File contents
/*ident "@(#)cls4:src/expand.c 1.25" */
C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product
is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer
science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved.
Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence
any actual or intended publication of such source code.
expand inline functions
#include "cfront.h"
static Ptable Scope;
// extern void display_expr(Pexpr);
static char* temp(char* vn, Pname fn)
// make the name of the temporary: __Xvn00xxxxxx
// xxxxxx is a representation of fn's address -
// anything unique will do. we use radix 32 here
// add two bytes to make the name sensitive to the scope
// to avoid re-using temps when an inline is expanded in
// more than one other inline that is then called in the
// same expression
if (vn[0]!='_' || vn[1]!='_' || vn[2]!='X') {
unsigned long a = (unsigned long) fn->tp;
// al = the number of radix-32 chars in a
unsigned long aa = a;
int al = 0;
while (aa) {
aa >>= 5;
// allocate memory for the result
int ll = strlen(vn);
char* s = new char[ll+al+8];
register char* p = s;
// append _ _ X vn
*p++ = '_';
*p++ = '_';
*p++ = 'X';
p += ll;
*p++ = '0';
*p++ = '0';
// append representation of `a'
while (a) {
*p++ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345"[a&037];
a >>= 5;
// append scope representation and trailing null
*p++ = "abcdefghijlkmnop" [ ((int(Scope)>>4)&15) ];
*p++ = "abcdefghijlkmnop" [ ((int(Scope)>>8)&15) ];
*p = '\0';
//tmp error('d',"temp(%s,%n) -- scope %d -- returning %s",vn,fn,scope,s);
return s;
else {
//tmp error('d',"temp(%s,%n) -- scope %d -- returning %s",vn,fn,scope,vn);
return vn;
Plist inllist; // keep track of ctors defined inline so dtors won't be called if succeeding goto
Pname dcl_local(Ptable scope, Pname an, Pname fn, bit tempflag = 0)
if (scope == 0 || scope->base == 0) {
if (sti_tbl == 0) sti_tbl = new table(8,gtbl,0);
scope = sti_tbl;
// error('s',"cannot expand inlineF needing temporaryV in nonF context");
// return an;
if (an->n_stclass == STATIC) {
if (an->tp->base!=FCT && an->tp->base!=OVERLOAD) error('s',&fn->where,"cannot expand inlineF with static%n",an);
return an;
char *s;
if (tempflag)
s = make_name('X');
else s = temp(an->string,fn);
Pname nx = new name(s);
Ptype atp = an->tp;
//error('d',"dcl_local(%d,%n,%n) -> %s",scope,an,fn,s);
// if (ansi_opt)
// nx->n_initializer=an->n_initializer;
while (atp->base == TYPE) atp = Pbase(atp)->b_name->tp;
if (atp->base == VEC) {
if (an->n_scope == ARG) {
Pptr t = new ptr(PTR,Pvec(atp)->typ);
nx->tp = t;
else {
error('s',&fn->where,"cannot expand inlineF needing temporaryV of arrayT");
return an;
nx->tp = atp;
nx->tp = unconst_type(nx->tp);
nx->n_used = an->n_used;
nx->n_assigned_to = an->n_assigned_to;
nx->n_addr_taken = an->n_addr_taken;
nx->n_xref = an->n_xref;
//error('d',"nx %n %t,",nx,nx->tp);
Pname r = scope->look(nx->string,0);
if (r) {
//error('d',"r%n rtp%t nxtp%t", r, r->tp,nx->tp);
if (r->tp->check(nx->tp,0))
error('s',&fn->where,"cannot expand inlineF %a with two local variables with the sameN (%s)",fn,an->string);
r = 0;
if (r==0) {
r = scope->insert(nx,0);
