File contents
/*ident "@(#)Set:incl/set.h 3.1" */
* C++ Standard Components, Release 3.0.
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved.
* Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence
* any actual or intended publication of such source code.
#ifndef SETH
#define SETH
// The following include is required so that the instantiation
// files that include set.h will get what they need from Set.h
#include <Set.h>
class ostream;
// The 32 bits of a Set_or_Bag_hashval are broken into
// 8 4-bit groups. Each 4-bit group indexes
// into a Internal_node of 16 Internal_items.
static const int SET_NODE_SIZE_ATTLC = 16;
static const int SET_POSITIONS_ATTLC = 8;
static const int SET_MASK_BITS_ATTLC = 0XF;
static const int SET_INITIAL_SHIFT_ATTLC = 0;
static const int SET_SHIFT_INCR_ATTLC = 4;
extern int SET_LT_ATTLC( Set_or_Bag_hashval a, Set_or_Bag_hashval b );
struct Space_info_ATTLC {
int max_level; // max depth of tree
long node_count; // total nodes
long leaf_count; // total leaves
long overhead; // size of data structure
int leaves[SET_POSITIONS_ATTLC]; // leaves at each level
int occupancy[SET_POSITIONS_ATTLC]; // non-null items at each level
// Index to non-parametric classes:
class Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC;
class Internal_item_ATTLC;
class Internal_node_ATTLC;
class Position_ATTLC;
// The following ATTLC class declarations are
// needed to disambiguate the copy-avoidance
// constructors:
class Set_select_ATTLC;
class Set_reject_ATTLC;
class Set_map_ATTLC;
class Set_union_ATTLC;
class Set_inter_ATTLC;
class Set_diff_ATTLC;
class Set_xor_ATTLC;
extern Pool* internal_node_pool_ptr_ATTLC;
struct Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC {
Set_or_Bag_hashval hashval;
struct Internal_item_ATTLC
// An Internal_item is a single "slot" in an
// Internal_node. It may contain:
// o An Internal_node*
// o A Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC*
// o NULL
// Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC* and Internal_node* pointers
// can't be byte-aligned, so the low order bit is free to
// be used as the union discriminant.
// o When the low-order bit is 1, the item
// is a Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC*
// o When the low order bit is 0, the item
// is a Internal_node* or NULL.
union {
void* ext_leaf;
Internal_node_ATTLC* nodep;
long this_is_leaf;
inline int is_leaf_or_null() const;
inline int is_node() const;
inline int is_leaf() const;
inline int is_null() const;
inline Internal_node_ATTLC* next_node() const;
inline void* external_leaf() const;
inline void make_leaf(void*);
inline void make_node(Internal_node_ATTLC*);
inline void make_null();
void show(int) const;
void space(int,Space_info_ATTLC&) const;
struct Internal_node_ATTLC {
// A Internal_node has SET_NODE_SIZE_ATTLC Internal_items
// plus a count of how many of these are in use.
// Each Internal_item is directly indexed
// by a lg(SET_NODE_SIZE_ATTLC) chunk.
