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#include <task.h>
* triverand.C
* Derived from triv.C, which is taken from "Appendix: A Program Using Tasks"
* section of Stroustrup/Shopiro coroutine memo, Release Notes pp 13-23 - 13-24.
* trivial task example:
* Makes a set of tasks which pass an object round between themselves.
* Each task gets an object from the head of one queue, and puts
* the object on the tail of another queue.
* Main creates each task, then puts the object on a queue.
* Each task quits after getting the object MAX_CYCLES times.
* The object is of a derived class which uses class erand and the
* draw functions.
const int NTASKS = 1;
const int MAX_CYCLES = 5;
class rando: public object {
erand* erandp;
int randn;
rando(int n=10);
rando::rando(int n)
erandp = new erand(n);
randn = erandp->draw();
struct pc : task { // derive a class from task
pc(char*, qtail*, qhead*); // task is not intended to
}; // be used directly
pc::pc(char* n, qtail* t, qhead* h) :task(n) // task body serves as
{ // "main" program for task
printf("new pc(%s)\n",n);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CYCLES; i++) {
rando* p = (rando*) h->get();
printf("task %s\n",n);
printf("got p->randn = %d\n", p->randn);
p->randn = p->erandp->draw();
printf("changed values: p->randn = %d\n", p->randn);
printf("task %s: done.\n", n);
resultis(0); // Always end task constructors with resultis.
// Behavior of those using return or running
// off the end of the function is undefined.
// Alternatively, use an infinite loop in
// constructor body.
qhead* hh = new qhead;
qtail* t = hh->tail(); // hh and t refer to same queue.
qhead* h;
for (int i=0; i<NTASKS; i++) {
char* n = new char[2]; // make a one letter task name
n[0] = 'a'+i;
n[1] = 0;
h = new qhead;
new pc(n,t,h); // create a new task and start execution
printf("main()'s loop\n");
t = h->tail();
new pc("first pc",t,hh); // create another new task
printf("main: here we go\n");
t->put(new rando); // put the object on a queue
printf("main: exit\n");
thistask->resultis(0); // main is a task too; it must also
// end with resultis (to allow any
// remaining tasks to run, otherwise
// the whole process would exit).