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by Michael L Powell last modified 2007-01-26 03:25

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/*ident	"@(#)cls4:src/norm.c	1.12" */
C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0.  This product
is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer
science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Copyright (c) 1993  UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T.  All Rights Reserved.

Laboratories, Inc.  The copyright notice above does not evidence
any actual or intended publication of such source code.


	"normalization" handles problems which could have been handled
	by the syntax analyser; but has not been done. The idea is
	to simplify the grammar and the actions accociated with it,
	and to get a more robust error handling

#include "cfront.h"
#include "size.h"
#include "template.h"

//SYM -- table defs
Pktab Gtbl;
Pktab Ctbl;

Pname sta_name = 0;
static Ptype generic_tpdef = 0;

void syn_init()
	generic_tpdef = new type;
	generic_tpdef->base = TPDEF;
	any_type = new basetype(ANY,0);
	PERM(any_type); any_type->defined = DEFINED;
	dummy = new expr(DUMMY,0,0);
	dummy->tp = any_type;
	zero = new expr(ZERO,0,0);
	sta_name = new name;
//SYM -- init new tables
	Gtbl = new ktable(GTBLSIZE,0,0); //SYM
	Ctbl = Gtbl; //SYM

int stcount;

char* make_name(TOK c)
	char* s = new char[8];	// as it happens: fits in two words

	if (10000 <= ++stcount) error('i',"too many generatedNs");

	return s;

Pbase basetype::type_adj(TOK t)
DB(if(Ndebug>=1)error('d',"'%k'->type_adj(%k) --%t b_xname%n",base,t,this,b_xname););
	if (b_xname) {
		if (base)
		else {
			base = TYPE;
			b_name = b_xname;
		b_xname = 0;

	switch (t) {
	case TYPEDEF:
				error('w',"two typedefs");
			else if(b_inline) {
				error("badBT:%k and%k",INLINE,TYPEDEF);
				b_typedef = 1;
	case INLINE:
				error('w',"two inlines");
			else if(b_typedef) {
				error("badBT:%k and%k",TYPEDEF,INLINE);
				b_inline = 1;
	case VIRTUAL:	b_virtual = 1;	break;
	case CONST:	if (b_const) error('w',"two const declarators");
			b_const = 1;	break;
	case UNSIGNED:	b_unsigned = 1;	break;
	case SHORT:	b_short = 1;	break;
	case LONG:	if (b_long) error('w',"two long declarators");
			if (base == DOUBLE)
				base = LDOUBLE;
				b_long = 1;
	case FRIEND:
	case EXTERN:
	case STATIC:
	case AUTO:
		if (b_sto)
			b_sto = t;
	case DOUBLE:
		if (b_long) {
			t = LDOUBLE;
			b_long = 0;
		// no break
	case VOID:
	case CHAR:
	case INT:
	case FLOAT:
		if (base)
			base = t; 
	case SIGNED:
		error('w',"\"%k\" not implemented (ignored)",t);
	return this;

Pbase basetype::name_adj(Pname n)
DB(if(Ndebug>=1)error('d',"'%k'->name_adj(%n) --%t b_xname%n",base,n,this,b_xname));
	if (b_xname) {
		if (base)
		else {
			base = TYPE;
			b_name = b_xname;
		b_xname = 0;

	if ( base==0 
 		&& n->base == TNAME 
 		&& ( n->tp->base!=COBJ //SYM || in_arg_list )) {
 				|| Ctbl->k_id==ARG )) {
 			base = TYPE;
 			b_name = n;
		b_xname = n;

	return this;

static TOK type_set( Pbase b )
	TOK t = 0;

	if ( b->b_long ) t = LONG;
	else if ( b->b_short ) t = SHORT;
	else if ( b->b_unsigned ) t = UNSIGNED;
	else if ( b->b_inline ) t = INLINE;
	else if ( b->b_virtual ) t = VIRTUAL;
	else if ( b->b_sto == OVERLOAD ) t = OVERLOAD;
	return t;

int declTag = 1;

Pbase basetype::base_adj(Pbase b)
DB(if(Ndebug>=1)error('d',"'%k'->base_adj(%t) --%t b_xname%n",base,b,this,b_xname));
	Pname bn = b->b_name;

	switch (base) {
	case COBJ:
	case EOBJ:
		error("NX after%k%n",base,b_name);
		return this;

	TOK t;
	if (base) {
		if (b_name)
	else if ( t = type_set(this)) {
		if (b_name)
		else {
                        if ( declTag++ && !(t==INLINE && b->base==EOBJ)) error("badBT:%k%k%n",t,b->base,bn);
			base=b->base; b_name = bn;
// error('d',"base_adj: t: %k", t );
	else {
		base = b->base;
		b_name = bn;
		b_table = b->b_table;

	return this;

Pbase basetype::check(Pname n)
	"n" is the first name to be declared using "this"
	check the consistency of "this"
	and use "b_xname" for "n->string" if possible and needed
	b_inline = 0;
	b_virtual = 0;
//error('d',"basetype::check(%n) base %k b_xname %n",n,base,b_xname);

	if (b_xname && (n->tp || n->string)) {
		if (base)
		else {
			base = TYPE;
			b_name = b_xname;
		b_xname = 0;

	if (b_xname) {
		if (n->string)
			error("twoNs inD:%n%n",b_xname,n);
		else {
			n->string = b_xname->string;
			b_xname->hide(); //SYM?
		b_xname = 0;

	if (ccl==0
	&& n
	&& n->n_oper==TNAME
	&& !in_typedef
	&& n->n_qualifier==0
	&& n->string) {	// hide type name
		Pname nx = k_find_name(n->string,Ctbl,0); //SYM
		if (nx && nx->base==TNAME) nx->hide();

	int defa = 0;
	switch (base) {
	case 0:
		defa = 1;
		base = INT;
	case EOBJ:
	case COBJ:
		if (b_name->base == TNAME) error('i',"TN%n inCO %p",b_name,this);

	if (b_long || b_short) {
		TOK sl = (b_short) ? SHORT : LONG;
		if (b_long && b_short) error("badBT:long short%k%n",base,n);
		if (base != INT)
			base = sl;
		b_short = b_long = 0;

	if (b_typedef && b_sto) error("badBT:Tdef%k%n",b_sto,n);
	b_typedef = b_sto = 0; 

	if (b_linkage) {
		if (1 <= bl_level) error("local linkage directive");

	if (Pfctvec_type == 0) return this;

	if (b_const) {
		if (b_unsigned) {
			switch (base) {
				error("badBT: unsigned const %k%n",base,n);
				b_unsigned = 0;
			case LONG:
			case SHORT:
			case INT:
			case CHAR:
				return this;
		return this;
	else if (b_unsigned) {
		switch (base) {
		case LONG:
			delete this;
			return ulong_type;
		case SHORT:
			delete this;
			return ushort_type;
		case INT:
			delete this;
			return uint_type;
		case CHAR:
			delete this;
			return uchar_type;
			error("badBT: unsigned%k%n",base,n);
			b_unsigned = 0;
			return this;
	else {
		switch (base) {
		case LONG:
			delete this;
			return long_type;
		case SHORT:
			delete this;
			return short_type;
		case INT:
                        if (this==int_type || this==defa_type) return this;
                        delete this;
                        if (defa) return defa_type;
                        return int_type;
		case CHAR:
			delete this;
			return char_type;
		case VOID:
			delete this;
			return void_type;
		case TYPE:
			/* use a single base saved in the keyword */
			if (b_name->n_qualifier) {
				Pbase rv = Pbase(b_name->n_qualifier);
				delete this;
				return rv;
			else {
				b_name->n_qualifier = (Pname)this;
				return this;
			return this;