//error('d',"%d %d %d %d",r->n_stclass,an->n_stclass,r->lex_level,an->lex_level);
if (r->tp->base==COBJ)
inllist=new name_list(r,inllist);
r->n_stclass = an->n_stclass;
r->lex_level = an->lex_level;
delete nx;
r->where.line = 0;
return r;
int ck_cast(Ptype t1, Ptype t2)
return a value of type t2 from a function returning a t1
return 1 if cast is needed
while (t1->base == TYPE) t1 = Pbase(t1)->b_name->tp;
while (t2->base == TYPE) t2 = Pbase(t2)->b_name->tp;
if (t1 == t2) return 0;
if (t1->base != t2->base) return 1;
switch (t1->base) {
case RPTR:
case PTR:
{ t1 = Pptr(t1)->typ;
if (t1->base == VOID) return 1;
t2 = Pptr(t2)->typ;
goto st;
case CHAR:
case SHORT:
case INT:
case LONG:
if (Pbase(t1)->b_unsigned != Pbase(t2)->b_unsigned) return 1;
case COBJ:
Pname nn = Pbase(t1)->b_name;
if (Pclass(nn->tp)->csu==UNION ) return 0;
if (t2->base==COBJ && nn->tp==Pbase(t2)->b_name->tp) return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
int makeCM( Ptype t )
/* return 1 if the type is not a primitive type
* this will cause the generation of (t,0)
* note: ``t'' is guaranteed not to be 0
while ( t->base == TYPE )
t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp;
switch (t->base) {
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
case CHAR:
case SHORT:
case INT:
case LONG:
case EOBJ:
return 0;
return 1;
static int ret_seen = 0;
static int has_return(Pstmt sl)
int hr;
if (!sl)
return 0;
hr = 0;
for (Pstmt s = sl; s; s = s->s_list) {
switch (s->base) {
case WHILE:
case DO:
case FOR:
case SWITCH:
case BLOCK:
case LABEL:
case CASE:
hr = has_return(s->s);
case IF:
hr = has_return(s->s);
hr = hr || has_return(s->else_stmt);
case PAIR:
hr = has_return(s->s);
hr = hr || has_return(s->s2);
case RETURN:
if (s->e && s->e != dummy)
hr = 1;
if (hr)
return 1;
return 0;
Pstmt stmt::expand()
copy the statements with the formal arguments replaced by ANAMES
called once only per inline function
expand_tbl!=0 if the function should be transformed into an expression
and expand_tbl is the table for local variables
if (this == 0) error('i',"0->S::expand() for%n",expand_fn);
Pstmt ostmt = Cstmt;
if ( where.line ) Cstmt = this;
if (memtbl) { /* check for static variables */
register Ptable t = memtbl;
register int i;
for (register Pname n = t->get_mem(i=1); n; NEXT_NAME(t,n,i)) {
if (n->n_stclass == STATIC) {
if (n->tp->base == FCT || n->tp->base==OVERLOAD) continue;
error('s',"cannot expand inlineF with static%n",n);
n->n_stclass = AUTO;
n->where.line = 0;
if (expand_tbl) { /* make expression */
Pexpr ee;
if (memtbl) { // temporaries
int i;
for (Pname n=memtbl->get_mem(i=1); n; NEXT_NAME(memtbl,n,i)) {
//error('d',"block %n %k %d %d",n,base,memtbl->real_block == this,n->lex_level);
if (n->base!=NAME || n->tp==any_type || n->n_key==CLASS) continue;
if (base==BLOCK
&& memtbl->real_block == this
&& n->lex_level < 2
//&& n->n_table == Pfct(expand_fn->tp)->body->memtbl
&& (n->string[0]!='_' // promoted from called
// inlines
|| n->string[1]!='_'
|| ( n->string[2]!='X'
&& n->string[2]!='K'))
) {
//error('d',"not promoting%n",n);
if (memtbl != scope)
Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,expand_fn);