static void initialize();
Internal_item_ATTLC item[SET_NODE_SIZE_ATTLC];
int busy_count;
inline ~Internal_node_ATTLC();
void* operator new(size_t);
inline void operator delete(void*);
void show(int) const;
void space(int,Space_info_ATTLC&) const;
struct Position_ATTLC {
// A Position caches the result of the most
// recent search, down to the level of the
// Bucket:
// o curr_value is the Set_or_Bag_hashval that we
// searched for
// o curr_pos is a stack of pointers to
// Internal_items which remembers a
// path of Internal_items through the
// index:
// o curr_pos[0] points to the Internal_item
// selected by the first 4 bit chunk
// o curr_pos[1] points to the Internal_item
// selected by the second 4 bit chunk
// o curr_pos[curr_depth] points to the
// Internal_item which points to
// a Bucket_ATTLC(T)
// If set mutation occurs, a Position is
// canceled by setting its curr_depth to -1;
// curr_value can be used subsequently to rebuild
// the cur_pos stack so that iteration can resume
Internal_item_ATTLC* curr_pos[SET_POSITIONS_ATTLC];
int curr_depth;
Set_or_Bag_hashval curr_value;
inline Position_ATTLC();
void show() const;
// Internal_item inlines
Internal_item_ATTLC::is_leaf_or_null() const
return this_is_leaf & 01;
Internal_item_ATTLC::is_node() const
return !is_leaf_or_null() && nodep;
Internal_item_ATTLC::is_leaf() const
return is_leaf_or_null() && ((long)ext_leaf & ~(long)01);
Internal_item_ATTLC::is_null() const
return !nodep;
Internal_item_ATTLC::next_node() const
return nodep;
Internal_item_ATTLC::external_leaf() const
return (void*)((long)ext_leaf & ~(long)01);
Internal_item_ATTLC::make_leaf(void* p)
assert(((long)p & 01) == 0);
ext_leaf = (void*)((long)p | 01);
Internal_item_ATTLC::make_node(Internal_node_ATTLC* cp)
assert(((long)cp & 01) == 0);
nodep = cp;
nodep = 0;
// Internal_node inlines
Internal_node_ATTLC::operator delete(void* p)
// Position inlines
Position_ATTLC::Position_ATTLC() : curr_depth(-1), curr_value(0) // curr_value probably not needed
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
template <class T> class Bucket_ATTLC;
template <class T> class Bucketiter_ATTLC;
// The following classes are for public consumption:
template <class T> class Setiter;
template <class T> class Set;
// Each leaf item in the tree-structured index
// points to a pair of values:
// o 'hashval' is the hash key
// o 'collision_list' is a list of values which
// hash to hashval
// Note that ALIGN values in the original version
// become Bucket_ATTLC<T>* values in this version.
template <class T>
struct Bucket_ATTLC : public Set_bucket_non_param_ATTLC
List<T> collision_list;
void show() const;
template <class T>
class Bucketiter_ATTLC
friend class Set<T>;
Set<T>* my_set;
Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>* next_it;
Position_ATTLC pos;
Bucketiter_ATTLC(const Set<T>&);
Bucketiter_ATTLC(const Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>&);
const Bucket_ATTLC<T>* first();
const Bucket_ATTLC<T>* next();
void clobber() { pos.curr_depth = -1; }
Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>& operator=(const Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>&);
// This class must be modified to use
// Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>(*this).first() and next().
template <class T>
class Setiter : public Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>
int inited; // new
Listiter<T>* itp;
const Set<T>* the_set() const { // new
return my_set;
Setiter(const Set<T>& s)
: Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>(s), inited(0), itp(0) {}
Setiter(const Setiter<T>& si)
: Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>(*(si.the_set())), inited(0), itp(0) {}
~Setiter() {
if (itp)
delete itp;
const T* first(); // undocumented - TBD_make private
const T* next(); // subsumes first, next
int next(const T*& t) { // new
t = next();
return t!=0;
void reset() { // new semantics
Setiter<T>& operator=(const Setiter<T>& si) {
return (Setiter<T>&)((Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>&)*this =
(const Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>&)si);
template <class T>