static int
check_redef( Pname on, Pname nn )
	// nn is a new typedef
	// on was returned from insert_type()
	// check for conflicts
	// return 1 for duplicate def, else 0
	if (Nold) { //SYM type name was already in symbol table
//error('d',"'%n'->tdef() -- redef%t,%t",on,on->tp,nn->tp);
//error('d'," -- nn->base%k, on->base%k, nn->n_oper%k, on->n_key%k",nn->base,on->base,nn->n_oper,on->n_key);
		if ( on->tp->check(nn->tp,0) == 0 ) { // duplicate typedef
			nn->base = TNAME;
			return 1; // avoid infinite loop for typedef I I;
		if ( nn->tpdef->in_class && nn->tpdef->in_class->csu == ANON ) {
			if ( nn->tpdef->defined == 0 )
				error(&nn->where,"twoDs of %s (one in anonymous union)",nn->string);
		} else if ( on->tpdef )
			error(&nn->where,"%n redefined:Tdef%t andTdef%t",on,on->tp,nn->tp);
			error(&nn->where,"%n redefined:%t andTdef%t",on,on->tp,nn->tp);
		// kluge: avoid printing error twice for nested anon
		nn->tpdef->defined = 1;
		Pname nw = new name;
		Pname x = on; x->n_key = VOID; // anything to get rid of it
		*nw = *nn;
		nw->n_tbl_list = 0;
		nw->n_ktable = 0;
		nw->n_table = 0;
		on = insert_type(nw,Ctbl,TYPE);
		if ( Nold ) error('i',&nn->where,"cannot recover");
		on->n_hidden = x;
	if ( on->n_key == HIDDEN ) {
		if ( nn->tpdef->in_class && nn->tpdef->in_class->csu == ANON ) {
			if ( nn->tpdef->defined == 0 )
				error(&nn->where,"twoDs of %s (one in anonymous union)",nn->string);
		} else
			error(&nn->where,"%n redefined: identifier andTdef",on);
		// kluge: avoid printing error twice for nested anon
		nn->tpdef->defined = 1;
	return 0;

Pname basetype::aggr()
	"type SM" seen e.g.	struct s {};
				class x;
				enum e;
				int tname;
				friend cname;
				friend class x;
				typedef int i; // where i is tname

		union { ... };
		union name { ... } name ;
DB(if(Ndebug>=1)error('d',"'%k'->aggr() --%t b_xname%n ccl%t",base,this,b_xname,ccl));
	if (b_xname) {
		if (base) {
			Pname n = new name(b_xname->string);
                        b_xname = 0;
			return n->normalize(this,0,0);
		else {
			base = TYPE;
			b_name = b_xname;
			b_xname = 0;

	switch (base) {
	case COBJ:
		Pclass cl = Pclass(b_name->tp);
		char* s = cl->string;
  	/*SYM?*/if (cl->class_base != CL_TEMPLATE && 
			(cl->in_class == 0 || cl->in_class->class_base != CL_TEMPLATE) &&
			b_name->base == TNAME) 
				error('i',"TN%n inCO",b_name);
		if (b_const) error("const%k%n",cl->csu,b_name);

		if (cl->c_body == 2) {	/* body seen */
			if (s[0]=='_' && s[1]=='_' && s[2]=='C') {
				char* ss = new char[8];	// max size of generated name is 7 chars, see make_name()
				Pname obj = new name(ss);
				if (cl->csu==UNION && cl->class_base!=CL_TEMPLATE) {
					ss[2] = 'O';
					cl->csu = ANON;
					Pname un = obj->normalize(this,0,0);
					//SYM -- export anon union names
					//SYM    to current table
					int i = 1;
					Pname nn=cl->k_tbl->get_mem(i);
					for (; nn; NEXT_NAME(cl->k_tbl,nn,i)) {
					    if ( nn->string==0 ) continue;
					    if ( nn->base == NAME ) {
						insert_name(new name(nn->string),Ctbl);
					    } else if ( nn->tp == 0 ) {
						error('i',"BT::aggr(): nullT for%n in anon union",nn);
					    } else {
						Pname nx = new name(nn->string);
						nx->tp = nn->tp;
						nx->tpdef = nn->tpdef;
						nx->where = nn->where;
						if ( nn->tpdef ) {
						} else {
						switch( nx->tp->base ) {
						case COBJ:
						{ Pclass mcl = (Pclass)Pbase(nn->tp)->b_name->tp;
						  if ( mcl->csu != ANON 
						  &&  !(   mcl->string[0]=='_'
						  	&& mcl->string[1]=='_'
						  	&& mcl->string[2]=='C')
						  ) {
						    if ( Nold ) {
							Pname x = nx->tp->is_cl_obj();
							Pclass ocl = x?Pclass(x->tp):0;
							if ( ocl==0 
							||   strcmp(ocl->string,mcl->string)
							||   (ocl->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED))
							      && (mcl->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED))
							  error(&nn->where,"twoDs of %s (one in anonymous union)",nn->string);
							else if ( mcl->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED) )
							  nx->tp = nn->tp;
						case EOBJ:
						  if ( nn->string[0] == '_'
						  &&   nn->string[1] == '_'
						  &&   nn->string[2] == 'E' )
						  if ( Nold ) {
						    Ptype t = nx->tp->skiptypedefs();
						    Penum oe = t->base==EOBJ ? (Penum)Pbase(t)->b_name->tp : 0;
						    t = nn->tp->skiptypedefs();
						    Penum ne = t->base==EOBJ ? (Penum)Pbase(t)->b_name->tp : 0;
						    if ( oe==0 
						    ||   strcmp(oe->string,ne->string)
						    ||   (oe->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED))
						          && (ne->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED))
							error(&nn->where,"twoDs of %s (one in anonymous union)",nn->string);
						    else if ( ne->defined&(DEF_SEEN|DEFINED) )
							  nx->tp = nn->tp;
						  error('i',&nn->where,"missing tpdef forTdefN %s",nx->string);
						} // switch
						} // else tag
//error('d',&nn->where,"exportingTN %n%t",nx,nx->tp);
					    } // else TNAME
					} // for nn
					return un;
				if (cl->class_base!=CL_TEMPLATE)
					error('w',"unusable%k ignored",cl->csu);
			if ( b_sto == FRIEND )
  				error("friend%k%n{...} -- may only declare a friendC",cl->csu,b_name);
			cl->c_body = 1;
			return b_name;
		else {	/* really a typedef for cfront only: class x; */
			if (b_sto == FRIEND) goto frr;
			Pname nn = new name(cl->string);
			nn->tp = b_name->tp;
			nn->n_key = REF;
			return nn;

	case EOBJ:
	{	Penum en = Penum(b_name->tp);
	/*SYM?*/if (b_name->base == TNAME) error('i',"TN%n in enumO",b_name);
		if (b_const) error("const enum%n",b_name);
		if (en->e_body == 2) {
			en->e_body = 1;
			return b_name;
		else {
			error("forwardD of enum%n", b_name);
			en->e_type = int_type;
		return 0;

	case 0:
	{	Pname n = new name(make_name('D'));
		n->tp = defa_type;
		error("NX inDL");
		return n;
		if (b_typedef) error('w',"illegalTdef ignored");

		if (b_sto == FRIEND && b_name ) {
		frr:    // see also name::normalize(), stc == FRIEND
			Pname fr = k_find_name(b_name->string,Ctbl,0); //SYM
			if (fr == 0 || fr->base!=TNAME) error('i',"cannot find friend%n",b_name);
			Pname n = new name(b_name->string);
			n->n_sto = FRIEND;
			// If it is a parameterized type, use the instantiation 
			// type, not the general type.
			if ((fr->tp->base == COBJ) && 
			    (Pclass(Pbase(fr->tp)->b_name->tp)->class_base == CL_TEMPLATE)) {
			    if (base == COBJ) 
				n->tp = this;
			    if ((base == TYPE) &&
			        (Pbase(this)->b_name->base == TNAME) &&
			        (Pbase(this)->b_name->tp->base == COBJ))
			      		n->tp = Pbase(this)->b_name->tp;
				error('i', "basetype wasn't a COBJ");
			else n->tp = fr->tp;
			return n;
		else {
			Pname n = new name(make_name('D'));
			n->tp = defa_type;
			error("NX inDL");
			return n;