nn->base = NAME;
n->string = nn->string;
else if (n->tp && n->tp->base!=FCT && n->tp->base!=OVERLOAD){
n->string = temp(n->string, expand_fn);
n->where.line = 0;
switch (base) {
error('s',"cannot expand inlineF%a with %kS in inline",expand_fn,base);
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(dummy);
case BLOCK:
DB(if(Edebug>=2){error('d',"stmt::expand() -- block");display_stmt(this);});
if (s_list) {
ee = Pexpr(s_list->expand());
if (s) {
ee = new expr(CM, Pexpr(s->expand()), ee);
ee->tp = ee->e2->tp;
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(ee);
if (s) {
Pstmt st = s->expand();
Cstmt = ostmt;
return st;
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(zero);
case PAIR:
ee = s2 ? Pexpr(s2->expand()) : 0;
ee = new expr(CM, s?Pexpr(s->expand()):0, ee);
ee->tp = ee->e2->tp;
if (s_list) {
ee = new expr(CM, ee, Pexpr(s_list->expand()));
ee->tp = ee->e2->tp;
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(ee);
case RETURN:
ret_seen = 1;
s_list = 0;
if (e == 0)
ee = zero;
else {
ee = e->expand();
Ptype tt = Pfct(expand_fn->tp)->s_returns;
if (tt == 0) tt = Pfct(expand_fn->tp)->returns;
//error('d',"return::expand() -- ee==%k tt==%t",ee?ee->base:0,tt);
if (tt!=ee->tp && ck_cast(tt,ee->tp)) ee = new cast(tt,ee);
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(ee);
case SM:
if (e== 0 || e==dummy)
ee = zero;
else {
if (e->base == DEREF) e = e->e1;
ee = e->expand();
if (s_list) {
ee = new expr(CM, ee, (Pexpr)s_list->expand());
ee->tp = ee->e2->tp;
Cstmt = ostmt;
return (Pstmt)ee;
case ASM:
error('s', "asm() in value-returning inline");
return this;
case IF:
int ors = ret_seen;
ret_seen = 0;
ee = Pexpr(s->expand());
ee->base==ASSIGN &&
ee->e1->tp && ee->e1->tp->base != PTR
ee = new expr(G_CM,ee,zero);
Pexpr qq = new expr(QUEST,ee,zero);
int ret1 = ret_seen;
ret_seen = 0;
qq->cond = e->expand();
qq->e2 = else_stmt ? Pexpr(else_stmt->expand()) : zero;
if (!has_return(s) && !has_return(else_stmt) &&
qq->e1->tp && qq->e2->tp &&
qq->e1->tp->check(qq->e2->tp, ASSIGN)) {
qq->e1 = new cast(void_type, qq->e1);
qq->e2 = new cast(void_type, qq->e2);
#if 0
if (qq->e1->tp && !qq->e1->tp->check(void_type, 0)) {
qq->e1 = new expr(G_CM, qq->e1, zero);
qq->e1->tp = zero_type;
if (qq->e2->tp && !qq->e2->tp->check(void_type, 0)) {
qq->e2 = new expr(G_CM, qq->e2, zero);
qq->e2->tp = zero_type;
int ret2 = ret_seen;
if (ret1+ret2 && s_list) {
error('s',"cannot expand inlineF%a with S after \"return\"",expand_fn);
ret_seen = 0;
ret_seen += ret1;
ret_seen += ret2;
ret_seen += ors;
// handle ``if (x) class_object_valued_expression;''
Ptype t1 = qq->e1->tp;
if (qq->e1->base == G_CM)
Ptype t2 = qq->e2->tp;
if (t1 && t1->base==FCT)
t1 = Pfct(t1)->s_returns ? Pfct(t1)->s_returns : Pfct(t1)->returns;
if (t2 && t2->base==FCT)
t2 = Pfct(t2)->s_returns ? Pfct(t2)->s_returns : Pfct(t2)->returns;
Pname c1 = t1?t1->is_cl_obj():0;
Pname c2 = t2?t2->is_cl_obj():0;
int z1 = c1 && c1!=c2;
int z2 = c2 && c1!=c2;
//error('d',"if()%k%t else%k%t",qq->e1->base,t1,qq->e2->base,t2);
//error('d',"c1%n c2%n %d %d",c1,c2,z1,z2);
if (c1==0
&& c2==0
&& t1
&& t2
&& t2->check(t1,ASSIGN)
&& t1->check(t2,ASSIGN)) {
z1 = makeCM( t1 );
