type;
Pbase float_type;
Pbase double_type;
Pbase void_type;
Pbase any_type;

Ptype Pint_type;
Ptype Pchar_type;
Ptype Pvoid_type;
Ptype Pfctvec_type;

Ptable gtbl;
Ptable any_tbl; 

Pname Cdcl = 0;
Pstmt Cstmt = 0;

bit new_type = 0;

extern Ptype np_promote(TOK, TOK, TOK, Ptype, Ptype, TOK);
Ptype np_promote(TOK oper, TOK r1, TOK r2, Ptype t1, Ptype t2, TOK p)
	an arithmetic operator "oper" is applied to "t1" and "t2",
	types t1 and t2 has been checked and belongs to catagories
	"r1" and "r2", respectively:
		P	PTR (to something) or VEC (of something)
	test for compatability of the operands,
	if (p) return the promoted result type
	if (r2 == A) return t1;

	switch (r1) {
	case A:	return t2;
	case Z:
		switch (r2) {
		case Z:		return int_type;
		case I:
		case F:		return (p) ? ((Pbase)t2)->arit_conv(0) : 0;
		case P:		return t2;
		default:	error('i',"zero(%d)",r2);
	case I:
		switch (r2) {
		case Z: t2 = 0;
		case I:
		case F: return (p) ? Pbase(t1)->arit_conv((Pbase)t2) : 0;
		case P: switch (oper) {
			case PLUS:
			case ASPLUS:	break;
			default:	error("int%kP",oper); return any_type;
			return t2;
		case FCT: error("int%kF",oper); return any_type;
		default: error('i',"int(%d)",r2);
	case F:
		switch (r2) {
		case Z: t2 = 0;
		case I:
		case F: return (p) ? Pbase(t1)->arit_conv((Pbase)t2) : 0;
		case P: error("float%kP",oper); return any_type;
		case FCT: error("float%kF",oper); return any_type;
		default: error('i',"float(%d)",r2);
	case P:
		switch (r2) {
		case Z: return t1;
		case I:
			switch (oper) {
			case PLUS:
			case MINUS:
			case ASPLUS:
			case ASMINUS: break;
			default: error("P%k int",oper); return any_type;
			return t1;
		case F: error("P%k float",oper); return any_type;
		case P:
			if (t1->check(t2,ASSIGN)) {
				switch (oper) {
				case EQ:
				case NE:
				case LE:
				case GE:
				case GT:
				case LT:
				case QUEST:
					if (t2->check(t1,ASSIGN) == 0) goto zz;
				error("T mismatch:%t %k%t",t1,oper,t2);
				return any_type;
			switch (oper) {
			case MINUS:
			case ASMINUS:	return int_type;
			case PLUS:
			case ASPLUS:	error("P +P"); return any_type;
			default:	return t1;
		case FCT:	return t1;
		default:	error('i',"pointer(%d)",r2);
	case FCT:
		return any_type;

TOK type.kind(TOK oper, TOK v)
/*	v ==	I	integral
		N	numeric
		P	numeric or pointer
	Ptype t = this;
	char* s = (oper) ? keys[oper] : 0;
	switch (t->base) {
	case ANY:	return A;
	case ZTYPE:	return Z;
	case FIELD:
	case CHAR:
	case SHORT:
	case INT:
	case LONG:
	case EOBJ:	return I;
	case FLOAT:
	case DOUBLE:	if (v == I) error("float operand for %s",s);	return F;
	case PTR:	if (v != P) error("P operand for %s",s);
			switch (oper) {
			case INCR:
			case DECR:
			case MINUS:
			case PLUS:
			case ASMINUS:
			case ASPLUS:
				Pptr(t)->typ->tsizeof();	/* get increment */
			return P;
	case RPTR:	error("reference operand for %s",s);
			return A;
	case VEC:	if (v != P) error("V operand for %s",s);	return P;
	case TYPE:	t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp;			goto xx;
	case FCT:	if (v != P) error("F operand for %s",s);	return FCT;
	case CLASS:
	case ENUM:	error("%k operand for %s",base,s);		return A;
	default:	error("%t operand for %s",this,s);		return A;