//SYM -- removed void local_name()

//SYM void local_restore() removed

//SYM -- local_hide() removed

//SYM void nested_restore() removed

//SYM nested_hide(Pname) removed

//SYM static void nested_hide( Plist l ) removed

int defer_check = 0;
//SYM removed Pname statStat = 0;

void name::hide()
	hide "this": that is, "this" should not be a keyword in this scope
	if (base != TNAME) return;
//error('d',"'%n '->hide() -- %t lex_level %d bl_level %d",this,tp,lex_level,::bl_level);
	if (n_key == 0) {
                if (lex_level == bl_level && in_arg_list == 0) {
			if (tp->base != COBJ) { 
//error('d',"%n::hide() -- in_typedef base%k %t %t",this,in_typedef->base,tp,in_typedef);
				    if ( in_typedef && in_typedef->base 
				    &&   tp->base != type_set(Pbase(in_typedef)) 
				    &&   in_typedef->check(tp,0) ) {
							if ( defer_check == 0 )
     								error("%n redefined: previous: %t now: %t", this, tp, in_typedef);
			else {
//error('d',"in_typedef%t %d tp%t %d",in_typedef,in_typedef,tp,tp);
//error('d',"in_typedef%k tp%k",in_typedef->base,tp->base);
				if ( in_typedef && in_typedef->base
				&&   in_typedef->check(tp, 0) ) {
					if ( defer_check == 0 )
						error( "%n redefined: previous: %t now: %t", this, tp, in_typedef);
				else {
					Pname nn = Pbase(tp)->b_name;
					Pclass cl = Pclass( nn->tp );
					// check for 'typedef class X X;'
					//       and 'typedef X X;'
					if ( in_typedef )
					    while ( in_typedef->base == TYPE )
						in_typedef = Pbase(in_typedef)->b_name->tp;
					if ( in_typedef
					&&   in_typedef->base==COBJ
					&&   same_class(Pclass(Pbase(in_typedef)->b_name->tp),cl) )
						in_typedef = tp;
					else if ( cl->has_ctor() )
						error( "%n redefined: both aCNWK and %s", this, in_typedef?"a type name":"an identifier" );

// error( 'd', "%n::hide", this );
		if ( n_table == 0 ) {
// error('d',"templp: in progress: %d", templp->in_progress);
		 	Pclass cl = 0; 	
			if ( tp->base == COBJ ) cl = tp->classtype();
			if ( n_template_arg == template_type_formal &&
				templp->in_progress )
					error('s',"reuse of formalYZ%n",this);
			else if ( cl && (cl->class_base == INSTANTIATED || 
					 cl->class_base == UNINSTANTIATED ))
						 error("illegal use of instantiatedYC%t", cl);
			else error('i',"%n->hide() -- no n_table",this);
		insert_name( new name(string), Ctbl );

//SYM removed Ntncheck, notReally
//SYM void set_scope(Pname tn) removed

//SYM void restore() removed

int classid; // index of generated class names 
	// saved and reset by grammer at start of each class def
	// so nested tag indices will be relative
	// -- ensures link compatibility for static member anon unions 

Pname start_cl(TOK t, Pname c, Pbcl b)
        int mk_local = 0;
	DB( if(Ndebug>=1)
		error('d',"start_cl(%k,%n,%d)  ll %d",t,c,b,c?c->lex_level:0);
	if (c == 0) {
	    int save = stcount; stcount = classid++;
	    c = new name(make_name('C'));
	    stcount = save;
	    c->lex_level -= in_class_decl + 1;
	    if ( in_typedef && c->lex_level ) 
		 mk_local = 1;
	    //SYM else c->lex_level = 0;
	else if ( ccl && ccl->lex_level == c->lex_level
	     &&   strcmp(ccl->string,c->string) == 0) {
		error("%k %s redefines enclosing class",t,c->string);
		error('i', "can't recover from previous errors");
	Pname n = c->tname(t);			/* t ignored */
	n->where = curloc;
	Pbase bt = Pbase(n->tp);		/* COBJ */
	if (bt->base != COBJ) {
		error("twoDs of%n:%t andC",n,bt);
		error('i', "can't recover from previous errors");
	else {
		if (strcmp(n->string,Pbase(n->tp)->b_name->string)!=0)
			error("twoDs of %n:Tdef andC",n);
		if (n->tp->classtype()->csu!=t && (t==UNION || n->tp->classtype()->csu==UNION))
			error("twoDs of%n:%k and%k",n,t,n->tp->classtype()->csu);
		bt->b_name->where = curloc; // line#s in dcl()

	//SYM for ( Pclass tc = ccl; tc; tc = tc->in_class ) {
	//SYM     if ( tc->lex_level == c->lex_level // c not local to mem ftn of tc
	//SYM     &&   strcmp( tc->string, c->string) == 0) {
	//SYM 	error( "C %s redefined", c->string );
	//SYM 	error('i', "can't recover from previous errors");
	//SYM }

// error('d',"ccl: %t bl: %d in_class_decl: %d ccl->lex_level: %d",ccl,bl_level,in_class_decl,ccl?ccl->lex_level:0);
        // if (templp->in_progress && (c->lex_level == 0))
        if (templp->in_progress && (c->lex_level == 0) &&
		(ccl == 0 || (!ccl->in_class && ccl->class_base!=CL_TEMPLATE) ||
		  bl_level != ccl->lex_level + in_class_decl + 1 ))
		// bring the template in scope

// error('d',"'%n'->start_cl() ll %d",c, c->lex_level);
// error('d',"   templ %d in_cl %d in_memf %d",templp->in_progress, in_class_decl, in_mem_fct);

	if ( templp->in_progress && c->lex_level ) {
		if ( in_class_decl == 0 || in_mem_fct ) 
			if (mk_local==0)
			    error('s',"localC%nWinYF", c); 
			else error('s',"localCWinYF"); 

	// typedef struct {} x;
	if ( mk_local ) {
	    local_class = new name_list( n, local_class );
	    //SYM -- tn stuff removed

	Pclass occl = ccl;
	ccl = Pclass(bt->b_name->tp);		/* CLASS */
	if (ccl->defined) ccl->defined |= IN_ERROR;
	ccl->defined |= DEF_SEEN;

// error('d', "start_cl: %n ccl->in_class: %t lex_level: %d", n, ccl->in_class, n->lex_level );

	ccl->string = n->string;
	ccl->csu = t;

// error('d',"typedef: ccl %t %n", ccl, n);
	if (occl==0)
		// if specialization, ccl->templ_base set within explicit_inst()
		ccl->templ_base = templp->in_progress ? BOUND_TEMPLATE : ccl->templ_base;