z2 = makeCM( t2 );
if ((z1 && ret1) || (z2 && ret2))
error('s',"cannot expand inlineF with return in ifS");
//error('d',"if()%k%t else%k%t",qq->e1->base,t1,qq->e2->base,t2);
//error('d',"c1%n c2%n %d %d",c1,c2,z1,z2);
if (t1 && z1==0) {
// since zero is acceptable to all pointer types
// we need only ``fix'' z1 and z2 will take care
// of itself
z1 = t1->is_ptr_or_ref()
&& t2
&& t2->is_ptr_or_ref()
&& t1->check(t2,0)
&& !const_problem;
//error('d',"if()%k%t else%k%t",qq->e1->base,t1,qq->e2->base,t2);
//error('d',"c1%n c2%n %d %d",c1,c2,z1,z2);
if (z1) {
Pexpr v = (z2==0 && t2 && t2->is_ptr_or_ref()) ? new cast(t2,zero) : zero;
qq->e1 = new expr(CM,qq->e1,v);
qq->e1->tp = qq->e1->e1->tp;
//error('d',"if()%k%t else%k%t",qq->e1->base,t1,qq->e2->base,t2);
//error('d',"c1%n c2%n %d %d",c1,c2,z1,z2);
if (z2) {
Pexpr v = (z1==0 && t1 && t1->is_ptr_or_ref()) ? new cast(t1,zero) : zero;
qq->e2 = new expr(CM,qq->e2,v);
qq->e2->tp = qq->e2->e1->tp;
//error('d',"if()%k%t else%k%t",qq->e1->base,t1,qq->e2->base,t2);
//error('d',"c1%n c2%n %d %d",c1,c2,z1,z2);
if (s_list) {
qq = new expr(CM,qq,Pexpr(s_list->expand()));
qq->tp = qq->e2->tp;
qq->tp = qq->e1->tp;
Cstmt = ostmt;
return Pstmt(qq);
where.line = 0;
switch (base) {
if (e) e = e->expand();
case PAIR:
if (s2) s2 = s2->expand();
case BLOCK:
case FOR:
if (for_init) for_init = for_init->expand();
if (e2) e2 = e2->expand();
case ASM:
case LABEL:
case GOTO: {
char* s = new char[strlen(d->string) + 1];
strcpy(s, d->string);
d->string = s;
// case RETURN:
// case BREAK:
// case CONTINUE:
// error('s',"cannot expand inlineF%n with %kS",expand_fn,base);
if (s) s = s->expand();
if (s_list) s_list = s_list->expand();
Cstmt = ostmt;
return this;
Pexpr expr::expand()
if (this == 0) error('i',"E::expand(0)");
switch (base) {
case NAME:
if ( expand_tbl
&& Pname(this)->n_scope == FCT
&& Pname(this)->lex_level > expand_fn->lex_level ) {
Pname n = Pname(this);
char* s = n->string;
if (s[0]=='_' && s[1]=='_' && (s[2]=='X'||s[2]=='K')) break;
// Pname cn = expand_fn->n_table->t_name;
// n->string = temp(s,expand_fn->string,(cn)?cn->string:0);
n->string = temp(s,expand_fn);
case DUMMY: // null or error
case DTOR: // dummy type destructor
case ICON:
case FCON:
case CCON:
case IVAL:
//case FVAL:
//case LVAL:
case STRING:
case ZERO:
case TEXT:
case ANAME:
case MDOT:
case ICALL:
if (expand_tbl && e1==0) {
int ors = ret_seen;
ret_seen = 0;
Pname fn = il->fct_name;
Pfct f = Pfct(fn->tp);
if (f->f_expr==0
// f->returns==void_type
// && f->s_returns!=int_type
// && fn->n_oper!=CTOR
error('s',&fn->where,"cannot expand value-returning inline%a with call of non-value-returning inline%a",expand_fn,fn);
// else
// error("inline%n called before defined",fn);
ret_seen = ors;
case SIZEOF:
case CAST:
case G_CAST:
if (tp2) PERM(tp2);
goto rrr;
case QUEST:
cond = cond->expand();
if (e2) e2 = e2->expand();
case REF:
case DOT:
if (e1) e1 = e1->expand();
switch (base) {
case CM:
case G_CM:
if (tp==0) tp=e2->tp;
return this;
int nin;
static int watch_out;
bit expr::not_simple(int inflag)
is a temporary variable needed to hold the value of this expression
as an argument for an inline expansion?