void type.dcl(Ptable tbl)
	go through the type (list) and
	(1) evaluate vector dimentions
	(2) evaluate field sizes
	(3) lookup struct tags, etc.
	(4) handle implicit tag declarations
	Ptype t = this;

	if (this == 0) error('i',"type.dcl(this==0)");
	if (tbl->base != TABLE) error('i',"type.dcl(%d)",tbl->base);

	switch (t->base) {
	case PTR:
	case RPTR:
	{	Pptr p = (Pptr)t;
		t = p->typ;
		if (t->base == TYPE) {
			Ptype tt = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp;
			if (tt->base == FCT) p->typ = t = tt;
		goto xx;

	case VEC:
	{	Pvec v = (Pvec)t;
		Pexpr e = v->dim;
		if (e) {
			Ptype et;
			v->dim = e = e->typ(tbl);
			et = e->tp;
			if (et->integral(0) == A)  {
				error("UN in array dimension");
			else if (!new_type) {
				int i;
				Neval = 0;
				i = e->eval();
				if (Neval) error("%s",Neval);
				else if (i == 0)
					error('w',"array dimension == 0");
				else if (i < 0) {
					error("negative array dimension");
					i = 1;
				v->size = i;
				v->dim = 0;
		t = v->typ;
		switch (t->base) {
		case TYPE:
			t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp;
			goto llx;
		case FCT:
			v->typ = t;
		case VEC:
			if (Pvec(t)->dim==0 && Pvec(t)->size==0) error("null dimension (something like [][] seen)");
		goto xx;

	case FCT:
	{	Pfct f = (Pfct)t;
		Pname n;
		for (n=f->argtype; n; n = n->n_list) n->tp->dcl(tbl);
		t = f->returns;
		goto xx;

	case FIELD:
	{	Pbase f = (Pbase)t;
		Pexpr e = (Pexpr)f->b_name;
		int i;
		Ptype et;
		e = e->typ(tbl);
		f->b_name = (Pname)e;
		et = e->tp;
		if (et->integral(0) == A) {
			error("UN in field size");
			i = 1;
		else {
			Neval = 0;
			i = e->eval();
			if (Neval)
			else if (i < 0) {
				error("negative field size");
				i = 1;
			else if (f->b_fieldtype->tsizeof()*BI_IN_BYTE < i)
				error("field size > sizeof(%t)",f->b_fieldtype);
		f->b_bits = i;
		f->b_name = 0;


bit vrp_equiv;	/* vector == reference == pointer equivalence used in check() */

bit type.check(Ptype t,TOK oper)
	check if "this" can be combined with "t" by the operator "oper"

	used for check of
			assignment types		(oper==ASSIGN)
			declaration compatability	(oper==0)
			argument types			(oper==ARG)
			return types			(oper==RETURN)
			overloaded function  name match	(oper==OVERLOAD)
			overloaded function coercion	(oper==COERCE)

	NOT for arithmetic operators

	return 1 if the check failed
	Ptype t1 = this;
	Ptype t2 = t;
	TOK b1, b2;
	bit first = 1;
	TOK r;
//error('d',"check (%d: %t) (%d: %t)",t1,t1,t2,t2);
	if (t1==0 || t2==0) error('i',"check(%d,%d,%d)",t1,t2,oper);

	vrp_equiv = 0;

	while (t1 && t2) {
//error('d',"top: %t (%d) %t (%d)",t1,t1->base,t2,t2->base);
		if (t1 == t2) return 0;
		if (t1->base == ANY || t2->base == ANY) return 0;

		b1 = t1->base;
		if (b1 == TYPE) {
			t1 = Pbase(t1)->b_name->tp;
			goto top;

		b2 = t2->base;
		if (b2 == TYPE) {
			t2 = Pbase(t2)->b_name->tp;
			goto top;