//error('d',"ccl%t %d ll %d %s",ccl,ccl,ccl->lex_level,ccl->k_tbl->whereami());
	if (b) {	// list of base classes
		for (Pbcl bx, bb=b, l=0; bb; bb = bx) {
			bx = bb->next;
			bb->next = 0;

			if ( bb->bclass
			//&&   strcmp(ccl->string,bb->bclass->string)==0 
            		&& ( ( bb->bclass->nested_sig
                   		&& ccl->nested_sig
                   		&& strcmp(ccl->nested_sig,
                             		bb->bclass->nested_sig)==0 )
                		|| ( !bb->bclass->nested_sig
                      		&& !ccl->nested_sig
                      		&& strcmp(ccl->string,
                                		bb->bclass->string)==0 ) ) )

				error(&n->where,"%n derived from itself",n);
			else if (l == 0)
				l = bb;
			else {	// append and check for duplicates
				for (Pbcl ll = l;;) {
					 if (bb->bclass && same_class(ll->bclass,bb->bclass)) {
						error("%s has %s asB twice",ccl->string,bb->bclass->string);

					if (ll->next)
						ll = ll->next;
					else {
						bb->next = l;
						l = bb;

		ccl->baselist = l;
		//SYM notReally++; set_scope(n); notReally--;
	return n;	

void end_cl()
if ( templp->parameters_in_progress )  
	error("definition ofC %tWinY parameterL : %d",ccl,templp->parameters_in_progress);

	ccl->c_body = 2;
        // ccl->templ_base may be set within explicit_inst()
	ccl->templ_base = templp->in_progress
			ccl->in_class ? ccl->in_class->templ_base : ccl->templ_base;
	ccl = ccl->in_class;
	//SYM -- lots of stuff removed

Pbase end_enum(Pname n, nlist* b)
// error( 'd', "end_enum: %n ccl: %t", n , ccl ); 
	bit anon = 0;
	if (n == 0) {
		anon = 1;
		n = new name(make_name('E'));
		n->lex_level = bl_level - in_class_decl; //SYM

// error('d',"'%n'->end_enum() ll %d",n, n->lex_level);
// error('d',"   templ %d in_cl %d in_memf %d",templp->in_progress, in_class_decl, in_mem_fct);

  	if ( templp->parameters_in_progress )  
  		error( "definition of enum %sWinY parameterL",anon?"":n->string);

	if ( templp->in_progress && n->lex_level ) {
		if ( in_class_decl == 0 || in_mem_fct ) 
			if (anon==0)
			    error('s',"local enum%nWinYF", n); 
			else error('s',"local enumWinYF"); 

	n = n->tname(ENUM);
	Pbase bt = (Pbase)n->tp;
	if (bt->base != EOBJ) {
		error("twoDs of%n:%t and enum",n,bt);
		error('i', "can't recover from previous errors");
	bt->b_name->where = curloc;
	Penum en = (Penum)bt->b_name->tp;
	en->e_body = 2;
	en->mem = name_unlist(b);
	if (en->defined) {
		// shouldn't be necessary anymore with nested types
		// if ( in_class_decl )
		//	error("%n redefined, enum tag not local to class", n);
		en->defined |= IN_ERROR;
	en->defined |= DEF_SEEN;
	en->templ_base = templp->in_progress
			en->in_class ? en->in_class->templ_base : en->templ_base;
	return bt;

Pname name::tdef()
	typedef "this"
// error('d',&where,"'%n'->tdef()%t in_typedef %d",this,tp,in_typedef);
// error('d',&where,"   lex_level %d tpdef%d",lex_level,tpdef);
// error('d',&where,"   templ %d in_cl %d in_memf %d",templp->in_progress, in_class_decl, in_mem_fct);

        //SYM anon_cl removed
        if (n_qualifier) {
                error("QdN in typedef",this);
                n_qualifier = 0;
	if (tp == 0) error('i',"Tdef%n tp==0",this);

	lex_level = bl_level - in_class_decl;

	if ( ccl && ccl->lex_level == lex_level ) {
//error('d',&where,"Tdef%n ccl%t ll %d",this,ccl,lex_level);
		tpdef = new type;
		tpdef->base = TPDEF;
		tpdef->nested_sig = make_nested_name(string,ccl);
		if ( strcmp(ccl->string,string) == 0 ) {
			error(&where,"nestedTdef%n redefines immediately enclosingC",this);
			//SYM lookup mechanism in front end will ignore 
			//SYM    members with same name as class 
		tpdef->in_class = ccl;
	} else
		tpdef = generic_tpdef;

	if ( templp->in_progress && lex_level ) {
		if ( in_class_decl == 0 || in_mem_fct ) 
			error('s',"localTdef%nWinYF", this); 

	Pname n;
	n = insert_type(this,Ctbl,TYPE);//SYM
	if ( tpdef->in_class ) { // nested typedef
// error('d', "*****%s->tdef: %d ccl: %t", string, tpdef, ccl );
		//SYM fields copied by insert()
		if ( tp!=n->tp || tpdef !=n->tpdef ) // error detected below...
		else {
			n->tpdef->templ_base = templp->in_progress
// error('d',"tdef: templ_base: %d", n->tpdef->templ_base);
	// else {
		//SYM removed check for clash w/nested type
	// }

	if ( check_redef(n,this) ) return n;
	n->base = base = TNAME;
	if (tp->base == PTR) PERM(Pptr(tp)->typ);

	if (tp->base == COBJ || tp->base == EOBJ ) 
	{	// typedef struct/enum { } s; => struct/enum s {};
		Pname b = Pbase(tp)->b_name;
		if (b->string[0] == '_' && b->string[1] == '_' ) 
		    	switch ( tp->base ) {
				case COBJ: {
		             		if (b->string[2] == 'C') {
						Pclass cl = Pclass(b->tp);
						b->string = n->string;
						cl->string = n->string;
						if (!cl->local_sig)
							cl->c_strlen = strlen(cl->string);
				case EOBJ: {
		             		if (b->string[2] == 'E') {
						Penum en = Penum(b->tp);
						b->string = n->string;
						en->string = n->string;
						if (!en->local_sig )
							en->e_strlen = strlen(en->string);

	DB(if(Ndebug>=1) {
	   error('d',&where,">>'%n'->tdef()%t returning",this,tp);
	   error('d',&where,"   lex_level %d tpdef%t",lex_level,tpdef);
	return n;

Pname name::tname(TOK csu)
	"csu" "this" seen, return typedef'd name for "this"
	return	(TNAME,x)-tp->(COBJ/EOBJ,y)-b_name->(NAME,z)-tp->(csue)
	char* s = 0;
	bit nt = 0;
	switch (base) {
	case TNAME:
		return this;
	case NAME:
	{	Pname tn = insert_type(this,Ctbl,csu);//SYM
		Pname on = new name;
		tn->base = TNAME;
		tn->lex_level = lex_level;
		//SYM tn->n_list = n_list = 0;
		n_list = 0;
		string = tn->string;
		*on = *this;
		switch (csu) {
		case ENUM:
			tn->tp = new basetype(EOBJ,on);
			on->tp = new enumdef(0);
			Penum(on->tp)->string = tn->string;
			Penum(on->tp)->lex_level = tn->lex_level;
			Penum(on->tp)->in_class = ccl;
			Penum(on->tp)->e_strlen = strlen(tn->string);
		case CLASS:
		case STRUCT:
		case UNION:
			on->tp =  new classdef(csu);
			s = Pclass(on->tp)->string = tn->string;
			Pclass(on->tp)->lex_level = lex_level;
			//SYM allocate k_tbl here instead of in PUSH_CLAA_SCOPE
			//SYM to avoid problems with forward refs to template
			//SYM class defs
			Pclass(on->tp)->k_tbl = new ktable(0,0,tn);
			Pclass(on->tp)->k_tbl->k_id = CLASS;
			Pclass(on->tp)->in_class = ccl;
			tn->tp = new basetype(COBJ,on);
			Pbase(tn->tp)->b_table = Pclass(on->tp)->memtbl;
			Pclass(on->tp)->c_strlen = strlen(tn->string);
			error('i',&where,"illegal csu%k for%n in name::tname()",csu,this);
		if ( ccl && lex_level == ccl->lex_level ) {
			on->tp->nested_sig = make_nested_name(string,ccl);
			if (s)
				s = on->tp->nested_sig, nt = 1;
		} else if ( lex_level ) {
			on->tp->local_sig = make_local_name(on->tp,Ctbl->k_name);
			if (s)
				s = on->tp->local_sig;