return 1; if side effect
return 2; if modifies expression
int s;
switch (base) {
return 2;
case NAME:
if (nin==0 && Pname(this)->n_table==gtbl) return 2; // unsafe: aliasing
case ZERO:
case IVAL:
//case FVAL:
case ICON:
case CCON:
case FCON:
return 0;
case STRING:
::watch_out = 1;
return 0;
case MDOT:
return mem->not_simple(inflag);
case SIZEOF:
return (e1==0 || e1==dummy) ? 0 : e1->not_simple(inflag);
case G_ADDROF:
case ADDROF:
return e2->not_simple(inflag);
case CAST:
case G_CAST:
return e1->not_simple(inflag);
case DOT:
case REF:
::watch_out = 1;
if (!inflag)
return e1->not_simple(inflag);
return 2;
case UMINUS:
case NOT:
case COMPL:
return e2->not_simple(inflag);
case DEREF:
s = e1->not_simple(inflag);
if (1<s) return 2;
if (e2==0) return s;
return s |= e2->not_simple(inflag);
case MUL:
case DIV:
case MOD:
case PLUS:
case MINUS:
case LS:
case RS:
case AND:
case OR:
case ER:
case LT:
case LE:
case GT:
case GE:
case EQ:
case NE:
case ANDAND:
case OROR:
case CM:
s = e1->not_simple(inflag);
if (1<s) return 2;
return s |= e2->not_simple(inflag);
case QUEST:
s = cond->not_simple(inflag);
if (1<s) return 2;
s |= e1->not_simple(inflag);
if (1<s) return 2;
return s |= e2->not_simple(inflag);
case ANAME:
if (curr_icall) {
Pname n = (Pname)this;
int argno = int(n->n_val);
for (Pin il=curr_icall; il; il=il->i_next)
if (n->n_table == il->i_table) goto aok;
goto bok;
return (il->i_args[argno].local) ? 0 : il->i_args[argno].arg->not_simple(inflag);
bok: error('i',"expand aname%n",this);
case G_CM:
case VALUE:
case NEW:
case GNEW:
case CALL:
case G_CALL:
case ICALL:
case ASSIGN:
case INCR:
case DECR:
case ASPLUS:
case ASMUL:
case ASDIV:
case ASMOD:
case ASAND:
case ASOR:
case ASER:
case ASLS:
case ASRS:
return 2;
extern void uninline(Pname fn);
//extern Pname new_fct;
//extern Pname del_fct;
extern Pstmt del_list;
extern Pstmt break_del_list;
extern Pstmt continue_del_list;
extern Pname curr_fct;
extern Pexpr init_list;
extern Pname make_default_ctor(Pclass cl);
void expand_itor(Pclass cl)
Pexpr s2 = curr_expr;
Pstmt s5 = del_list;
Pstmt s6 = break_del_list;
Pstmt s7 = continue_del_list;
Pname s8 = curr_fct;
Pexpr s9 = init_list;
(void) cl->make_itor(1);
curr_expr = s2;
del_list = s5;
break_del_list = s6;
continue_del_list = s7;
curr_fct = s8;
init_list = s9;
extern Pname make_default_dtor(Pclass cl);
void expand_dtor(Pclass cl)
Pexpr s2 = curr_expr;
Pstmt s5 = del_list;
Pstmt s6 = break_del_list;
Pstmt s7 = continue_del_list;
Pname s8 = curr_fct;
Pexpr s9 = init_list;
(void) make_default_dtor(cl);
curr_expr = s2;
del_list = s5;
break_del_list = s6;
continue_del_list = s7;
curr_fct = s8;
init_list = s9;
void expand_ictor(Pclass cl)
Pexpr s2 = curr_expr;
Pstmt s5 = del_list;
Pstmt s6 = break_del_list;
Pstmt s7 = continue_del_list;
Pname s8 = curr_fct;
Pexpr s9 = init_list;
(void) make_default_ctor(cl);
curr_expr = s2;
del_list = s5;
break_del_list = s6;
continue_del_list = s7;
curr_fct = s8;
init_list = s9;
Pexpr fct::expand(Pname fn, Ptable scope, Pexpr ll)
expand call to (previously defined) inline function in "scope"
with the argument list "ll"
(1) declare variables in "scope"
(2) initialize argument variables