class Set
friend class Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>;
friend class Setiter<T>;
int sze;
Internal_item_ATTLC contents;
Bucketiter_ATTLC<T>* iter_head; // was Setiter<T>
Position_ATTLC pos; // was Position<T>
// The following are only used on empty sets
void make_setlogic(const Set<T>&, const Set<T>&, int);
Set(const Set<T>&, const Set<T>&, Set_union_ATTLC*);
Set(const Set<T>&, const Set<T>&, Set_inter_ATTLC*);
Set(const Set<T>&, const Set<T>&, Set_diff_ATTLC*);
Set(const Set<T>&, const Set<T>&, Set_xor_ATTLC*);
void warn_iterators() const;
// Constructors
Set() : sze(0), iter_head(0) {
pos.curr_depth = -1;
Set(const T&);
Set(const T&, const T&);
Set(const T&, const T&, const T&);
Set(const T&, const T&, const T&, const T&);
Set(const Set<T>&);
// Size
unsigned int size() const {
return (unsigned)sze;
unsigned int size_unique() const {
return (unsigned)sze;
operator const void*() const {
return (size()? (this): (0));
// Assignment
Set<T>& operator=(const Set<T>&);
// Relations
int operator==(const Set<T>& b) const {
return containment(b, 0);
int operator!=(const Set<T>& s) const {
return !(*this == s);
int operator<=(const Set<T>& b) const {
return containment(b, 1);
int operator<(const Set<T>& b) const {
return containment(b, 2);
int operator>=(const Set<T>& s) const {
return s <= *this;
int operator>(const Set<T>& s) const {
return s < *this;
int containment(const Set<T>&, int) const;
// Membership
const T* contains(const T&) const;
unsigned int count(const T& t) const {
return contains(t)?1:0;
// Insert and Remove elements
const T* insert(const T&, int=1);
unsigned remove(const T&, int=1);
unsigned remove_all(const T& t) {
return remove(t);
unsigned remove_all();
// Select an arbitrary element
const T* select() const;
// Set algebra
Set<T> operator|(const Set<T>& s) const {
return Set<T>(*this,s,(Set_union_ATTLC*)0);
Set<T> operator-(const Set<T>& s) const {
return Set<T>(*this, s,(Set_diff_ATTLC*)0);
Set<T> operator&(const Set<T>& s) const {
return Set<T>(*this,s,(Set_inter_ATTLC*)0);
Set<T> operator^(const Set<T>& s) const {
return Set<T>(*this,s,(Set_xor_ATTLC*)0);
Set<T>& operator|=(const Set<T>&);
Set<T>& operator-=(const Set<T>&);
Set<T>& operator&=(const Set<T>&);
Set<T>& operator^=(const Set<T>&);
// Performance tuning
void histogram(Map<Set_or_Bag_hashval, unsigned>&) const;
// Debugging, performance tuning
void check() const;
void show() const;
Space_info_ATTLC space() const;
// Hash function
static Set_or_Bag_hashval hash(const T&); // user specializes if needed
ostream& print(ostream&) const;
template <class T>
operator<<(ostream&, const Set<T>&);
template <class T>
Set<T>::hash(const T&)
return 0;
// Debugging code - don't want to require including <iostream.h>
// Developer can uncomment for debugging
#if 0
template <class T>
void Bucket_ATTLC<T>::show() const
cout << " hashval=" << hashval << "\n";
cout << " collision_list=";
Listiter<T> it(collision_list);
int first=1;
cout << "<";
while(!it.at_end()) {
if ( first )
cout << ",";
cout <<;
cout << ">\n";
template <class T>
static void showiter(Listiter<T>* itp)
T e;
if ( itp ) {
if ( itp->peek_prev(e) )
cout << e;
cout << "*";
if ( itp->peek_next(e) )
cout << e;
cout << "*";
cout << ">\n";
cout << "0";
template <class T>
Set<T>::show() const
cout << "sze = " << sze << "\n";
cout << "pos =\n";;
cerr << "contents =\n";;
template <class T>
Set<T>::space() const
// contents is level 0; the first node is level 1, etc.
Space_info_ATTLC result;
result.max_level = -1;
result.node_count = 0;
result.leaf_count = 0;
if( !contents.is_null() ) {
int i;
for ( i=0 ; i<SET_POSITIONS_ATTLC ; i++) {
result.leaves[i] = 0;
result.occupancy[i] = 0;
result.occupancy[0] = 1;,result);
result.overhead = (sizeof(Internal_item_ATTLC) +
result.node_count * sizeof(Internal_node_ATTLC));
return result;
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Set<T>& s)
os << "{";
Setiter<T> it(s);
const T* tp;
int first=1;
while( tp = ) {
if ( first )
os << ",";
os << *tp;
os << "}";
return os;
#if (defined(__edg_att_40) || defined(__GNUG__)) && !defined(__IMPLICIT_INCLUDE)
#include <set.c>