		if (s && ansi_opt && !templp->in_progress)
			fprintf(out_file, "%s %s%s;\n", csu == UNION || csu == ANON ? "union" : "struct", nt ? "__" : "", s);
		return tn;
		error('i',"tname(%s %d %k)",string,this,base);
		return 0;

int co_hack;
Pname name::normalize(Pbase b, Pblock bl, bit Cast)
	if (bl) : a function definition (check that it really is a type

	if (Cast) : no name string

	for each name on the name list
	invert the declarator list(s) and attatch basetype
	watch out for class object initializers

		struct s { int a; } a;
		struct s { int a; }; struct s a;
	Pname n;
	Pname nn;
	TOK stc;
	bit tpdf;
	bit inli;
	bit virt;
	char * lnkg;
	DB( if(Ndebug>=1) {
	    error('d',"'%n'::normalize(b%t, bl %d, cast %d)",this,b,bl,Cast);
	    error('d',"    tp%k - lex_level %d - bl_level %d",tp?tp->base:0,lex_level,bl_level);
	if (b) {
		stc = b->b_sto;
		tpdf = b->b_typedef;
		inli = b->b_inline;
		virt = b->b_virtual;
		lnkg = b->b_linkage;
	else {
		stc = 0;
		tpdf = 0;
		inli = 0;
		virt = 0;
		lnkg = 0;

	if (inli && stc==EXTERN)  {
		error("both extern and inline");
		inli = 0;

	if ( stc==STATIC && tp && 
  		tp->base == FCT 
		&& Pfct(tp)->f_const ) 
     			error( "%n staticMF cannot be const", this ); 

	if ( stc == FRIEND ) {
//error('d',"norm friend%n tp%t b%t",this,tp,b);
	    if ( tp || (b && (b->base || b->b_name || b->b_xname)) ) {
		// friend dec with type mods -- enter as non type name
  		if ( Ctbl->k_id != CLASS && Ctbl->k_id != TEMPLATE) 
  			error("friend%n not inC",this);
		else if ( n_qualifier == 0 ) {
			//XXXXX currently enter all unqualified
			//XXXXX    friends in Gtbl
			//XXXXX Should eventually enter in enclosing
			//XXXXX    scope, however back end currently
			//XXXXX    doesn't support this, due to lack
			//XXXXX    of context info.
			//XXXXX Commented code below will enter name
			//XXXXX    correctly when back end is brought
			//XXXXX    up to date.
			//Pktab tb = Ctbl->k_next;
			//if ( tb->k_id == TEMPLATE ) tb = tb->k_next;
			lex_level = 0;
	    } else {
		/*	friend x;
			must be handled during syntax analysis to cope with
				class x { friend y; y* p; };
			"y" is not local to "x":
				class x { friend y; ... }; y* p;
			is legal

				typedef void	SIG_TYP(int);
				class x {
					friend class y;
					friend z;
					friend x;		// dumb
					friend int i;		// error
					friend SIG_TYP sigFunc;	// subtle
					friend int f();
					friend g(int);
		if (n_list) {
			error("L of friends");
			n_list = 0;

//error( 'd', "%n ll: %d", ccl, ccl->lex_level );
		lex_level = ccl->lex_level;
		//SYM k_find_name should have failed for visible tname...
		Pname nx = k_find_name(string,Ctbl->k_next,0);//SYM
		if ( nx && nx->base==NAME ) {
			error(&where,"illegal friendD:F signature required for nonTN%n",nx);
			nx = nx->n_hidden;//SYM
		if ( nx == 0 ) {//SYM
			//XXXXX currently enter all unqualified
			//XXXXX    friends in Gtbl
			//XXXXX Should eventually enter in enclosing
			//XXXXX    scope, however back end currently
			//XXXXX    doesn't support this, due to lack
			//XXXXX    of context info.
			//XXXXX Commented code below will enter name
			//XXXXX    correctly when back end is brought
			//XXXXX    up to date.
			Pktab otbl = Ctbl;
			Pclass occl = ccl;
			if ( Ctbl->k_id != CLASS && Ctbl->k_id != TEMPLATE )
				error("friend%n not inC",this);
			Ctbl = Gtbl;
			lex_level = 0;
			ccl = 0;
			//if ( Ctbl->k_id == CLASS || Ctbl->k_id == TEMPLATE ) {
				// enter in enclosing scope
				//Ctbl = Ctbl->k_next;
				//if (Ctbl->k_id == TEMPLATE) Ctbl = Ctbl->k_next;
				//lex_level = ccl->lex_level;
				//ccl = ccl->in_class;
			nx = tname(CLASS);
			Ctbl = otbl;
			ccl = occl;
		if ( nx->n_key == HIDDEN ) //SYM
			error('w',"friend%n referring to hiddenTN",this);//SYM
//error('d',"friend%n --%k%t tbl %s",nx,nx->base,nx->tp,nx->n_ktable->whereami());
//error('d',"   tbase%k",nx->tp->base);
		n_sto = FRIEND;
		tp = nx->tp;
		return this;
	} // if friend
	if (tp  			// FUDGE: fix the bad grammar
	&& tp->base==FCT
	&& (n_oper==TNAME || Pfct(tp)->returns)) {
		Pfct f = Pfct(tp);
		Pfct f2 = Pfct(f->returns);

		if (f2) {
			Ptype pt;
			Ptype t = f2;
			switch (t->base) {
			case RPTR:
			case PTR:	// x(* p)(args) ?
			case VEC:	// x(* p[10])(args) ?
				if (pt = Pptr(t)->typ) {
					if (pt->base == TYPE) {
						Pptr(t)->typ = 0;
						b = Pbase(pt);
					else {
						t = pt;
						goto lxlx;
				goto zse1;
			case FCT:
			{//	Pexpr e = f2->argtype;
				Pexpr e = Pfct(f)->argtype;
				if  (e && e->base==ELIST) { // get the real name; fix its type
					if (e->e2 || e->e1->base!=DEREF) goto zse1;
					Pexpr ee = e->e1;
					Ptype t = 0;
					Ptype tpx;
					switch (ee->base) {
					case DEREF:
					{	Ptype tt = (ee->e2) ? Ptype(new vec(0,ee->e2)) : Ptype (new ptr(PTR,0));
						if (t)
							Pptr(t)->typ = tt;
							tpx = tt;
						t = tt;
						ee = ee->e1;
						goto ldld;
					case NAME:
					{	Pname rn = Pname(ee);
						{ Pname btn = k_find_name(string,Ctbl,0);//SYM
						  b=new basetype(TYPE,btn);//SYM
						f->returns = tpx;
						n_oper = 0;
						string = rn->string;
						base = NAME;

	if (b == 0) {
		error("BTX for %s",string);
		b = Pbase(defa_type);
	if (Cast) string = "";
	b = b->check(this);

	switch (b->base) {	//	separate class definitions
				//	from object and function type declarations
	case COBJ:
		nn = b->b_name;
		if ( !Cast && Pclass(nn->tp)->c_body==2) {
			/* first occurrence */
//error('d',"%n   c_body==2",nn);
			if ( stc == FRIEND ) {
			    Pclass cl = Pclass(nn->tp);
			    if ( cl->csu == ANON )
				error( &nn->where, "friend anonymous union");
				error( &nn->where, "%k%n defined in friendD",cl->csu,nn);
			if (tp && tp->base==FCT && co_hack == 0) {
				error(&this->where,"%k%n defined as returnT for%n (did you forget a ';' after '}' ?)",Pclass(nn->tp)->csu,nn,this);
				nn = this;
			nn->n_list = this;
			Pclass(nn->tp)->c_body = 1;	/* other occurences */
			nn = this;
	case EOBJ:
		nn = b->b_name;
		if (Penum(nn->tp)->e_body==2) {
			if (tp && tp->base==FCT) {
				error(&this->where,"enum%n defined as returnT for%n (did you forget a ';'?)",nn,this);
				nn = this;
			nn->n_list = this;
			Penum(nn->tp)->e_body = 1;
		else {
			Penum en = Penum(nn->tp);
			if ( en->defined == 0 ) 
				error( "forwardD of enum%n", nn );
			en->e_type = int_type; 
			nn = this;
		nn = this;