(3) link to body
Scope = scope;
//error('d',"expand%s() body %d f_expr %d inline %d",fn->string,body,f_expr,f_inline);
if (f_inline == ITOR) {
Pexpr s1 = last_expanded;
last_expanded = s1;
last_stmt = stmtno;
//this = Pfct(fn->tp);
Pfct nf = Pfct(fn->tp);
if (nf->f_inline==0 && nf->f_imeasure) {
return 0;
return nf->expand(fn,scope,ll);
//error('d',"expand %n body %d f_expr %d defined %d",fn,body,f_expr,defined);
//error('d',"inline %d memtbl %d scope %d",f_inline,Pfct(fn->tp)->body->memtbl,scope);
if ((body==0 && f_expr==0) // before defined
|| ((defined&SIMPLIFIED)==0) // before simplified
|| (Pfct(fn->tp)->body->memtbl==scope) // while defining
|| (f_inline>1) // recursive call
) { // so don't expand
if (warning_opt) error('w',"cannot inline%n in thisE",fn);
// *** SBL: move def from template.h to cfront.h
extern Pfct current_fct_instantiation;
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = this;
if (fn->n_addr_taken++==0) fn->dcl_print(0);
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = 0;
return 0;
if (fn->n_oper==CTOR) {
Pclass cl = Pclass(fn->n_table->t_name->tp);
if (cl->c_body == 3) cl->print_all_vtbls(cl);
Pin il = new iline;
Pexpr ic = new texpr(ICALL,0,0);
int ns = 0;
for (Pname an = f_args; an; an=an->n_list) ns++;
il->fct_name = fn;
il->i_slots = ns;
il->i_args = ns ? new ia[ns] : 0;
ic->il = il;
ic->tp = s_returns ? s_returns : returns;
// Pname at = (f_this) ? f_this : (f_result) ? f_result : argtype;
Pname at = f_args;
if (at) il->i_table = at->n_table;
int i = 0;
int not_simple = 0; /* is a temporary argument needed? */
for (Pname n=at; n && ll; n=n->n_list, i++) {
/* check formal/actual argument pairs
and generate temporaries as necessary
Pexpr ee;
if (ll->base == ELIST) {
ee = ll->e1;
ll = ll->e2;
else {
ee = ll;
ll = 0;
/* could be avoided when expanding into a block */
il->i_args[i].local = 0;
int s ;
// try to protect agains aliasing through pointers and references
for (Pname m=at; m; m=m->n_list) {
Pptr p;
if (n!=m) {
// if ((p=m->tp->is_ptr()) || (p=m->tp->is_ref()))
if (p=m->tp->is_ptr_or_ref())
if (p->check(n->tp,0)==0 || p->typ->check(n->tp,0)==0) goto zxc;
::watch_out = 0;
int notsimple; notsimple = ee->not_simple(1);
if ( notsimple==0 && ::watch_out && n->n_used > 1 && ee->base!=G_ADDROF) goto zxc;
if (n->n_assigned_to==FUDGE111
&& ee!=zero
&& notsimple==0) {
if (ee && ee->e1 && (ee->e1->base == NAME) &&
(! strcmp (ee->e1->string,"this"))) goto zxc;
else if (n->n_addr_taken || n->n_assigned_to)
goto zxc;
else if (s=notsimple) {
if (/*n->n_used==0 // n_used not set for ``this''
|| */1<s
|| 1<n->n_used ) { // not safe
if (last_expanded && last_expanded!=dummy && last_expanded==curr_expr && last_stmt==stmtno) {
if (warning_opt)
error('w',"%a not inlined, called twice in an expression",fn);
delete il->i_args;
delete il;
// *** SBL: move to cfront.h from template.h
extern Pfct current_fct_instantiation;
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = this;
if (fn->n_addr_taken++==0) fn->dcl_print(0);
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = 0;
return 0;
//error('d',"zxc %n %t ee %d %t",n,n->tp,ee->base,ee->tp);