		if (b1 !=  b2) {
			switch (b1) {
			case PTR:
		//	case RPTR:
				if (b1 != b2) vrp_equiv = 1;
				switch (b2) {
				case PTR:
			//	case RPTR:
				case VEC:
					t1 = Pptr(t1)->typ;
					t2 = Pvec(t2)->typ;
					first = 0;
					goto top;
				case FCT:
					t1 = Pptr(t1)->typ;
					if (first==0 || t1->base!=b2) return 1;
					first = 0;
					goto top;
				first = 0;
			case VEC:
				if (b1 != b2) vrp_equiv = 1;
				first = 0;
				switch (b2) {
				case PTR:
			//	case RPTR:
					switch(oper) {
					case 0:
					case ARG:
					case ASSIGN:
					case COERCE:
					case OVERLOAD:
						return 1;
					t1 = Pvec(t1)->typ;
					t2 = Pptr(t2)->typ;
					goto top;
		//	case TYPE:
		//		t1 = Pbase(t1)->b_name->tp;
		//		goto top;
			goto base_check; 

		switch (b1) {
		case VEC:
			first = 0;
		{	Pvec v1 = (Pvec)t1;
			Pvec v2 = (Pvec)t2;
			if (v1->size != v2->size)
				switch (oper) {
				case OVERLOAD:
				case COERCE:
					return 1;
			t1 = v1->typ;
			t2 = v2->typ;

		case PTR:
		case RPTR:
			first = 0;
		{	Pptr p1 = (Pptr)t1;
			Pptr p2 = (Pptr)t2;
			if (p2->rdo && p1->rdo==0) return 1;
			t1 = p1->typ;
			t2 = p2->typ;

		case FCT:
			first = 0;
		{	Pfct f1 = (Pfct)t1;
			Pfct f2 = (Pfct)t2;
			Pname a1 = f1->argtype;
			Pname a2 = f2->argtype;
			TOK k1 = f1->nargs_known;
			TOK k2 = f2->nargs_known;
			int n1 = f1->nargs;
			int n2 = f2->nargs;
//error('d',"k %d %d n %d %d body %d %d",k1,k2,n1,n2,f1->body,f2->body);
			if ( (k1 && k2==0) || (k2 && k1==0) ){
				if (f2->body == 0) return 1;

			if (n1!=n2 && k1 && k2) {
				goto aaa;
			else if (a1 && a2) {
				int i = 0;
				while (a1 && a2) {
					if ( a1->tp->check(a2->tp,oper?OVERLOAD:0) ) return 1;
					a1 = a1->n_list;
					a2 = a2->n_list;
				if (a1 || a2) goto aaa;
			else if (a1 || a2) {
				if (k1 == ELLIPSIS) {
					switch (oper) {
					case 0:
						if (a2 && k2==0) break;
						return 1;
					case ASSIGN:
						if (a2 && k2==0) break;
						return 1;
					case ARG:
						if (a1) return 1;
					case OVERLOAD:
					case COERCE:
						return 1;
				else if (k2 == ELLIPSIS) {
					return 1;
				else if (k1 || k2) {
					return 1;
			t1 = f1->returns;
			t2 = f2->returns;

		case FIELD:
			goto field_check;
		case CHAR:
		case SHORT:
		case INT:
		case LONG:
			goto int_check;
		case FLOAT:
		case DOUBLE:
			goto float_check;
		case EOBJ:
			goto enum_check;
		case COBJ:
			goto cla_check;
		case ZTYPE:
		case VOID:
			return 0;
	//	case TYPE:
	//		t1 = Pbase(t1)->b_name->tp;
	//		t2 = Pbase(t2)->b_name->tp;
	//		break;
			error('i',"type.check(o=%d %d %d)",oper,b1,b2);

	if (t1 || t2) return 1;
	return 0;

	switch (oper) {
	case 0:
	case ARG:
		error('i',"check field?");
	return 0;

	if (first==0) {
		if (b1!=b2 && b2!=ZTYPE) return 1;
	goto const_check;

	if (first==0 && t2->tconst() && t1->tconst()==0) return 1;
	return 0;

