File contents
/*ident "@(#)publik:Lexer.h 3.1" */
* C++ Standard Components, Release 3.0.
* Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved.
* Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence
* any actual or intended publication of such source code.
#include "Token.h"
#include <Objection.h>
#include <List.h>
#include <iostream.h>
typedef Token *TokenP;
//List_of_pdeclare(Token) /* no more, using SC release 3.0 */
typedef void (*ContractAction)(Token *);
class Lexer
static Objection DestroyingFrozenLexer, ContractingFrozenLexer, DiscardedToken, BadHandshake;
enum { infinity = -1 };
// Create a lexer with the given trail size (default = 0).
Lexer(int trail=0):
thetrailsize(trail), contractAction(0), lalineno(1),
la(0), inf(0), curTok(0), curToki(-1), frozen(0), verboselevel(0)
~Lexer() { if (frozen) DestroyingFrozenLexer.raise("Attempt to destroy a frozen lexer!"); }
// Attach the lexer to an input character stream.
void attach(istream *f, const char *nam)
{ thefilename = nam; inf = f; la = 0; in(); move(); }
// Returns true if there are no tokens in the current window.
// (True before the lexer is attached to a file.)
int emptyWindow() const { return curToki == -1; }
// Access the name of the input file.
void setFilename(const char *nam) { thefilename = nam; }
const char *filename() const { return thefilename; }
// Access the trail size.
void setTrailsize(int l) { thetrailsize = l; }
int trailsize() const { return thetrailsize; }
// Move the current token pointer i tokens to the right (left if i is negative),
// extending and contracting the window as necessary.
void move(int i=1) { if (i != 0 && resize(i)) {
curToki += i;
curTok = theWindow[(unsigned)curToki];
if (thetrailsize != infinity) implicitContract(curToki - thetrailsize);
if (verboselevel == 1) cerr << *curTok << endl;
// Same as move, but i is relative to beginning of window.
void moveAbs(int i) { move(i-curToki); }
// Add i tokens to the right of the window (but don't move the current token).
//void extend(int i=1) { while (i-- > 0) {
int extend(int i=1);
// Remove i tokens from the left of the window, or as many as possible up to the current token.
// Return the number actually removed.
int contract(int i=1) { return docontract(i, contractAction, 1); }
// Remove enough tokens from the left of the window so that there are no more than i to the left of the current token.
int contractTo(int i) { return docontract(curToki - i, contractAction, 1); }
// Same as above two, but don't do contractAction.
int discard(int i=1) { return docontract(i, 0, 1); }
int discardTo(int i) { return docontract(curToki - i, 0, 1); }
// Disable all contracting, both explicit and automatic.
void freeze() { frozen = 2; }
// Disable automatic contracting.
void partialFreeze() { frozen = 1; }
// Enable all contracting.
void melt() { frozen = 0; }
// 0 is quiet, 1 is "show each token as it becomes current," >1 is "show each token as it enters window."
void verbose(int i) { verboselevel = i; }
// Set the contract action. Return the old value.
ContractAction setContractAction(ContractAction ca)
{ ContractAction cur = contractAction;
contractAction = ca;
return cur;
// Get the current contract action.
ContractAction getContractAction() const
{ return contractAction; }
// Return the current size of the window.
int windowSize() const { return theWindow.length(); }
// Return the index in the window of the current token.
int curpos() const { return curToki; }
// Functions for retreiving information from the window.
// Except for the *Abs functions, i is offset relative to the current token.
// The first function returns a pointer to the *base part* of the i'th token.
// This function is provided as a courtesy to the client, so she doesn't have to do
// an inordinate amount of checking on the types of tokens.
Token *window(int i=0) { Token *retval;
if (i == 0) retval = curTok;
else if (resize(i)) retval = theWindow[(unsigned)(curToki+i)];
else retval = 0;
return retval;
Token *windowAbs(int i) { return window(i-curToki); }
// The rest of the functions are used to get tokens of particular types from the window.
// Since they are specific to the particular language being lexed, they must be defined in the derived class.
// They shouldn't move the current token.
// Line number access.
void setLineno(int l) { lalineno = l; }
int lineno() const { return lalineno; }
// methods:
int implicitContract(int i) { return docontract(i, contractAction, 0); }
// The implementation of contract, contractTo, discard, discardTo, and implicitContract.
// Returns the number of tokens actually removed.
int docontract(int i, ContractAction ca, int is_explicit); // defined in lexer.c.
// The user-supplied gettok. It should return a pointer to the next Token in the input stream.
virtual Token *gettok() = 0;
// Make i a valid offset from the current token.
int resize(int i) { int retval = 1;
if (curToki+i < 0) {
DiscardedToken.raise("Attempt to go to or get a discarded token!");
retval = 0;
return retval;
// Make sure the i'th token has type type.
// Does *not* do a resize(i).
int handshake(int type, int i) { int retval = 1;
if (((Token *)(theWindow[(unsigned)(curToki+i)]))->type != type) {
BadHandshake.raise("Bad handshake with Lexer!");
retval = 0;
return retval;
// Get the next character from the input stream and put it in la, and also return it.
char in() { if (la == '\n')
if (inf == 0 || inf->eof() || !inf->get(la))
la = 0;
return la;
// Return what the next call to in() will return.
char peek() { return (inf == 0 || inf->eof())
// data:
// See above.
int verboselevel;
// 1 if automatic contracting is disabled, 2 if all contracting is disabled, 0 otherwise.
int frozen;
// User-specified action to perform on token when contracting it out of window
// due to exceeding trail size, or explicit request from client.
ContractAction contractAction;
// Maximum allowed number of tokens in window to the left of the current token.
int thetrailsize;
// Input character *following* the current token.
char la;
// The input file.
istream *inf;
// Name of input stream, and line number of la.
const char *thefilename;
int lalineno;
// The token window. curTok points to the current token, and curToki is its index in the window.
List_of_p<Token> theWindow;
Token *curTok;
int curToki;
#define TOK lexer->window()->type
#define PREVTOK lexer->window(-1)->type
#define NEXTTOK lexer->window(1)->type
#define LEXEME lexer->window()->lexeme
#define LINENO lexer->window()->lineno
#define LEXWS lexer->window()->ws
#define ADV lexer->move()
#define DEFINE_GET(a_typename, typecode) \
void get(a_typename &x, int i=0) \
{ if (resize(i) && handshake(typecode, i)) \
x = *(a_typename*)window(i); \