// if (ee && ee->tp && (ee->tp->base==EOBJ) && ansi_opt)
// ; // do nothing
// else {
Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,fn,1);
nn->base = NAME;
il->i_args[i].local = nn;
// if (nn->tp->is_ref()
// && ee->tp
// && ee->tp->is_ptr_or_ref()==0) ee = ee->address();
// }
il->i_args[i].arg = ee;
il->i_args[i].tp = n->tp;
Ptable tbl = body->memtbl;
if (f_expr) { // generate comma expression
char loc_var = 0;
/* look for local variables needing declaration: */
for (n=tbl->get_mem(i=1); n; NEXT_NAME(tbl,n,i) ) {
//error('d',"n %n %d",n,n->base);
//error('d',"loc %n %d %d %d",n,n->n_used,n->n_assigned_to,n->n_addr_taken);
if (n->base==NAME // don't re-declare the args
&& (n->tp->base!=FCT && n->tp->base!=OVERLOAD)
&& (n->n_used || n->n_assigned_to || n->n_addr_taken)) {
if (last_expanded && last_expanded==curr_expr && last_stmt == stmtno) {
if (warning_opt) error('w',"cannot inline%n in thisE",fn);
delete il->i_args;
delete il;
extern Pfct current_fct_instantiation;
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = this;
if (fn->n_addr_taken++==0) fn->dcl_print(0);
if (fct_base == INSTANTIATED)
current_fct_instantiation = 0;
return 0;
Pname nn = dcl_local(scope,n,fn);
nn->base = NAME;
n->string = nn->string;
if (i /*not_simple*/ || loc_var) {
if(!curr_expr) curr_expr = dummy;
last_expanded = curr_expr;
last_stmt = stmtno;
Pexpr ex;
if (not_simple) {
Pexpr etail = ex = new expr(CM,0,0);
for (i=0; i<il->i_slots; i++) {
Pname n = il->i_args[i].local;
if (n == 0) continue;
Pexpr e = il->i_args[i].arg;
// if used assign
// otherwise (e.g. unused argument)
// simply evaluate for sideeffects
if (n->n_used
|| n->n_assigned_to
|| n->n_addr_taken) {
Pptr p1 = n->tp->is_ptr();
Pptr p2 = e->tp ? e->tp->is_ptr() : 0;
if (p1 && p1->memof && !p2) {
switch (e->base) {
case CM:
case G_CM:
e->e2 = mptr_assign(n,e->e2);
case ICALL:
e = mptr_assign(n,e);
etail->e1 = e;
etail->e1 = new expr(ASSIGN,n,e);
etail->e1 = e;
if (--not_simple)
etail = etail->e2 = new expr(CM,0,0);
etail->e2 = f_expr;
ex = f_expr;
ic->e1 = ex;
else { // generate block:
for (n=tbl->get_mem(i=1); n; NEXT_NAME(tbl,n,i) ) {
// mangle local names
if (n->base==NAME
&& n->tp
&& (n->n_used || n->n_assigned_to || n->n_addr_taken)) {
// Pname cn = fn->n_table->t_name;
// n->string = temp(n->string,fn->string,(cn)?cn->string:0);
n->string = temp(n->string,fn);
Pstmt ss;
if (not_simple) {
if(!curr_expr) curr_expr = dummy;
last_expanded = curr_expr;
last_stmt = stmtno;
Pstmt st = new estmt(SM,curloc,0,0);
st->where.line = 0;
Pstmt stail = st;
for (i=0; i<il->i_slots; i++) {
Pname n = il->i_args[i].local;
if (n == 0) continue;
Pexpr e = il->i_args[i].arg;
Pptr p1 = n->tp->is_ptr();
Pptr p2 = e->tp->is_ptr();
if (p1 && p1->memof && !p2) {
switch (e->base) {
case CM:
case G_CM:
e->e2 = mptr_assign(n,e->e2);
e = mptr_assign(n,e);
stail->e = e;
stail->e = new expr(ASSIGN,n,e);
if (--not_simple) {
stail = stail->s_list = new estmt(SM,curloc,0,0);
stail->where.line = 0;
stail->s_list = body;
ss = new block(curloc,0,st);
ss->where.line = 0;
ss = body;
ic->e2 = Pexpr(ss);
//error('d',"expand%n -- returning%k", fn, ic?ic->base:0);
return ic;