	{	Pbase c1 = (Pbase)t1;
		Pbase c2 = (Pbase)t2;
		Pname n1 = c1->b_name;
		Pname n2 = c2->b_name;
//error('d',"c1 %d c2 %d n1 %d %s n2 %d %s oper %d first %d",c1,c2,n1,n1->string,n2,n2->string,oper,first);
		if (n1 == n2) goto const_check;
if (first) return 1;
		switch (oper) {
		case 0:
		case OVERLOAD:
			return 1;
		case ARG:
		case ASSIGN:
		case RETURN:
		case COERCE:
			/*	is c2 derived from c1 ? */
			Pname b = n2;
			Pclass cl;
			while (b) {
				cl = (Pclass) b->tp;
				b = cl->clbase;
//if (b)fprintf(stderr,"n2=(%d %s) b=(%d %s) n1=(%d %s) pub %d\n",n2,n2->string,b,b->string,n1,n1->string,cl->pubbase); else fprintf(stderr,"b==0\n");
				if (b && cl->pubbase==0) return 1;
				if (b == n1) {
					goto const_check;
			return 1;
	goto const_check;

/*error('d',"base_check t1=%t t2=%t oper=%d",t1,t2,oper);*/
	if (oper)
	if (first) {
		if (b1==VOID || b2==VOID) return 1;
	else {
		if (b1 == VOID) {		// check for void* = T*
			register Ptype tx = this;
			switch (tx->base) {	// t1 == void*
			default:	return 1;
			case VOID:	break;
			case PTR:
			case VEC:	tx = Pvec(tx)->typ; goto txloop;
			case TYPE:	tx = Pbase(tx)->b_name->tp; goto txloop;

			tx = t;
			switch (tx->base) {	// t2 == T*
			default:	return 1;
			case VEC:
			case PTR:
			case FCT:	Nstd++; goto const_check;
			case TYPE:	tx = Pbase(tx)->b_name->tp; goto bloop;
		if (b2 != ZTYPE) return 1;

	switch (oper) {
	case 0:
		return 1;
	case COERCE:
		switch (b1) {
		case EOBJ:
		case ZTYPE:
		case CHAR:
		case SHORT:
		case INT:
			switch (b2) {
			case EOBJ:
			case ZTYPE:
			case CHAR:
			case SHORT:
			case INT:
			case FIELD:
				goto const_check;
			return 1;
		case LONG:	/* char, short, and int promotes to long */
			switch (b2) {
			case ZTYPE:
			case EOBJ:
			case CHAR:
			case SHORT:
			case INT:
			case FIELD:
				goto const_check;
			return 1;
		case FLOAT:
			switch (b2) {
			case ZTYPE:
			case FLOAT:
			case DOUBLE:
				goto const_check;
			return 1;
		case DOUBLE:	/* char, short, int, and float promotes to double */
			switch (b2) {
			case ZTYPE:
			case EOBJ:
			case CHAR:
			case SHORT:
			case INT:
			case FLOAT:
			case DOUBLE:
				goto const_check;
			return 1;
		case PTR:
			switch (b2) {
			case ZTYPE:
				goto const_check;
		case RPTR:
		case VEC:
		case COBJ:
		case FCT:
			return 1;
	case ARG:
	case ASSIGN:
	case RETURN:
		switch (b1) {
		case COBJ:
			return 1;
		case EOBJ:
		case ZTYPE:
		case CHAR:
		case SHORT:
		case INT:
		case LONG:
			r = t2->num_ptr(ASSIGN);
			switch (r) {
			case A: return 1;
			case Z:
			case I:	break;
			case F:	error('w',"double assigned to int"); break;
			case P:	return 1;
		case FLOAT:
		case DOUBLE:
			r = t2->numeric(ASSIGN);
		case VEC:
			return 1;
		case PTR:
			r = t2->num_ptr(ASSIGN);
			switch (r) {
			case A:	return 1;
			case Z:
			case P:	break;
			case I:
			case F:	return 1;
			case FCT:
			{	Pptr p = (Pptr)t1;
				if (p->typ->base != FCT) return 1;
		case RPTR:
		//	r = t2->num_ptr(ASSIGN);
		//	switch (r) {
		//	case A:	break;
		//	case Z:	return 1;
		//	case P:
		//	case I:
		//	case F:	break;
		//	case FCT:
		//	{	Pptr p = (Pptr)t1;
		//		if (p->typ->base != FCT) return 1;
		//	}
		//	}
		//	break;
			return 1;
		case FCT:
			switch (oper) {
			case ARG:
			case ASSIGN:
				return 1;
	goto const_check;

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