//error('d',&where,"name::normalize: nn%n ll %d   nn %d this %d",nn,nn->lex_level,nn,this);
	Pname nx; 
	Ptype btyp;

	if(b->base==TYPE && b->b_const)
		btyp = b->mkconst();
		btyp = b;

	for (n=this; n; n=nx) {
		Ptype t = n->tp;
		nx = n->n_list;
		n->n_sto = stc;

		if (n->base == TNAME) error('i',"redefinition ofTN%n",n);

		if (t == 0) {
			if (bl == 0) {
				n->tp = t = btyp;
				goto skipp;
			else {
				if ( n->base == NAME && n->n_oper )
					error(&n->where,"illegalD of%n",n);
					error(&n->where,"body of nonF%n",n);
				t = new fct(0,0,0);

		switch (t->base) {
		case PTR:
		case RPTR:
			n->tp = Pptr(t)->normalize(btyp);
		case VEC:
			n->tp = Pvec(t)->normalize(btyp);
		case FCT:
			n->tp = Pfct(t)->normalize(btyp);
		case FIELD:
			if (n->string == 0) n->string = make_name('F');
			n->tp = t;

			bit cft = 0;
			Ptype tb = btyp->skiptypedefs(cft);

			switch (tb->base) {
			case CHAR:
			case SHORT:
			case LONG:
			case EOBJ:
			case INT:
//  typedef const unsigned cu_int;
//     struct x { x(); cu_int b1: 2; }

				Pbase(t)->b_fieldtype = Pbase(tb)->b_unsigned ? uint_type : int_type;
				Pbase(t)->b_unsigned = Pbase(tb)->b_unsigned;
				Pbase(t)->b_const = cft;
 			case ANY:
// error('d',"templp->in_progress %d", templp->in_progress);
				if (templp->in_progress)  // T t : 13;
  					Pbase(t)->b_fieldtype = int_type;
				error("non-int field");
				n->tp = defa_type;

		Pfct f = Pfct(n->tp);

		if (f->base != FCT) {
			if (bl) {
				error("body for nonF%n",n);
				n->tp = f = new fct(defa_type,0,0);
			if (inli) error("inline nonF%n",n);
			if (virt) error("virtual nonF%n",n);
			if (tpdf) {
// error('d', "%n->normalize: ccl: %t", this, ccl );
				if (in_arg_list) {
					error("Tdef inA list");

				if (n->n_initializer) {
					error("Ir forTdefN%n",n);
					n->n_initializer = 0;
				// because do_nl_type() can't call tdef()
				//SYM removed stuff

		if ( lnkg ) set_linkage(lnkg);
		f->f_linkage = linkage;
		if ( lnkg ) set_linkage(0);
		// wait and call f->sign() after args are checked

		extern int inline_opt;
		if (inline_opt)
			f->f_inline = (bl && strcmp(n->string, "main") ? 1 : 0);
 			f->f_inline = inli;
//		f->f_inline = inli;
		f->f_is_inline = f->f_inline;
		extern int vcounter;
                f->f_virtual = virt?(vcounter++,VTOK):0;

		if (tpdf) {
			if (f->body = bl) {
				error("Tdef%n { ... }",n);
				f->body = bl = 0;
			if (n->n_qualifier) {
				// typedef T x::f(args);
				// a pointer to member fucntion:
				// equivalent to typedef T x::(f)(args);
				f->memof = Pclass(Pbase(n->n_qualifier->tp)->b_name->tp);
				n->n_qualifier = 0;
			// because do_nl_type() can't call tdef()
			//SYM removed stuff

		if (f->body = bl) continue;

			Check function declarations.
			Look for class object instantiations
			The real ambiguity:		; class x fo();
				is interpreted as an extern function
				declaration NOT a class object with an
				empty initializer
		{	Pname cn = f->returns->is_cl_obj();
                        Ptype template_formal_type;
			bit clob = (cn || cl_obj_vec);

			if (f->argtype) { /* check argument/initializer list */
				Pname nn;

				for (nn=f->argtype; nn; nn=nn->n_list) {
					if (nn->base != NAME) {
						if (!clob) {
							if ((f->returns->base == TYPE) &&
                                                  	    (Pbase(f->returns)->b_name->n_template_arg == template_type_formal))                                    
                                                		template_formal_type = f->returns;
                                                		goto is_obj;
							//error(&n->where,"ATX for%n",n);
							goto zzz;
						goto is_obj;
					if (nn->tp) goto ok;
				if (!clob) {
				//	error("FALX");
					goto zzz;
				/* it was an initializer: expand to constructor */
				n->tp = f->returns;
				if (f->argtype->base != ELIST) f->f_args = f->argtype = (Pname)new expr(ELIST,(Pexpr)f->argtype,0);
				if ( n->n_initializer ) {
					error(&n->where,"twoIrs for%n",n);
					DEL( ((Pexpr)f->argtype) );
					f->argtype = 0;
				} else {
                                        n->n_initializer = new texpr(VALUE, cn ? cn->tp : template_formal_type, (Pexpr)f->argtype);
				goto ok;
				// ctor-style ilitializer for non class object
				if (f->argtype) {
					n->tp = f->returns;
					if (f->argtype->base == ELIST) {
					    if ( f->argtype->e2 == 0 ) {
						// int i(x)
						f->argtype = (Pname)f->argtype->e1;
					    } else { // int i( x, y )
						error("more than oneA for basicTIr");
						for ( Pexpr e = f->argtype;  e->e2->e2;  e = e->e2 )
							e->base = CM;
						e->base = CM;
						e->e2 = e->e2->e1;
					if ( n->n_initializer ) {
						error(&n->where,"twoIrs for%n",n);
						DEL( ((Pexpr)f->argtype) );
						f->argtype = 0;
					} else {
                                        	n->n_initializer = (Pexpr)f->argtype;
					goto ok;
			else {	/* T a(); => function declaration */
				if (clob) {
					n->tp = f->returns;
	return nn;

Ptype vec::normalize(Ptype vecof)
	Ptype t = typ;
	typ = vecof;

	while(vecof->base == TYPE)
		vecof = Pbase(vecof)->b_name->tp;
	switch (vecof->base) {
	case RPTR:
			error("array ofRs");
	case FCT:
			error("array ofFs");
	case VOID:
			error("array of void");

	if (t == 0) return this;

	switch (t->base) {
	case PTR:
	case RPTR:	return Pptr(t)->normalize(this);
	case VEC:	return Pvec(t)->normalize(this);
	case FCT:	return Pfct(t)->normalize(this);
	default:	error('i',"bad arrayT(%d)",t->base); return 0;


