File contents
/*ident "@(#)cls4:tools/demangler/osrc/demangle.c 1.3" */
C++ source for the C++ Language System, Release 3.0. This product
is a new release of the original cfront developed in the computer
science research center of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
Copyright (c) 1993 UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 AT&T and UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1984, 1989, 1990 AT&T. All Rights Reserved.
Laboratories, Inc. The copyright notice above does not evidence
any actual or intended publication of such source code.
* C++ Demangler Source Code
#include <ctype.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#if __STDC__ == 1
# include <stdlib.h>
extern long strtol();
#include "elf_dem.h"
#include "String.h"
#define eqop(str) (*(str)=='o' && (*((str)+1)=='p'))
#define eq__(str) (*(str)=='_' && (*((str)+1)=='_'))
#define eqt__(str) (*(str)=='t' && (*((str)+1)=='_') && (*((str)+2)=='_'))
/* The variable "hold" contains the pointer to the array initially
* handed to demangle. It is returned if it is not possible to
* demangle the string. NULL is returned if a memory allocation
* problem is encountered. Thus one can do the following:
* char *mn = "Some mangled name";
* char *dm = mangle(mn);
* if (dm == NULL)
* printf("allocation error\n");
* else if (dm == mn)
* printf("name could not be demangled\n");
* else
* printf("demangled name is: %s\n",dm);
static char *hold;
/* this String is the working buffer for the demangle
* routine. A pointer into this String is returned
* from demangle when it is possible to demangle the
* String. For this reason, the pointer should not
* be saved between calls of demangle(), nor freed.
static String *s = 0;
static int
char **c;
return strtol(*c, c, 10);
/* If a mangled name has a __
* that is not at the very beginning
* of the string, then this routine
* is called to demangle that part
* of the name. All overloaded functions,
* and class members fall into this category.
* c should start with two underscores followed by a non-zero digit or an F.
static char *
char *c;
int n;
int ncl,nchar;
int const_flag = 0;
return hold;
c += 2;
if (!(isdigit(*c) || *c == 'F' || *c == 'Q'))
return hold;
if (isdigit(*c)) {
int clen = -1;
/* a member */
n = getint(&c);
if (n == 0 || (clen=strlen(c)) < n)
return hold;
s = prep_String("::",2,s);
s = nprep_String(c,clen,s,n);
c += n;
else if(*c == 'Q') {
String *tmp;
if (!isdigit(c[1]) || c[2] != '_') return hold;
tmp = mk_String(0);
ncl = c[1] - 48;
c += 3;
tmp = set_String(tmp,"",0);
while (ncl--) {
nchar = 0;
while(isdigit(*c)) nchar = 10*nchar + (*c++ - 48);
tmp = napp_String(tmp,c,strlen(c),nchar);
tmp = app_String(tmp,"::",2);
c += nchar;
s = prep_String(PTR(tmp),strlen(PTR(tmp)),s);
while (*c == 'S' || *c == 'C') {
if(*c == 'S') {
if(*c == 'C') {
const_flag = 1;
if(*c == 'F') {
/* an overloaded function */
switch (*++c) {
case '\0':
return hold;
case 'v':
s = app_String(s,"()",2);
if(doargs(&s,c) < 0)
return hold;
if ( const_flag ) {
s = app_String(s," const",6);
return PTR(s);
/* on entry: clen==strlen(c), or <0
static char *no_pt_demangle_withlen(c, clen)
char *c;
int clen;
register int i = 0;
register int ncl,nchar;
extern jmp_buf jbuf;
if (setjmp(jbuf))
return 0;
hold = c;
s = mk_String(s);
s = set_String(s,"",0);
if(c == 0 || *c == 0)
return hold;
if(!eq__(c)) {
/* If a name does not begin with a __
* but it does contain one, it is either
* a member or an overloaded function.
