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by Paul McJones last modified 2019-06-24 19:49


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"The EULISP group first met in September 1985 at IRCAM in Paris to discuss the idea of a new dialect of Lisp, which should be less constrained by the past than Common Lisp and less minimalist than Scheme. ... The following people (in alphabetical order) have contributed in various ways to the evolution of the language: Giuseppe Attardi, Javiere Béjar, Russell Bradford, Harry Bretthauer, Peter Broadbery, Christopher Burdorf, Jérôme Chailloux, Thomas Christaller, Jeff Dalton, Klaus Däßler, Harley Davis, David DeRoure, John Fitch, Richard Gabriel, Brigitte Glas, Nicolas Graube, Dieter Kolb, Jürgen Kopp, Antonio Moreno, Eugen Neidl, Pierre Parquier, Keith Playford, Willem van der Poel, Christian Queinnec, Enric Sesa, Herbert Stoyan, and Richard Tobin. ... – Julian Padget and Greg Nuyens, editors." [From Foreword, Programming Language EuLisp, version 0.99]

Source code

  • EuLisp archives. Definition, source code, mailing list archives, etc. Online at - Online at
  • Julian Padget, Russell Bradford, and Duncan Batey. FEEL (Free and Eventually EuLisp).
  • Euscheme. A simple EuLisp Level 0 interpreter.
  • Andreas Kind, Julian Padget and Keith Playford. Youtoo. A public domain implementation of EuLisp.

    "[What is youtoo?] The youtoo system is a public domain implementation of the object-oriented dynamic programming language EuLisp. EuLisp is a single-valued dialect of Lisp with an integrated object system, a defined meta-object protocol, modules and a simple light-weight process mechanism (threads).

    The youtoo compiler/interpreter compiles EuLisp into C-embedded virtual machine code which can be statically or dynamically linked with the virtual machine, the conservative garbage collector, the EuLisp language library and arbitrary other Lisp and foreign code (C, C++, Fortran, Pascal). Resulting stand-alone executables are portable, interoperable and efficient (see The Lisp Performance Page). The language implementation is extended towards a Virtual Multicomputer Architecture (see Denton and VIM Projects). Object serialization and inter-process communication (via Sockets, MPI, Harvest Object Cache) support the migration of arbitrary data and code." ["youtoo" at]

  • Telos. The EuLisp Object System. "Telos was designed after CLOS, and after the CLOS MOP and integrates directly as part of the language so there is no type versus class distinction, as in CLOS." Implementations exist for EuLisp, EuScheme, and Common Lisp. Dr. E. Ulrich Kriegel. Apply/Eu2C. EuLisp->C compiler. Fraunhofer Institute for Software Engineering and Systems Engineering (FhG ISST), Kurstrasse 33, D-10117 Berlin, FRG.

    "Eu2C runs on top of Franz Allegro CL [Common Lisp (!)] 4.1 and compiles EuLisp-Modules into C source code which then must be compiled by an ANSI C-compiler (currently only GCC is supported)." [CMU AI Repository]

  • Henry G. Weller. EuLisp github repository. Resurrection of the EuLisp definition and the Youtoo, EuXLisp and Eu2C implementations, circa 2011. Online at

    "This version of the EuLisp definition and Youtoo, EuXLisp and Eu2C implementations are being developed in an attempt to reconcile the differences with the ultimate aim to create a consistent definition and implementations which are as close to EuLisp-1.0 as is possible to ascertain from the remaining documents related to the standardisation process."


  • Julian Padget and Greg Nuyens, editors. The EuLisp Definition. Version 0.7.5, June 10, 1991. PDF
  • Julian Padget and Greg Nuyens, editors. Programming Language EuLisp. Version 0.95, September 1992. PDF
  • Julian Padget and Greg Nuyens, editors. Programming Language EuLisp. Version 0.99, August 1993. PDF
  • Julian Padget, Russell Bradford, and Duncan Batey. FEEL: An Implementation of EuLisp. Version 0.92, Concurrent Processing Research Group, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, United Kingdom, April 19, 1994. PDF
  • Julian Padget. EuLisp FAQ. HTML at
  • Jeff Dalton. EuLisp. HTML at via