Ptype ptr::normalize(Ptype ptrto)
//	if (this == 0) error('i',"0->ptr.normalize()");
	Ptype t = typ;
	typ = ptrto;

	int bc = 0;
	while (ptrto->base == TYPE) {
		bc += Pbase(ptrto)->b_const;
		ptrto = Pbase(ptrto)->b_name->tp;

	switch (ptrto->base) {
	case FCT:
		if (memof)
			if (Pfct(ptrto)->memof) {
				if (!same_class(memof,Pfct(ptrto)->memof)) error("P toMF mismatch: %s and %s",memof->string, Pfct(ptrto)->memof->string);
				Pfct(ptrto)->memof = memof;
			memof = Pfct(ptrto)->memof;
	case RPTR:
		switch (base) {
		case PTR:	error("P toR"); break;
		case RPTR:	error("R toR"); break;
	case VOID:
			error("R to void");

	if (t == 0) {
		Pbase b = Pbase(ptrto);
		if (Pfctvec_type
		&& b_const==0
		&& b->b_unsigned==0
		&& b->b_const==0
		&& bc == 0
		&& memof==0 && ptname==0
		&& base==PTR) {
			switch (b->base) {
			case INT:	delete this;	return Pint_type;
			case CHAR:	delete this;	return Pchar_type;
			case VOID:	delete this;	return Pvoid_type;
		return this;

	switch (t->base) {
	case PTR:
	case RPTR:	return Pptr(t)->normalize(this);
	case VEC:	return Pvec(t)->normalize(this);
	case FCT:	return Pfct(t)->normalize(this);
	default:	error('i',"badPT(%k)",t->base); return 0;

Ptype fct::normalize(Ptype ret)
	normalize return type
	register Ptype t = returns;
	returns = ret;

	if (argtype && argtype->base==NAME && argtype->n_qualifier) {
		error("syntax: ANX");
		argtype = 0;
		nargs = 0;
		nargs_known = 0;

	while(ret->base == TYPE)
		ret = Pbase(ret)->b_name->tp;

	switch(ret->base) {
	case VEC:
		error("F returning array");
	case FCT:
		error("F returningF");
//error('d',"t %d%k%t",t,t->base,t);
		returns = ret = any_type;

	if (t == 0) return this;

	switch (t->base) {
	case PTR:
	case RPTR:	return Pptr(t)->normalize(this);
	case VEC:	return Pvec(t)->normalize(this);
	case FCT:	return Pfct(t)->normalize(this);
	default:	error('i',"badFT:%k",t->base); return 0;

void fct::argdcl(Pname dcl, Pname fn)
	sort out the argument types for old syntax:
			f(a,b) int a; char b; { ... }
	beware of
			f(a) struct s { int a; }; struct s a;
	Pname n;
/*fprintf(stderr,"%d argtype %d %d dcl %d %d\n",this, argtype, argtype?argtype->base:0, dcl, dcl?dcl->base:0); fflush(stderr);*/
	switch (base) {
	case FCT:	break;
	case ANY:	return;
	default:	error('i',"fct::argdcl(%d)",base);

	if (argtype) {
		switch (argtype->base) {
		case NAME:
			if (dcl) error("badF definition syntax");
			for (n=argtype; n; n=n->n_list) {
				if (n->string == 0) n->string = make_name('A');
		case ELIST:	// expression list:	f(a,b,c) int a; ... { ... }
				// scan the elist and build a NAME list
			Pname tail = 0;
			n = 0;

			error(strict_opt?0:'w',&fn->where,"old style definition of%n (anachronism)",fn);

			for (Pexpr e=Pexpr(argtype); e; e=e->e2) {
				Pexpr id = e->e1;
				if (id->base != NAME) {
					error("NX inAL");
					argtype = 0;
					dcl = 0;
				Pname nn = new name(id->string);
				if (n)
					tail = tail->n_list = nn;
					tail = n = nn;
			f_args = argtype = n;
			argtype = 0;
			dcl = 0;
	else if(nargs_known == ELLIPSIS) {
	else {
		nargs_known = 1;
		nargs = 0;
		if (dcl) error("ADL forFWoutAs");

//	nargs_known = 0;

	if (dcl) {
		Pname d;
		Pname dx;
		/*	for each  argument name see if its type is specified
			in the declaration list otherwise give it the default type

		for (n=argtype; n; n=n->n_list) {
			char* s = n->string;
			if (s == 0) {
				error("AN missing inF definition");
				n->string = s = make_name('A');
			else if (n->tp) error("twoTs forA %s",n->string);

			for (d=dcl; d; d=d->n_list) {
				if (strcmp(s,d->string) == 0) {
					if (d->tp && d->tp->base == VOID) {
						d->tp = any_type;
					n->tp = d->tp;
					n->n_sto = d->n_sto;
					d->tp = 0;	// now merged into argtype
					goto xx;
			n->tp = defa_type;
			if (n->tp == 0) error("noT for %s",n->string);
		/*	now scan the declaration list for "unused declarations"
			and delete it
		for (d=dcl; d; d=dx) {
			dx = d->n_list;
			if (d->tp) {	/* not merged with argtype list */
				/*if (d->base == TNAME)  ??? */
				switch (d->tp->base) {
				case CLASS:
				case ENUM:
					/* WARNING: this will reverse the order of
					   class and enum declarations
					d->n_list = argtype;
					f_args = argtype = d;
					 error("%n inADL not inAL",d);

	/* add default argument types if necessary */
	for (n=argtype; n; n=n->n_list) {
		if (n->tp == 0) n->tp = defa_type;

Pname cl_obj_vec;	/* set if is_cl_obj() found a array of class objects */
Pname eobj;		/* set if is_cl_obj() found an enum */

Pname type::is_cl_obj()
	returns this->b_name if this is a class object
	returns 0 and sets cl_obj_vec to this->b_name
		if this is a array of class objects
	returns 0 and sets eobj to this->b_name
		if this is an enum object
	else returns 0
	bit v = 0;
	register Ptype t = this;

	if (t == 0) return 0;
	eobj = 0;
	cl_obj_vec = 0;
	switch (t->base) {
	case TYPE:
		t = Pbase(t)->b_name->tp;
		goto xx;

	case COBJ:
		if (v) {
			cl_obj_vec = Pbase(t)->b_name;
			return 0;
			return Pbase(t)->b_name;

	case VEC:
		t = Pvec(t)->typ;
		goto xx;

	case EOBJ:
		eobj = Pbase(t)->b_name;
		return 0;

/* //SYM
 * parsing table lookup
static int
k_has_base( Pclass c1, Pclass c2, TOK& t )
/* true if c2 is an ancestor of c1
 * t indicates whether derivation is virtual
	if  ( c1 == 0 || c2 == 0 ) error('i',"k_has_base(%d,%d,...)",c1,c2);
	for ( Pbcl b = c1->baselist;  b;  b = b->next ) {
		TOK v;
		t = b->base;
		if ( same_class(b->bclass,c2) ) return 1;
		if ( k_has_base(b->bclass,c2,v) ) {
			if ( v==VIRTUAL ) t = VIRTUAL;
			return 1;
	t = 0;
	return 0;