while (1) {
while(c[i] && !eq__(c+i))
if (c[i]) {
/* Advance to first non-underscore */
while (c[i+2] == '_')
if (strncmp(c+i, "__pt__", 6) != 0) break;
i += 6;
if(eq__(c+i)) {
/* Copy the simple name */
s = napp_String(s,c,clen,i);
/* Process the signature */
return second(c+i);
} else
return hold;
} else {
char *x;
int oplen;
c += 2;
clen -= 2;
/* For automatic variables, or internal static
* variables, a __(number) is prepended to the
* name. If this is encountered, strip this off
* and return.
if(isdigit(*c)) {
return c;
if(*c == 'Q') {
ncl = c[1] - 48;
c += 3;
while (ncl--) {
nchar = 0;
nchar = 10*nchar + (*c++ - 48);
s = napp_String(s,c,strlen(c),nchar);
if (ncl) s = app_String(s,"::",2);
c += nchar;
return PTR(s);
/* Handle operator functions -- this
* automatically calls second, since
* all operator functions are overloaded.
if(x = findop(c, &oplen)) {
s = app_String(s,"operator",8);
s = app_String(s,x,-1);
c += oplen;
return second(c);
/* Operator cast does not fit the mould
* of the other operators. Its type name
* is encoded. The cast function must
* take a void as an argument.
if(eqop(c)) {
int r;
s = app_String(s,"operator ",9);
c += 2;
r = doarg(&s,c);
if(r < 0)
return hold;
c += r;
return second(c);
/* Constructors and Destructors are also
* a special case of operator name. Note
* that the destructor, while overloaded,
* must always take the same arguments --
* none.
if ((*c == 'c' || *c == 'd') && eqt__(c+1)) {
int n;
char *c2 = c+2;
char cx = c[0];
c += 4;
clen -= 4;
n = getint(&c);
if(n == 0)
return hold;
s = napp_String(s,c,clen,n);
if(cx == 'd')
s = prep_String("~",1,s);
return second(c2);
return hold;
* this function finds the first occurrence of __pt__ in
* the string. It returns 0 if __pt__ is not found.
static char *find_pt(p)
char *p;
while (*p) {
while (*p && *p != '_') p++;
if (*p != '_') return (0);
if (strncmp(p, "__pt__", 6) == 0) {
return (p);
return (0);
static String *val1, *val2;
static String *arglist;
static char *demangle_ptstuff(c)
char *c;
char *retval;
char *p, *q;
char *argsptr;
int count;
int arglen;
int savec;
p = find_pt(c);
if (p == 0) {
return (c);
val1 = mk_String(val1);
val1 = set_String(val1,"",0);
val1 = app_String(val1,c,p-c);
arglist = mk_String(arglist);
while (1) {
q = find_pt(p);
if (q == 0) break;
val1 = app_String(val1,p,q-p); /* append all of the chars
up to the __pt__ */
p = q + 6; /* advance past the __pt__ */
/* see if this is a parameterized function */
if (*p == 'F') {
arglen = strtol(p, &p, 10);
p += arglen;
/* now demangle the PT argument list */
/* first get the number of characters in the arglist */
arglen = strtol(p, &p, 10);
/* next get ready to call doargs */
savec = p[arglen];
p[arglen] = '\0';
arglist = set_String(arglist,"",0);
count = doargs(&arglist,p+1);
/* replace the parentheses with angle brackets */
argsptr = PTR(arglist);
argsptr[0] = '<';
argsptr[strlen(argsptr)-1] = '>';
val1 = app_String(val1,argsptr,strlen(argsptr));
/* cleanup */
p[arglen] = savec;
p += arglen;
if (p != 0 && strlen(p) > 0) {
val1 = app_String(val1,p,strlen(p));
retval = PTR(val1);
p = find_pt(retval);
if (p == 0) {
return (retval);
else {
/* we need to pt-demangle again */
val2 = mk_String(val2);
val2 = set_String(val2,retval,strlen(retval));
retval = PTR(val2);
return (demangle_ptstuff(retval));
char *demangle_withlen(c, clen)
char *c;
int clen;
char *retval, *p;
retval = no_pt_demangle_withlen(c, clen);
p = find_pt(retval);
if (p == 0) {
return (retval);
else {
return (demangle_ptstuff(retval));
char *demangle(c)
char *c;
return demangle_withlen(c, strlen(c));