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Jérôme Chailloux. Le_Lisp version 11 of March 1, 1983. by Paul McJones — last modified 2007-01-02 09:26
Jérôme Chailloux. Le_Lisp version 11 of March 1, 1983. "This version was running on 3 different architectures: 1 - the first Motorola Exormacs workstation based on the 68k CPU and running the VersaDOS Operating System 2 - VAX Unix BSD 3 - SM90, a French workstation based on the 68k and running Unix V7 ("
lelisp11 by Paul McJones — last modified 2007-01-02 09:26
Jérôme Chailloux. Le_Lisp version 12, July 1983. by Paul McJones — last modified 2007-01-02 09:26
Jérôme Chailloux. Le_Lisp version 12, July 1983. "This tar file contains the source of Le_Lisp version 12, aka LeLisp 80, as it was distributed, at the end of July 1983, in high-schools by the French Ministry of Education. The system ran on a lot of different 8080 or Z80 based architectures, with a 16k byte footprint, specifically on: 1 - MDS80 (32K ou 64K) 2 - MOSTEK 80 3 - TRS80 model I level II 4 - SDK80 5 - SORCERER 6 - IMSAI 8080 7 - TRS model II 8 - Heathkit 89 9 - Machine Leblanc 10 - Micral 80 22 G 11 - SILZ (eleanor) 12 - LOGABAX 13 - Micral 90"
lelisp12 by Paul McJones — last modified 2007-01-02 09:26
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