static Pname
k_find_in_base( char* s, Pclass cl, Pclass &acl, TOK k )
/* find s in class cl or one of its ancestors
 * (for consistency, may convert to using stuff in find.c...)
DB(if(Kdebug>=3)error('d',"k_find_in_base( %s, %t, ...,%k)",s,cl,k););
	// look in base classes; check for dominance
	Pname n = 0;
	Pname n2 = 0;
	Pclass ncl = 0, n2cl = 0; // init to avoid warnings
	for (Pbcl b=cl->baselist; b; b=b->next) {
		if ( strcmp(s,b->bclass->string) == 0 ) {
		    n = b->bclass->k_tbl->find_cn(s);
		    ncl = b->bclass;
		else if ( (n = b->bclass->k_tbl->look(s,0)) != 0 )
		    ncl = b->bclass;
		    n = k_find_in_base( s, b->bclass, ncl, k );
		if ( n == 0 ) continue;
		if ( n2 ) {
		    // multiple defs from base classes
		    // Note: error diagnostics for ambiguous
		    //        refs are printed by find.c
		    // To print them here would require knowledge of
		    // type/storage class for each name, in addition
		    // to virtual derivation.
		    // This code is only used to select the right name
		    // for parsing purposes and should match the name
		    // selection in find.c.
		    //XXXXX find.c should also be extended to handle member
		    //XXXXX types
		    TOK t;
		    if ( !same_class(ncl,n2cl) ) {
			// check for dominance
			//if ( k_has_base(ncl,n2cl,t) ) {
			//    ;// n dominates n2; save n
			//} else
			if ( k_has_base(n2cl,ncl,t) ) {
			    // n2 dominates n; discard n
			    n = n2;
			    ncl = n2cl;
		n2 = n;
		n2cl = ncl;
	if ( n ) {
		acl = ncl;
		return n;
	acl = n2cl;
	return n2;

k_find_name(char* s, Pktab tbl, TOK k )
/* parse table lookup
DB(if(Kdebug>=3)error('d',"k_find_name( %s, %s,%k)",s,tbl->whereami(),k););
	if ( tbl == 0 ) return 0;
	Pname n;
	if ( tbl->k_id == CLASS ) {
		if ( tbl->k_name == 0 ) error('i',"C table with noN");
		if ( strcmp(s,tbl->k_name->string) == 0 )
			n = tbl->find_cn(s);
		else {
			Pclass cl = tbl->k_name->tp->classtype();
			n = cl->k_tbl->look(s,0);
	} else
		n = tbl->look( s, 0 );
	if ( n && k == HIDDEN && n->base != TNAME ) n = n->n_hidden;
DB(if(Kdebug>=3) {
if(n) error('d',"found%n base%k tp%t in %s",n,n->base,n->tp,n->n_ktable->whereami());
else error('d',"%s not found in %s",s,tbl->whereami());
	if ( n ) return n;

	// look in enclosing scope
	// optimization: table::look already looked through containing
	//    blocks and global or first enclosing class scope
	while ( tbl && tbl->k_id == BLOCK ) tbl = tbl->k_next;
	if ( tbl == Gtbl ) return 0;
	if ( tbl->k_id == CLASS ) {
		if ( tbl->k_name == 0 ) error('i',"C table with noN");
		Pclass cl = tbl->k_name->tp->classtype(), acl;
		n = k_find_in_base(s,cl,acl,k);
	} else // template/arg ???
		n = tbl->look(s,0);
	if ( n && k == HIDDEN && n->base != TNAME ) n = n->n_hidden;
	if ( n ) return n;

	// still failed -- look in next enclosing scope
	tbl = tbl->k_next;
	goto recurse; //return tbl ? k_find_name(s,tbl,k) : 0;
k_find_member(char* s, Pclass cl, TOK k )
/* parse table lookup
DB(if(Kdebug>=3)error('d',"k_find_member( %s, %s,%k)",s,cl->string,k););
	Pktab tbl = cl->k_tbl;
	Pname n;
	if ( tbl->k_id != CLASS ) error('i',"C tableX for%t!",cl);
	if ( strcmp(s,cl->string) == 0 )
		n = tbl->find_cn(s);
		n = tbl->look(s,0);
	if ( n && k == HIDDEN && n->base != TNAME ) n = n->n_hidden;
DB(if(Kdebug>=3) {
if(n) error('d',"found%n base%k tp%t in %s",n,n->base,n->tp,n->n_ktable->whereami());
else error('d',"%s not found in %s",s,tbl->whereami());
	if ( n ) return n;
	// look in base classes
	Pclass acl;
	n = k_find_in_base(s,cl,acl,k);
	if ( n && k == HIDDEN && n->base != TNAME ) n = n->n_hidden;
DB(if(Kdebug>=3) {
if(n) error('d',"found%n base%k tp%t in %s",n,n->base,n->tp,n->n_ktable->whereami());
else error('d',"%s not found in bases of %s",s,tbl->whereami());
	return n;

//SYM -- table insertion routines...
insert_name( Pname nn, Pktab tbl )
/* insert non type name into parsing table
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"insert_name( nn%n, tbl(%d) %s )",nn,tbl,tbl->whereami()););
	Pname nx = k_find_name(nn->string,tbl,0);
	if ( nx && nx->n_ktable == tbl ) {
	    if ( nx->base == TNAME ) {
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d'," -- hiding%n tp%t",nx,nx->tp););
		if ( nx->tp
		&&   nx->tp->base != COBJ
		&&   nx->tp->base != EOBJ ) {
		nx->n_key = HIDDEN;
		Pname ny = tbl->insert(nn,0);
		if ( Nold ) error("hiddenTN%n inserted twice",nx);
		else ny->n_hidden = nx;
		nx = ny;
	    } else { // non-type name nx already exists in tbl
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d'," -- nonTN%n already exists",nx););
		; // error handled later
	} else { // nn not in current table
	    Pname ny = tbl->insert(nn,0);
	    if ( nx && nx->base != TNAME )
		nx = nx->n_hidden;
	    ny->n_hidden = nx;
	    nx = ny;
	return nx;
insert_type( Pname nn, Pktab tbl, TOK tcsue )
/* insert new type name into tbl
 * if another type name tn already exists, error
 * if a non type name already exists, enter class/enum as hidden
	// type names defined in arg lists are entered in surrounding scope
	// friends are entered in scope enclosing class
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"insert_type( nn%n, tbl(%d) %s, tcsue%k )",nn,tbl,tbl->whereami(),tcsue););
	if ( tbl->k_id == ARG ) {
		// types defined in arg lists are entered in surrounding scope
		do tbl = tbl->k_next; while ( tbl->k_id == ARG );
		if ( tbl->k_id == TEMPLATE ) tbl = tbl->k_next;
	if ( tbl->k_id == CLASS ) {
	    if ( ccl == 0 ) error('i',&nn->where,"insert_type(%n) -- no ccl for class table!",nn);
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d'," -- real tbl %d %s",tbl,tbl->whereami()););

	Pname nx = k_find_name( nn->string, tbl, 0 );
	if ( nx && nx->n_ktable == tbl ) {
	    Nold = 0;
	    if ( nx->base == TNAME ) {
		Nold = 1;
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"TN%n redefined in same scope",nx););
	    } else { // nx is a non-type name in current table -- hide new type
		if ( tcsue == TYPE ) {
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"%n redefined asTdef",nx););
		Pname ny = tbl->insert(nn,HIDDEN);
		if ( Nold ) { // previous hidden tname
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"hiddenTN%n redefined in same scope",nx););
		} else { ny->n_hidden = nx->n_hidden; nx->n_hidden = ny;
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"new, hiddenTN%n",nx););
		nx = ny;
	} else { // nn not in current table
	    Pname ny = tbl->insert(nn,0);
	    ny->n_hidden = nx;
	    nx = ny;
DB(if(Kdebug>=2)error('d',"new, unhiddenTN%n",nx););
	nx->base = TNAME;
	return nx;

	if ( this == 0 ) return "NULL TABLE!!!";
	else if ( k_id==ARG ) return "arg scope";
	else if ( this==Gtbl ) return "global scope";
	else if ( k_id==BLOCK ) return "block scope";
	else if ( k_id==TEMPLATE ) return "template scope";
	else if ( k_name ) return k_name->string;
	else return "??? scope";
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