  • H. Stoyan, J. Chailloux, J. Fitch, J. T. Krumnack, E. Neidl, J. Padget, G. Attardi, T. Christaller, J. Dalton, M. Devin, B. Lang, R. Lopez de Mantaras, E. Papon, S. Pope, C. Quiennec, L. Steels. Towards a LISP standard. ECAI'86. 7th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Volume 2, pages 46-52. PDF
  • Julian Padget, Jérôme Chailloux, Thomas Christaller, Ramon DeMantaras, Jeff Dalton, Matthieu Devin, John Fitch, Timm Krumnack, Eugen Neidl, Eric Papon, Stephen Pope, Christian Queinnec, Luc Steels, and Herbert Stoyan. Desiderata for the standardization of LISP. Proceedings of 1986 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming, ACM Press, New York, August 1986, pages 54-66. ACM DL
  • Christian Queinnec and Pierre Cointe. An open-ended data representation model for EU_LISP. Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on LISP and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Utah, pages 298-308. ACM DL
  • Julian Padget, Russell Bradford, and John Fitch. Concurrent Object Oriented Processing in Lisp. Computer Journal, Volume 34, Number 4, pages 311-319, August 1991. PDF Online at Oxford Journals
  • H. Bretthauer, Th. Christaller, H. Friedrich, W. Goerigk, W. Heicking, U. Hoffman, D. Hovekamp, H. Knutzen, J. Kopp, E. U. Kriegel, I. Mohr, R. Rosenmüller and F. Simon. Das Verbundvorhaben APPLY: Ein modernes und bedarfsgerechtes LISP. Proceedings KI, June 1992.
  • H. Bretthauer, Th. Christaller, H. Friedrich, W. Goerigk, W. Heicking, U. Hoffman, D. Hovekamp, H. Knutzen, J. Kopp, E. U. Kriegel, I. Mohr, R. Rosenmüller and F. Simon. APPLY: A modern and practical Lisp. Report APPLY/GMD/XIII/6, GMD, 11 August 1992. A revised version of [Bretthauer et al. 1992]. PDF at
  • Julian Padget, Greg Nuyens, and Harry Bretthauer, editors. An Overview of EuLisp. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Number 1-2, 1993, pages 9-98. PDF
  • R. Bradford and D.C. DeRoure. EuLisp in Education. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Number 1-2, pages 99-118. PDF
  • Harry Bretthauer, Jürgen Kopp, Harley Davis, and Keith Playford. Balancing the EuLisp Metaobject Protocol. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Issue 1-2, August 1993, pages 119-138. PDF
  • Peter Broadbery and Christopher Burdorf. Applications of Telos. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Issue 1-2, August 1993, pages 139-158. PDF
  • Andreas Kind and Horst Friedrich. A practical approach to type inference for EuLisp. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Issue 1-2, August 1993, pages 159-176. PDF
  • Neil Berrington, Peter Broadbery, David DeRoure, and Julian Padget. EuLisp Threads: A Concurrency Toolbox. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Issue 1-2, August 1993, pages 177-200. PDF
  • Simon Merrall, Julian Padget. Plurals: A SIMD Extension to EuLisp. Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Volume 6, Issue 1-2, August 1993, pages 201-219. PDF
  • See also: Denton Project Papers. HTML at
  • E. Ulrich Kriegel. A Conservative Garbage Collector for an EuLisp to ASM/C Compiler. OOPSLA'93 Workshop on Garbage Collection and Memory Management, Washington, DC, September 27, 1993. PDF
  • Russell Bradford. An implementation of Telos in Common Lisp. Object Oriented Systems 3, (1996) pages 31–49. PDF at
  • Andreas Kind. An architecture for interpreted dynamic object-oriented languages. Ph.D. thesis, University of Bath, 1998. Concerns technology used in Youtoo. PDF at
  • Harry Bretthauer. Entwurf und Implementierung effizienter Objektsysteme für funktionale und imperative Programmiersprachen am Beispiel von Lisp. Ph.D. thesis, GMD Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, 1999. Concerns Telos. PDF at


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