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/*ident "@(#)Time:tm.h 3.1" */
* C++ Standard Components, Release 3.0.
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved.
* Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence
* any actual or intended publication of such source code.
#ifndef TMH
#define TMH
#ifndef TM_DEFAULT
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "mytime.h"
#define tmset() /*do{if(!tm_local->daylight)tminit();}while(0)*/
#ifndef VOID
#define VOID void
#define TM_ADJUST (1<<0) /* local doesn't do leap secs */
#define TM_LEAP (1<<1) /* do leap seconds */
#define TM_UTC (1<<2) /* universal coordinated ref */
#define TM_DST (-60) /* default minutes for DST */
#define TM_LOCALZONE (25 * 60) /* use local time zone offset */
#define TM_MAXLEAP 1 /* max leap secs per leap */
* these indices must agree with tm_dform[]
#define TM_MONTH_3 0
#define TM_MONTH 12
#define TM_DAY_3 24
#define TM_DAY 31
#define TM_TIME 38
#define TM_DATE 39
#define TM_DEFAULT 40
#define TM_MERIDIAN 41
#define TM_UT 43
#define TM_DT 47
#define TM_SUFFIXES 51
#define TM_PARTS 55
#define TM_HOURS 62
#define TM_DAYS 66
#define TM_LAST 69
#define TM_THIS 72
#define TM_NEXT 75
#define TM_NOISE 78
#define TM_NFORM 82
struct tl{ // leap second info
time_t time; /* the leap second event */
int total; /* inclusive total since epoch */
struct tz{ // timezone information
char* type; /* type name (not used) */
char* standard; /* standard time name */
char* daylight; /* daylight or summertime name */
short west; /* minutes west of GMT */
short dst; /* add to tz.west for DST */
// jfi extensions
long spring_ahead; /* offset in seconds of dst start */
long fall_back; /* offset in seconds of dst end */
int observes; /* 1 iff dst is observed */
extern int tm_flags_ATTLC; /* tm library global flags */
extern char* tm_dform_ATTLC[]; /* default tmformat() strings */
extern char tm_digit_ATTLC[]; /* output format digits */
extern char** tm_form_ATTLC; /* current tmformat() strings */
extern struct tl tm_leap_ATTLC[]; /* leap second info */
extern char tm_lex_ATTLC[]; /* tm_form[] lex type classes */
extern struct tz* tm_local_ATTLC; // local time zone info
extern short tm_mcnt_ATTLC[]; /* number of days in month i */
extern short tm_msum_ATTLC[]; /* total days in months before i*/
extern struct tz tm_zone_ATTLC[]; /* alternate time zone table */
extern char* mystrdup_Time_ATTLC(const char*);
extern "C"{
time_t time(time_t* clock);
long strtol(const char*, char**, int);
extern time_t tmdate_ATTLC(const char* date, char** end, time_t* clock);
extern struct tm* tmfix_ATTLC(struct tm* tm);
extern char* tmform_ATTLC(char* buf, char* format, time_t* clock);
extern int tmgoff_ATTLC(char* buf, char** end, int d);
//extern void tminit_ATTLC();
extern time_t tmleap_ATTLC(time_t* clock);
extern int tmlex_ATTLC(char* buf, char** end, char** tab, int n, char** suf, int n1);
extern struct tm* tmmake_ATTLC(time_t* clock);
extern char* tmpoff_ATTLC(char* buf, char* p, int m, int d);
extern time_t tmtime_ATTLC(struct tm* tm, int west);
extern char* tmtype_ATTLC(char* buf, char** end);
extern int tmword_ATTLC(char* buf, char** end, char* str, char** suf, int n);
extern int tmzone_ATTLC(char* buf, char** end, char* type, int* dst);